05 A2 UI-User Interface
05 A2 UI-User Interface
05 A2 UI-User Interface
User Interface
Trai er
Cen ng
Power Transmission and Distribution Serviceter
PAS UI Configuration
You parameterise in this view, from which
Applications (IED-Protocols, control centre interfaces, HMI,
automation, OPC)
Interfaces (serial interfaces, Ethernet, Profibus DP)
Devices (Bay units and protection devices, tap changer,
the PAS system is configured and the related settings which are
While in the Configuration" a technically oriented view of
the system arises, in this term a process oriented view of
the station can be defined
=> a project-specific, structured station topology arises.
Depending on the demand information layers like
o Station
o Voltage level
o Feeder
and other user defined
structured levels can be
The available information
is assigned to the created
level by Drag & Drop.
Based on Templates
Device and project specific device descriptions
and templates for normalisation
can be defined.
In terms of consideration of typical
Names of information can be defined project specific
Define feedback indications to commands
Data Exchange I
The project specific defined amount of information of the devices
can be imported for the most important protocols.
All in the SCD comprised tools are automatically imported and
applied with the importation of the SCD data file for IEC 61850.
Import of
Engineering data
- IEC 61850
- Profibus FMS
- IEC 60870-5-103
- IEC 60870-5-101
Export of T101 Export of T103 Export of Profibus FMS Export of IEC 61850
Engineering data Engineering data Engineering data Engineering data
Data Exchange II
User friendly
In case changes arise at the value of information an
update can be carried out for the already imported data
Spectrum Power CC
Import of engineering data
- IEC 60870-5-101
Control centre interface - IEC 60870-5-104
Additional Features
User defined user interface layout
o The individual elements (operator menu, window, ) of the
user interface can be arranged user specific.
o not required columns can be removed in the table views.
Remaining of the last status
o The user specific arrangement remains unchanged at the
restart of the application.
o After program restart the user is in exactly that view in which
he has left the program.
Sort and filter function
o In the table representations of marshalling and templates
o you can sort up- and downward column obtained
o you can activate pre- or user-defined filters
Online help
o A context sensitive on-line support for all engineering topics
is available for the user.
Switching between the language German / English
Copyright SIEMENS AG PTD SE 2004. All rights reserved.
Plausibility of Data
The plausibility of the data
input is subjected to control
online, faulty details are
immediately visualised.
In the configuration view a
short help text is displayed
and a corresponding note is
displayed directly in case of
missing input next to the
quality sheet.
Faulty cells or lines are
immediately marked red in
the tables of the marshalling
and template view. A tool tip
helps for the correction.
Copyright SIEMENS AG PTD SE 2004. All rights reserved.
Automation I
CFC or structured text is used for the realisation of automation
The CFC allows the graphical connection of function blocks.
A large library of system tested function blocks is available for
the substation automation.
Plan in plan technology increases the clarity of the function plans.
Simple engineering rules make the definition and interpretations
of function plans easier.
(Flow of sequence of the plans from top to down and afterwards
from left to the right)
The decision which information is used in the automation is made
in SICAM PAS UI Configuration
Information, which should be executed as an Or- group indication
in the automation, can already be grouped in PAS Configuration
Automation II
PAS UI Operation
The user gets an overview about the status of his Runtime with
the SICAM PAS UI- Operation.
The Tree view offers a fast view of the status of the components
(application, interface, devices) by using different symbols.
Furthermore the components can be activated and deactivated in
the data area on the right side.