Mechanical Engineering Design: Ilyas

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ME 362

Mechanical Engineering
Part 7.3

Muhammad Ilyas
Russian language acronym : Teoriya Resheniya
Izobreatatelskikh Zadatch
Translated into English : The Theory of Inventive
Problem Solving
Genrich Altshuller : started his research in 1940s
Objective of TRIZ : discover how inventors invent

Aimed : inventions that solved difficult engineering
problems in novel ways
Difficult : containing one or more technical contradictions
and a situation where compromise was no longer an
acceptable solution
Technical Contradiction : a system contains two
important attributes related such that an improvement in
the first attribute degrades the other, e.g. :
speed vs. precision
aircraft design a technical contradiction is the inherent trade-off
between improving an aircrafts crashworthiness by increasing the
fuselage wall thickness and minimizing its weight

Strategies for generating an innovative solution to a design
Increase the ideality of a product or system
Ideality : the ratio of the useful effects of a system to its harmful
Identify the products place in its evolution to ideality and
force the next step
Identify key physical or technological contradictions in
the product and revise the design to overcome them using
inventive principles
Model a product or system using substance-field (Su-
Field) analysis and apply candidate modifications

TRIZ Commonly used Principles

Principle 1 : Segmentation
Divide an object into independent parts
Replace mainframe computer with personal computers
Replace a large truck with a truck and trailer
Use a work breakdown structure for a large project
Principle 2 : Extraction
Separate an interfering part or property from an object, or single out
the only necessary part (or property) of an object
Locate a noisy compressor outside the building where the air is used
Use the sound of a barking dog, without the dog, as a burglar alarm

TRIZ Commonly used Principles

Principle 10 : Prior Action

Perform the required change (fully or partially) before it is needed
Pre-pasted wallpaper
Sterilize all instruments needed for a surgical procedure on a sealed tray
Principle 28 : Replacement of mechanical system
Replace a mechanical means with a sensory (optical, acoustic, taste
or smell) means
Replace a physical fence to confine a dog or cat with an acoustic fence
(signal audible to the animal)
Use a bad-smelling compound in natural gas to alert users to leakage,
instead of a mechanical or electrical sensor

TRIZ Commonly used Principles

Principle 35 : Transformation of properties

Change an objects physical state (e.g. gas, liquid, solid)
Freeze the liquid centers of filled candies prior to coating them
Transport oxygen or nitrogen or natural gas as a liquid, instead of a gas,
to reduce volume

TRIZ Process Step by Step

Identify the problem

Formulate the problem
Does improving one Engineering Parameter to solve a
problem cause other Engineering Parameter to worsen?
Find the principle which can be applied
Look for analogous solutions and adapt

TRIZ Process Example
A metal pipe pneumatically transports plastic pellets. A change in the
process requires that metal powder now be used with the pipe instead of
plastic. The metal must also be delivered to the station at the end of the
transport pipe at a higher rate of speed. Changes in the transport system
must be done without requiring significant cost increases and suspending
the plant operation. The hard metal powder causes erosion of the inside
of the pipe at the elbow where the metal particles turn 90

TRIZ Process Example

Identify the problem

Adapt the current system to transport metal powder
Formulate the problem
Significant extra cost prohibits reinforcement of the inside of elbow
and redesigning of the path
Technical Contradictions
Speed effects : impacting force, durability, loss of matter, quantity
of substance

TRIZ Process Example

Principles that can be applied

Principle 13 : Inversion
Principle 15 : Dynamicity or dynamics
Principle 28 : Replacement of a mechanical system
Principle that can be applied
Principle 28 : Use a filed in conjunction with ferromagnetic particles

Group Assignment TRIZ

Apply TRIZ on your Project

Identify and clearly state the Technical Contradictions
Identify and apply inventive principles
Propose a solution
Justify your response
Length of document : 02 page max
Submission Date : 03032017


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