Typical Narrative of A Thriller

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By Tom Baldwin

Linear and non-linear narratives

There is one main type of narrative in thrillers, this being non-linear narratives. Linear
narratives are used in films but not in thrillers as much. These are used in some way in
thriller films making them part of a typical narrative.

Linear narratives are straight

forward normally being in
chronological order. They are simple
to understand for the audience
meaning that these might be used
for simple stories and movies for a
specific age range like under 12s.

Non- linear narratives arent as

straight forward as the linear
narrative. They are normally told out
of order with maybe the ending
starting at the beginning. This
means that it might be confusing for
the viewer as they try to piece
together what events have
happened in order. Some devices
the writer might use to create this
unordered effect would include
flashback or flash forwards.

Some of example of non-linear

Non-linear narratives are the most used of the two in thrillers as the create mystery
straight from the get go with the audience being forced to focus their attention otherwise
the will miss vital information that will help build the story and put in chronological order.
Some examples include:
Sin City
Batman Begins
The Da Vinci Code
Gone Girl
Girl on the Train

Non linear narratives are used to gain the attention of the audience
while keeping it interesting and suspenseful. This is why thriller films
use this type of narrative so much because they know that the
audience will remain interested while they tell a compelling story that
that audience need to piece together like a puzzle. There are other
types of devices that are used to help the non-linear narrative like
enigmas. Enigmas are normally at the beginning of the film, starting it
off with a question or mystery that will be answer throughout the film.

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