Q5: How Did You Attract/address Your Audience?: Frankie Bird
Q5: How Did You Attract/address Your Audience?: Frankie Bird
Q5: How Did You Attract/address Your Audience?: Frankie Bird
Overall, I believe that I have managed to address my target audience of young girls by
using features like a direct mode of address on the cover between Bliss and the reader .
Also the fact I have used a relatable, young female on the cover means that my audience
would be attracted to You and Indie and it is something that they could invest in
because they feel connected to the content. My models outfits are attractive due to their
uniqueness and the vivid colours which I have tried to reciprocate throughout the three
pages as I believe a strong colour scheme is important. I have included pink in various
fonts and backgrounds across the pages as it is stereotypically attractive for girls who are
my target audience. In order to attract them in different ways, I have made them feel
included and connected to the magazine by using certain lexical choices in the editors
note and the captions on the double page spread so they will repeatedly buy my
magazine. Also, I have tried to make the main body text on this page easily accessible to
the younger generations who may not want to be too challenged when reading a light
hearted magazine. To conclude, I think I have successfully addressed and then attracted
my audience of young, female music-lovers to You and Indie.