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Organic Materials

Ceramic Materials
Crystalline Ceramic Structures and

imperfections in it
Silicate Structures
Glasses and other non- crystalline ceramic

Deformation and failures, Processing of

Ceramics, Applications of ceramics


Those containing phases that are

compounds of metallic & nonmetallic
Processing of earthly materials by heat.
Inorganic, nonmetallic solids prepared by

the action of heat & subsequent cooling.

May contain ionic, covalent or both bonds.
In general ceramics share the following properties:
High compressive strength
Able to withstand high temperatures
Very good resistance to acidic or caustic environment

But keep the following in mind:

Weak tensional strength
Weak flexural strength
Weak resistance against shear stress
Limited machinability
Limited forming capabilities
Limited bonding capabilities
Building criteria for crystal str.
Maintain neutrality
Achieve closest packing
Charge balance dictates chemical formula
Condition for minimum energy implies max.

attraction & min. repulsion.

Impurity atoms
As substitutional or interstitial solid solutions
Substitutional ions substitute for ions of like

Interstitial ions are small compared to host

Solubility is higher if ion radii & charges

match closely.
Incorporation of ion with different charge

state requires compensation by point

Silicate Structures
Silicate=silicon + Oxygen, the two most
abundant elements in earths crust. (rocks,
soil, clay, sand)
Basic building block: Si04

Non crystalline(Amorphous) ceramic.

Fused silica is Si02 to which no impurities

have been added.

Other common glasses contain impurity

ions like Na+, Ca2+, Al3+, B3+

Imperfections in ceramics
Point defects

Their formation is strongly affected by the condition

of charge neutrality (creation of unbalanced charges
requires the expenditure of a large amount of

Charge neutral defects include the Frenkel and

Schottky defects.
AFrenkel-defectis a vacancy- interstitial pair of
cations (placing large anions in an interstitial
position requires a lot of energy in lattice distortion).
ASchottky-defectis the a pair of nearby cation
and anion vacancies.
Sheet glass forming
Deformation & failure
Brittle fracture of ceramics limits
-occurs d/t unavoidable presence of
microscopic flaws(micro cracks, internal
pores, atm. contaminants) that result during
cooling from melt.
-Flaws cant be closely controlled in mfg, this
leads to large variability in fracture strength .
Compressive strength10 times Tensile strength
Good structural materials under compression

(bricks in houses, stone blocks in pyramids) but

not in conditions of tensile stress.
Plastic deformation in crystalline ceramics is by

Slip, d/t the structure & strong local potentials.

Very little deformation before fracture.
Non crystalline ceramics like common glass

deform by viscous flow. Viscocity decreases

strongly with increase in temp.
Processing of Ceramics
Used to produce commercial products that are
very diverse in size, shape, detail, complexity,
material composition, structure & cost.
Natural result of an increasing ability to refine,
develop & Characterize ceramic materials.
Application of heat upon processed clays & other
natural raw materials to form a rigid product.
Naturally occuring rocks & minerals as starting
mtl must undergo special processing to control
purity, particle size, size distribution &
Chemically prepared powder/ Synthetic mtl .
starting mtl
Next step: Form ceramics particles to
desired shape
By addition of water and/or additives such

as binders, followed by a shape forming

Methods include Extrusion, slip casting,

pressing, tape casting, injection moulding

After this, undergo sintering(Heat

treatment) to produce a finished product.

High Voltage insulators,
Spark plugs
Biomedical applications
Glass ceramics-optical
equipment & fibre

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