Question 5

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The magazine I have created attracts and addresses the audiences I had in mind through many features and
conventions. Some of the features I have used are the fact that I have made my front cover and contents very
cluttered which makes it more exciting. This is relevant to my audience because as I have said before my audience
is a younger group and younger groups prefer excitement and clutter over organised and ordered magazines in
which an older generation would prefer. Another feature/convention I have used to attract my audience is colour. I
have made my project/magazine include many bright and exciting colours, which is conventional to pop magazines.
Having bright and exciting colours such as blues yellows and pinks will appeal to a younger audience, which is the
audience that I am trying to attract and address within my media project/magazine. The typeface of my media
project/magazine is also designed with my audience in mind. I have done this by having a large and outstanding
masthead to draw in the audience because as a result of my research I have learned that this is the kind of
excitement that will attract my specific audience. The written aspects I have included were also created in mind of
the audience in the sense that the masthead I have created is a small and catchy title for the magazine pop til we
drop. This creates a fun and exciting presumption for the magazine, which through my research again I know, is
appealing to my audience. I have also written my actual written pieces within my double page spread in a way that
gives off a good storey but is not too complicated as it may deter the certain kind of audience that I am trying to
cater for. In my media project/magazine I am trying to attract a certain audience and trying to put across a
message/moral of over exaggerated stories within the media and if the way I have structured my magazine works
the way I intend hopefully my audience will recognise the amount of irrelevant stories within the media and how the
media could use its power over society and its resources to portray a better image for their audience. Some aspects
i must address separately are specific conventions to each and every part of the final magazine project. One of
these would be related to my double page spread and how i must include a pull quote. The way i have used a pull
quote to attract my audience is that i have made it a provoking and intimate one. It is Im single I swear! this
creates a very attracting storey for my audience. I have also had a specific convention for my front cover and
contents page. The front cover would be the main masthead, although the contents page most likely include this
also however, it will be larger. This means i will have to make the masthead work outstanding and exciting. Finally,
the specific convention for my contents page will be the writers message. This will be a message from the writer
addressing that they hope you enjoy the magazine, this why i have done exactly that but i have also made it relate
to my genre, pop.

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