2 - CH 12 Motivation RG
2 - CH 12 Motivation RG
2 - CH 12 Motivation RG
Instinct theory
Arousal theory
E.g., curiosity
Too little stimulation = Boredom
Too much stimulation = Stress
Is this clip an ex of Incentive
Theory? Drive Reduction Theory?
Arousal Theory?
Yerkes-Dodson law
Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
Begins at the base
with needs that must
first be satisfied
before higher-level
needs become active
*Our needs are
Hierarchy of Needs in Ratatouille
Maslow said we have a hierarchy of
Belongingness and love
Issue - How does
this explain why
people go on
hunger strikes?
Cultural factors
Time for tea?
Physiological factors
Hunger pangs accompany contractions of the
Detectors of levels of glucose and fat
Glucostatic hypothesis
Eating depends
Social in part on
situational influences.
the presence of
others accentuates
our typical eating
Achievement Motivation
Humans seem to be motivated to figure out our
world and master skills, sometimes regardless of
the benefits of the skills or knowledge.
Studies involve looking at differences in how
people set and meet personal goals and go about
acquiring new knowledge or skills.
Hormones and Sexual Motivation
Sexual motivation may have evolved to
enable creatures to pass on their
genes. Sexual desire and response is
not as tied to hormone levels in
humans as it is in animals.
Questions to consider:
Who is demonstrating a need to belong?
Social Networking =
Social Connection?
Connecting online can be
seen as taking turns
reading brief words about
each other, or as an
experience of connection
and/or belonging.
Portrayal of ones self
online is often close to
ones actual sense of self.
Use of social networking
can become a compulsion,
sacrificing face-to-face
interaction and in-depth
Another Area of Motivation: Work
Why do we workonly for money and other incentives?
The income from work can indirectly satisfy the drive for
food and shelter.
Some are driven by achievement motivation.
In rare cases, the goals and activities of work can feel
like a calling, a fulfilling and socially useful activity.
Some people may seek the optimal work experience
called flow.
Motivation to Achieve
and Self-Discipline to
Organizational psychologists Achievement in most fields of
work may seem like a
work in part to maximize function of talent; however,
motivation and put it to use Thomas Edison noted that,
for employers. genius is 1 percent
inspiration, 99 percent
Grit refers to a perspiration.
combination of desire Talent itself can be a result of
for achievement and perseverance. According to
the ability/willingness the ten year rule, it takes
to persist at hard work. about ten years of hard
Success in careers and
organizations may be caused work to become a skilled
in part by people with grit, expert in a field.
who stick to a goal when Success in work is predicted
others would have quit. more by self-discipline than
by intelligence test scores.
Satisfaction & Engagement
Employees who are
Employees who are more engaged
satisfied in an (connected, passionate,
organization are likely and energetic) get more
to stay longer. work done.