Practical Standard and Quality Assurance in Community Health Nursing
Practical Standard and Quality Assurance in Community Health Nursing
Practical Standard and Quality Assurance in Community Health Nursing
Section 1
Nursing practical standard became a framework for
nursing practice which has to be achieved by a nurse and
well developed to help nurse in validating the quality and
developing nursing itself.
A practical standard as one of our professional
characteristics, needed as the quality assurance of nursing
care so that the care quality is on optimum level.
Giilies (1994): standard is a descriptive statement of applied appearance
level in measuring quality, structure, process and output/outcome.
Standard is an ideal or the highest achievement level, used as the
minimum limit of acceptance level (Clinical Practice Guideline., 1990).
While in Steven (1983) standard has 2 definitions :
1. Outcome Criteria
Social/public/customer’s expectation
Professionals’ expectation
Potential resources
4. Nursing care standard Characteristic
Distinctive, understandable
Legitimate, based on fact and health believe
Meet the social expectation as the end user of our service
According the professional expectation due to the
principal and professions’ philosophy
Realistic and Implementable
Measurable, as an evaluation
5. Implication
a. Standard of Structure
Individual level:
Hospitalized client
Client of public health service and outpatient
Client at home whom dealing with health problems
Either group or community level
Standard 4-Planning
Developing the most suitable intervention and plan to identify
strategies and alternatives to achieve the purpose of community
Standard 5-Implementation
Sub a-Coordination
Sub c-Consultation
Standard 11-Collaboration
With comm. representatives, organization, and other health
professionals in providing and promoting health
Standard 12-Ethics
A Community nurse should integrate ethical values
into whole aspects of practical area.
Standard 13-Research
The result of research is needed as a consideration in
practice improvement.
Standard 14-The use of resources
A community nurse should consider factors
related to safety, effectiveness, cost, and
the practice impact to community in
planning and delivering the service and
Standard 15-Leadership
Leadership principal in nursing and community health should
be applied
Standard 16-Advocacy
Advocacy and strong will is definite needs in order to protect
the health and the safety and the right of community
The End of Section 1
Any Question? ? ?
Quality Assurance in Community
Section 2.
It has to be accessible for all user, including geo-social,
economic, organisation, and language.
Ability to cure, reduce symptom, prevent illness, and
outbreak possibility.
Due to the limited resources, the efficiency is then
becoming important element in health service.
It means that the client should be served well, including
reference when needed, without any repeating of
diagnostic procedure.
Both to clients and to health professionals
It is needed to satisfy clients, so that they will see us
when they having a health problem in the future
A qualified health service should provide understandable
info’s about what, when, where, and how the service will
be hold
The service should do in the right way and time
Human Relationship
Trust between the provider and client is considerable,
among staffs and managers, local authority and social.
Lifelong commitment
1. Prospective evaluation
2. Retrospective evaluation
3. Congruent evaluation
1. Prospective evaluation
a. Professional education in preparing the qualified behavioral aspects
of the manpower
e. Accreditation
2. Retrospective evaluation