Q5: How Did You Attract/address Your Audience?: Frankie Bird

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Q5: How did you

attract/address your audience?

Frankie Bird
Attracting/Addressing my Audience Magazine Cover
As previously mentioned in Q1, my
I have used bright colours on the model has a direct mode of address
magazine cover including hot pink with the audience which will instantly
and cyan which are not traditionally catch their eye and interest them in
used a lot, especially not together. the magazine. It provides a
Stereotypically, pink is a feminine connection between the audience
colour so this could potentially attract and You and Indie which suits the
my female target audience but the morals of my magazine that include
cover isnt so bright that it distracts happiness and freedom. Also, by
from the content. Overall, the colour using a female model that is not
scheme makes the magazine cover overly sexualised, it will attract my
stand out as it is unique and different target audience of young females
which is what the individualistic who may not want to conform to the
nature of You and Indie is all about. norms of society.

In the puff on my cover, I advertise a

competition to win tickets to the O2
On my magazine, I use the cover line next year which will appeal to my
of your new favourite indie pop star young target audience who may
to try to persuade my audience to regularly go to concerts and would be
read the cover story about my artist interested in free tickets. Here, I have
Bliss. The persuasive lexical choices I made the content relevant to my target
have made here mean that, it audience which will encourage them to
convinces my music-loving audience buy my magazine.
that they could discover a new artist
that they love.
On the cover I have made the most of the fact
that it will be the first thing my audience see, so
it should attract their attention and then
persuade them to buy it due to the content on
the cover and what it offers inside.
Attracting/Addressing my Audience Magazine
Contents Page
As the model is wearing quirky,
Once again I can reiterate that the unique and eye catching outfits for
different shades of pink on the example due to the patterning and
background and in the puff, will help embroidery on her shirt, it will attract
to attract the female audience and as the female audience who may also
this is a constant theme that runs be interested in fashion. Even for the
throughout the pages, the ones who are not, the main image is
consistency could be considered bright and colourful.
attractive by those reading You and
The secondary images here are a
really good addition to the contents
page because they give an insight
into other features in the magazine.
The fact that I have included a It also previews images of Bliss which
signature at the end of the editors could interest the reader yet the
note makes the magazine seem more alternative images give some variety.
personal as it helps to build a Overall, the images are colourful and
relationship between the target make a change from just having lots
audience and You and Indie. The of text which may not attract my
note also talks about gratitude to the target audience.
readers which may make people
continue to buy the magazine and
become invested. I like the idea that On the contents page, it is important that the
it is on the contents page (a audience maintain an interest in the content
stereotypical convention) as it starts and I have done this by using interesting text
off the magazine and excites the and vibrant colours that appeal specifically to
reader about the content that will my target audience of young girls.
Attracting/Addressing my Audience Magazine
Double Page Spread I believe I have attracted and addressed
my target audience by considering their
age and gender when making decisions
about the images, text and layout of the
The use of the first person
features on the page.
pronoun our makes the
reader feel connected with
the magazine and included
as well which may convince
them to continue buying
and reading You and Indie The main body text is split into
in the future. three columns and the writing is
not too small, although there is
lots of information. These details
have been included keeping my
young target audience in mind
who may not want to read
The giant caption of Bliss makes it something that looks to daunting
obvious who the article is about and or confusing.
it also attracts the audiences
attention because it is in such a
large, bold font and it will make
The two pull quotes from the
people want to read the main body
main body text are written in
text (interview) to find out who she is
bright pink and they give snippets
and why she has the potential to be a
about what will be in the
interview so the audience can see
whether they want to read it or
not. As I have used interesting
parts from the text, I will
hopefully attract people to doing
Attracting/Addressing my Audience Evaluation

Overall, I believe that I have managed to address my target audience of young girls by
using features like a direct mode of address on the cover between Bliss and the reader .
Also the fact I have used a relatable, young female on the cover means that my audience
would be attracted to You and Indie and it is something that they could invest in
because they feel connected to the content. My models outfits are attractive due to their
uniqueness and the vivid colours which I have tried to reciprocate throughout the three
pages as I believe a strong colour scheme is important. I have included pink in various
fonts and backgrounds across the pages as it is stereotypically attractive for girls who are
my target audience. In order to attract them in different ways, I have made them feel
included and connected to the magazine by using certain lexical choices in the editors
note and the captions on the double page spread so they will repeatedly buy my
magazine. Also, I have tried to make the main body text on this page easily accessible to
the younger generations who may not want to be too challenged when reading a light
hearted magazine. To conclude, I think I have successfully addressed and then attracted
my audience of young, female music-lovers to You and Indie.

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