Chi Square Test

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Chi Square Test

To measure discontinuous categorical/binned data in which a
number of subjects fall into categories
We want to compare our observed data to what we expect to see.
Due to chance? Due to association?
When can we use the Chi-Square Test?
Testing outcome of Mendelian Crosses, Testing Independence Is one
factor associated with another?, Testing a population for expected
1 or more categories
Independent observations
A sample size of at least 10
Random sampling
All observations must be used
For the test to be accurate, the expected frequency
should be at least 5
Conducting Chi-Square Analysis
1) Make a hypothesis based on your basic biological
2) Determine the expected frequencies
3) Create a table with observed frequencies, expected
frequencies, and chi-square values using the formula:
4) Find the degrees of freedom: (c-1)(r-1)
5) Find the chi-square statistic in the Chi-Square
Distribution table
6) If chi-square statistic > your calculated chi-square
value, you do not reject your null hypothesis and vice
Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Square Test
QMH = (n-1)r2

r2 is the Pearson correlation coefficient

(which also measures the linear association
between row and column)
Tests alternative hypothesis that there is a
linear association between the row and
column variable
Follows a Chi-square distribution with 1
degree of freedom
The Chi-square test is important in testing the association
between variables and/or checking if ones expected proportions
meet the reality of ones experiment

There are multiple chi-square tests, each catered to a specific

sample size, degrees of freedom, and number of categories

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