Preconditions For Economic Growth

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The main reason economic growth is either
absent or slow is that some societies lack the
incentive system that encourages growth-
producing activities. One of the fundamental
preconditions for creating the incentives that
lead to economic growth is economic
to make personal choices, their private property is
protected by the rule of law, and they are free to buy and
sell in the market.

The rule of law, an efficient legal system and the

ability to enforce contracts essential
foundations for creating economic freedom

Impediments to economic freedom:

Economic Corruption in the courts and government bureaucracy
Freedom Barriers to trade such as import bans
High taxes
Stringent regulations on business such as health, safety
and environmental regulations
Restrictions to banks
Labor market regulations that limit a firms ability to hire
and lay off workers
Illegal market, such as those that violate intellectual
property rights
No unique political systems is necessary to deliver
economic freedom.

Democratic systems do a good job, but the rule of

law, not democracy is the key requirement for creating
economic freedom.
Freedom Nondemocratic political systems that respect the
rule of law can also work well.

No country with economic freedom is economically

poor, but many countries with low levels of economic
freedom is stagnate.
Economic freedom requires the protection of private property
the factors of production and goods that people own.

Property Rights the social arrangements that govern the

protection of private property.

Property rights includes:

The rights to physical property (land, buildings and capital

Property equipment)
The rights to financial property (claims by one person against
Rights another)
The rights to intellectual property (such as inventions)

Clearly established and enforced property rights incentive

to work and save.

If someone attempts to steal their property, a legal system will

protect them. Such property rights also assure people that
government itself will not confiscate their income or
Economic freedom also requires free markets.

Buyers and sellers get information and do business with each

other in markets.

Market prices signals to buyers and sellers that create

incentives to increase or decrease the quantities demand
and supplied.

Markets Markets enable people to trade and to save and invest.

Markets cannot operate without property rights.

Property rights and markets create incentives for people to:
Specialize and trade
Save and invest
Expand their human capital
Discover and apply new technologies
To achieve faster economic growth, we must increase
the growth rate of capital per hour labor,
increase the growth rate of human capital, or
increase the pace of technological advance. The
Policies to main actions that government can take to achieve
Achieve these objectives are:
Create incentive mechanism
Faster Encourage savings
Growth Encourage research and development
Encourage international trade
Improve the quality education
Economic growth occurs when the incentives to
save, invest and innovate are strong.
Incentive These incentives require property rights enforced by
Mechanism well-functioning legal system. Property rights and a
legal system are the key ingredients that are missing
in many societies.
Saving finances investments Capital
Savings Encouraging saving can increase the growth of
capital and stimulate economic growth.

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