Lect 5 Bacterial Pathogenicity

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The key takeaways are that bacterial pathogenesis involves factors related to both the microorganism and the host, including virulence factors, immune status, and environmental conditions. Different types of symbiotic relationships between microbes and hosts are discussed, ranging from mutualism to parasitism.

The three main categories of symbiotic associations discussed are commensalism, mutualism, and parasitism. Commensalism involves the microbe benefiting without harming the host, mutualism benefits both species, and parasitism benefits the microbe to the host's detriment.

Several factors can influence the pathogenicity of microorganisms, including virulence, the site of infection, and the immune status and general health of the host. Early host responses may clear an infection while delayed responses could result in disease.


Dr. N.P. Senanayake
Bacterial Pathogenesis


Host Susceptibility


Virulence Factors
Microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi
and protozoans) are closely associated
with human hosts.
All host-microbe associations are not

Many factors can influence this association

Immune status of host
Host Parasite relationship
One species living in or on the body of
This association is called Symbiotic
Can be harmless, or harmful
Usually on body surfaces skin, mucosa
3 categories of associations
1. Commensalism
2. Mutualism
3. Parasitism
Free living organisms found in
soil & decaying vegetations
Microorganism may use a body of a larger
species for food and shelter
Normally does not cause harm to the host
normal flora / commensals
But can be harmful if environmental conditions change
( E. coli in urinary tract)
Opportunistic pathogens
Commensals can benefit the host
Intestinal organisms can prevent colonizing pathogens
(Bacteroides spp)
Can produce metabolites which can be used by the
Benefit both the host and the micro organism
Prevent colonization of pathogens on mucosal surfaces
Bacteria in ruminants (cattle, sheeps) intestines that
digest cellulose

Harmful to the host
Benefit only the micro organism
Rabies virus
Symbiotic association
Benefit only
Disease one species


Commensalism Mutualism

No harm to the Benefit both

host species
Infection: growth and multiplication of a microbe in
or on the body with or without the production of

Pathogenicity: The capacity of a bacterium to

initiate disease.

Pathogenesis refers both to the mechanism of

infection and to the mechanism by which disease
Infection occurs when imbalance between
The capacity of the microorganism to
multiply, spread and cause disease and
The ability of the host to control and
stop the infection
Innate and specific immune responses
General health of the host & age

Early host response Delayed host

no infection response - disease
Frequency of clinically
apparent disease
There is variation in severity of clinical disease

In some infections all or majority infected will

have clinical disease
Eg. Rabies, smallpox

But in other infections,

majority may have mild or asymptomatic infection and
Only a minority of infected will have clinical disease
Eg. Polio (~ 1% have clinical disease), Dengue

This is called iceberg phenomenon

Iceberg concept of infectious

Less severe


Can infect others

Pathogenicity requires the attributes of,

Transmissibility (ability to move from one host or

reservoir to another host)
Survival (in the new host)
Infectivity (ability to breech the new host
Virulence (capacity of the pathogen to harm the
Host susceptibility
Susceptibility to bacterial infections
=> Host Defenses vs Bacterial Virulence

Host Defenses:
- Barriers (skin & mucus) first line
- Innate Immune Responses (complement, macrophages &
cytokines) the early stage
- Adaptive Immune Responses (Ag-specific B & T cells) the
later stage

Host defenses can be comprised by destructing barriers or

defective immune response.
Types of bacterial pathogens
Primary pathogens: Capable of establishing
infection and causing disease in previously
healthy individuals with intact immunological

Opportunistic pathogens: Rarely causes

diseases in previously healthy individuals, but
causes diseases with immunological defences.
Characteristics of pathogenic
Establishment of infection
(source, route of entry,
Adherence to host cells
Invasion of host cells and
Evasion of the host
immune system
Source of infection

Patients (clinical disease or

subclinical infections, infected

Normal commensal flora

Inanimate objects

Environmental (water, food, air

Entry into the human body
The most frequent portals of
entry- Mucus
- Skin

Ingestion, inhalation,
trauma, needles, catheters,
arthropod bite, sexual
Transmission of infection

Direct contact: from one

person to another person

Indirect contact:
- ingestion of
contaminated food and
- air borne particles
- via animals and insects
Pathological mechanisms of
bacterial infections

Bacteria-mediated Pathogenesis
Host-mediated Pathogenesis
Bacterial virulence factors

=> bacterial factors causing diseases

Bacterial virulence mechanisms
Bacterial virulence factors
Pili (fimbriae)
Nonfimbrial adhesins
Invasion of host cells
Tissue damage
Growth byproducts
Tissue-degrading enzymes
Exotoxins(cytolytic enzymes & A-B toxins),enterotoxins
Endotoxins and other cell wall components
Bacterial virulence factors
Anti-phagocytic factors
Intracellular survival
Antigenic heterogeneity
Antigenic variation
Phase variation
Iron acquisition
Receptors for
iron-containing molecules
Resistance to antibiotics
Adherence of bacterium
to epithelial or
endothelial cells allow
them to colonize the

Common adhesins: pili

(fimbriae), slime,
lipoteichoic acid, surface
proteins or lectins.
Adhesion enables the establishment of a stable
population of bacteria in the host.

