Nterprise Esource Lanning: By: Rahul Gupta
Nterprise Esource Lanning: By: Rahul Gupta
Nterprise Esource Lanning: By: Rahul Gupta
By : Rahul Gupta
• What is ERP?
• ERP Evolution
• Characteristics of ERP Systems
• ERP Market Share
• ERP System – Cost Components ERP
• Advantages
• Disadvantages
• Conclusion
Historical Context of ERP
• Historically, companies created “islands of automation”. A
hodge-podge of various systems that operated or
managed various divergent business processes.
• Sometimes these systems were integrated with each other and
sometimes they weren’t.
• The total organizational costs of maintaining a patchwork of
redundant and overlapping systems has grown over the years to
the point where the cost of maintaining these systems is greater
than installing a new system.
What is ERP?
• It integrates all departments and functions across
a company onto a single computer system that
can serve all those different departments’
particular needs.
Delays, lost orders, keying into different
computer systems invites errors
An example: order fulfillment
• Customization of the ERP software is limited. Some customization may involve changing of
the ERP software structure which is usually not allowed
• ERP systems can be very expensive to install often ranging from 30,000 to 500,000,000 for
multinational companies.
• ERP vendors can charge sums of money for annual license renewal that is unrelated to the
size of the company using the ERP or its profitability.