Batch Processing System, Time-Sharing and Spooling

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Batch Processing System

Time-Sharing Operating System


Batch Processing

In Batch processing same type of jobs batch (BATCH- a set of

jobs with similar needs) together and execute at a time.
The OS was simple, its major task was to transfer control from
one job to the next.
The job was submitted to the computer operator in form of
punch cards. At some later time the output appeared.
Common Input devices were card readers and tape drives.
Common output devices were line printers, tape drives, and card

Batch Processing (Cont)

Users did not interact directly with the computer

systems, but he prepared a job (comprising of the
program, the data, & some control information).


A computer using batch processing can process large

volumes, or batches, of instructions or files sequentially.

Keeps machine busy while programmer thinks

Improves throughput and utilization


User must wait until batch is done for results.

Machine is idle when job is reading from cards and

writing to print.

It is difficult to provide the desired priority scheduling.

Time lost switching between batches.

Time Sharing Systems

Time-sharing refers to sharing a computing

resources among many users by multitasking

Time sharing, or multitasking, is a logical extension of


Multiple jobs are executed by switching the CPU between


In this, the CPU time is shared by different processes, so it is

called as Time sharing Systems.

Examples: Multics, Unix, etc.,


Work directly with the computer and see results


CPU is used most of the time

Lots of users at the same time

Much more expensive to develop
Hard to implement

Time-sharing between process A and

process B


Spooling refers to putting jobs in a buffer, a special area

in memory or on a disk where a device can access them
when it is ready.

Spooling is useful because devices access data at

different rates. The buffer provides a waiting station
where data can rest while the slower device catches up.

The most common spooling application is print spooling.





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