General Relativity.
General Relativity.
General Relativity.
GR is Einsteins theory of gravitation that
Curved space-time
Gravitational fields alter the rules of
Principle of Equivalence
A uniform gravitational field in some
Elevator experiment
First: elevator is supported and not
moving, but gravity is present. Equate
forces on the person to ma (=0 since a=0)
Fs - mg = 0 so Fs = mg
Fs gives the weight of the person.
Let upward
forces be
thus gravity
is -g
G = 8T = R 1/2gR
how space is curved
Bending of Light
Einstein said that the warping of spacetime alters the path of light as it passes
near the source of a strong gravitational
field (i.e. photons follow geodesics).
When viewing light from a star, the
position of the star will appear different if
passing near a massive object (like the
= 4GM/bc2
Where is the angle in radians and b is
the distance from light beam to object of
mass M
If b is radius of Sun (7x1010cm), is 8.5x10-6 rad or 1.74 arcseconds
Bent light path also causes a delay in the time for a signal to pass the
Sun. This effect has been measured by bouncing radio waves off
Mercury and Venus as they pass behind the Sun, and observing signals
from solar system space craft. GR effects have been confirmed to an
accuracy of 0.1% using these measurements.
Gravitational Lensing
A large galaxy or cluster can act as
a gravitational lens
light emitted from objects behind
the lens display distortion and
spherical aberration.
Measuring the degree of lensing
can be used to calculate the mass of
the intervening body.
One of the techniques to detect
the presence of dark matter.
Abell 2218
Light waves passing through areas of
different mass density in the
gravitational lens are refracted to
different degrees. Produces double
galaxy images and Einstein Rings (if
observer, lens, and source are aligned
in a specific way).
Gravitational Redshift
A photons wavelength is effected by a
gravitational field
Gravitational potential energy -GMm/r
To determine PE for a photon we assign an
effective mass based on E=mc2
m=E/c2 and since E=hc/ (energy of a photon)
2/1 = ([1-2GM/(r2c2)]/[1-2GM/(r1c2)])1/2
Full GR calculation agrees with approximation in the limit 2GM/(rc 2)<<1
If we let r2 go to infinity and use an approximation for small shifts
2/1 = 1 + GM/r1c2
The wavelength shift due to gravitational redshifting is then
/ = GM/rc2
What gravitational redshift would be measured for spectral lines
originating in the atmosphere of the Sun (in terms of /)?
M = 2 x 1033 g, r = 7 x 1010 cm and G = 6.67 x 10-8 dyn cm2/g2
How about a 1 solar mass compact stellar remnant (white dwarf)
with r = 7x108 cm?
Best cases of measured line shifts due to GR are the white dwarfs
Sirius B (3x10-4) and 40 Eridani (6x10-5)
Gravitational Radiation
Just as accelerated charged
particles give off EM radiation, GR
predicts that certain systems
should emit gravitational radiation.
Massive objects distort spacetime and a moving mass will produce
ripples in spacetime which should be observable (e.g. two orbiting or
colliding stellar remnants (e.g. neutron stars).
LIGO to detect the ripples in space-time
using laser interferometry to measure the
time it takes light to travel between
suspended mirrors. The space-time ripples
cause the distance measured by a light
beam to change as the gravitational wave
passes by.
LISA NASAs version in space!
Black Holes
Stellar remnants of the highest mass
Black Hole
The critical radius at which the escape speed equals the speed
of light is called the Schwarzschild Radius.
The sphere around a Black Hole at the Schwarzschild Radius is
called the event horizon, because no event inside that sphere
can ever be known outside of it.
g(r) = GM/r2
Differentiation yields
dg(r)/dr = -2GM/r3
/ = GM/(rc2)
For animations and descriptions of the event horizon and photon sphere see
T = To/(1-2GM/Rc2)1/2
If the astronaut was your twin sister, after her trip to the
Black Hole
you would be older than her!
(Your clock really would be running faster than hers)
Non-rotating BH