and Work
by Jim Foley
Obesity is linked to
diabetes, heart
problems, arthritis,
and some cancers.
Is Fat Bad?
Having some body fat is
normal and healthy; fat stores
energy effectively for later use.
Body fat has been seen as a
sign of affluence(rich), and
thus has been considered
Standards vary in different
cultures, sometimes creating
an unhealthy norm of being
overweight or underweight.
Being mildly overweight is not
considered a problem if the
person is in good physical
condition or exercising.
Obesity and Weight
How does obesity develop,
and why is it hard to change? Physiology of Obesity
It was adaptive for our ancestors Once a person is obese,
to crave energy-rich food when losing weight is not so
available. easy as “just eating less.”
Fat has a lower
Problem: energy-rich ‘junk’ metabolic rate then other
food is now easily available, and tissue, so a person might
cheaper than healthy food gain weight when eating
It is adaptive to slow down our “normally.”.
burning of fat when food is scarce.
Problem: in poverty or in crash
diets, our body can slow down
weight loss
Social Psychology of
Discrimination based on Lifestyle Factors and Obesity
weight has been found to be People who are restless and playing
stronger than race and burn off more calories and gain less
gender discrimination. weight than others.
Inadequate sleep causes weight gain,
In one study, actors were despite increased active time, because
seen as less employable of appetite hormones.
when made to look heavier. Having an obese friend relates with
Even children are biased becoming obese.
against the overweight. Sedentary/Deskbound lifestyles and
Perhaps as a result, people fast food may be leading to increased
body fat worldwide.
who are obese are more
likely to be depressed or
Losing Weight: The Challenge
Because of the physiological factors and perhaps due to lifestyle and peer issues:
once obese, weight loss is difficult, and permanent weight loss is even harder.
obsessive weight loss attempts can add to shame, anxiety, depression, and
disordered eating habits.
identifying which
individual and
improvements would be
designing and evaluating
training programs.
Appraising/Evaluating Performance
Personnel psychologists can
help employers assess the
performance and value of Tools for Performance Appraisal
employees. This involves: Checklists of specific work
developing criteria for good behaviors observed
performance. Graphic rating scales such as
comparing individual and a five-point scale to rate the
organizational performance to employee on frequency of a
these criteria. behavior or strength of a trait
Behavior scales; instead of
Goal: employee using a numbered scale, each
improvement and retention, valued trait comes with a
and helping determine range of behaviors that best
salary and promotion describes the employee