Adhesion is necessary:

- to avoid host defence mechanisms and antibiotics

- penetrate through tissues (invasive bacteria)

- acquire essential nutrients

Biofilm, formed on a surface
by the bacteria that are bound
together within a sticky web of
polysaccharide, is a special
bacterial adaptation .

It facilitates colonization on the

surgical appliances (e.g.,
artificial valves or indwelling
catheters) and dental plaque. It
can protect the bacteria from
host defenses and antibiotics.
Ability of a pathogen to invade tissues.

The invasion of a host by a pathogen may

be aided by the production of bacterial
extracellular substances (invasins) which
act against the host by breaking down
primary or secondary defenses of the
Most invasins are
proteins (enzymes)
that act locally to
damage host cells
and/or have the
immediate effect of
facilitating the
growth and spread
of the pathogen.
Bacterial invasins
Spreading factors - hyaluronidase, neuraminidase,
collagenase, streptokinase, staphylokinase

Enzymes causing haemolysis and leukolysis-

phospholipase, lecithinase, haemplysins

Staphylococcal coagulase

Extracellular digestive enzymes

Intracellular pathogens
Some organisms
are able to invade
and survive within
host cells.

eg. Mycobacteria,
Salmonella, Shigella,
Legionella, Listera,
Yersinis, Neiseria
Evasion of the host immune system

Colonization by bacterial pathogens

result in the induction of the specific
and the non-specific humoral and
cellular immune responses.

Pathogenic bacteria have evolved ways of

avoiding or neutralizing these highly
efficient immune mechanisms.
Evasion of the host immune system
Encapsulation (Inhibition of phagocytosis and serum
bactericidal effect)
Antigenic mimicry
Antigenic masking
Antigenic or phase variation
Intracellular multiplication
Escape phagosome
Inhibition of phagolysosome fusion
Resistance to lysosomal enzymes
Production of anti-immunoglobulin protease
Inhibition of chemotaxis
Destruction of phagocytes
Mechanisms for escaping phagocytic
clearance and intra-cellular survival
Mechanisms for escaping phagocytic
clearance and intra-cellular survival
In many bacterial infections the characteristic
pathology of the disease is caused by toxins.

Toxins may exert their pathogenic effects

directly on a target cell or may interact with
the cells of the immune system resulting in the
release of immunological mediators (cytokines)
that cause pathophysiological effects,
Types of toxins

Endotoxins - component
of the outer membrane of
Gram negative bacteria

Exotoxins - produced
extra-cellularly by both
Gram negative and
Gram positive bacteria
Also called LPS (lipopolysaccharide) is a
component of the outer membrane of
the Gram negative bacteria.

Released from the bacterial surface via

outer membrane vesicles, following
natural lysis of the bacterium or by
disintegration of the organism.
Most of the biological activity of the
molecule is attributable to Lipid A.

Both endotoxin and Lipid A are potent

activators of macrophages, resulting in
the induction of a range of cytokines
which are involved in the induction of range
of immune and inflammatory responses.
Pathogenesis of sepsis (septicemia)

Endotoxin mediated toxicity

leukopenia followed by leukocytosis
activation of complement, thrombocytopenia
disseminated intra-vascular coagulation
decreased peripheral circulation and perfusion to major
organs (multiple organ system failure)
Shock and death.
Super antigen mediated toxicity
Bind to TCR and
activate T cells
S. aureus =>Toxic shock
syndrome toxin
S. pyogenes=> Erythrogenic
toxin A orC
Diffusible proteins
secreted into the
external medium by
the pathogen.

o Exotoxins facilitate -
adhesion to and
invasion of the host,
damage to host cells
A chain has the inhibitory activity against some vital
B chain binds to a receptor and promotes entry of the A

Mode of action
Inhibition of protein synthesis
Inhibition of neurotransmitter release
In many cases the toxin gene is encoded on a plasmid or a
lysogenic phage
Lethal action - botulinum,
tetanus, dlphtheria toxin
Pyrogenic effect - S.aureus
Action on GIT - Cholera and
E.coli enterotoxin
Cytolytic effect -
C.perfringens (gas
Inhibition of protein
synthesis - Diphtheria
Regulation of bacterial virulence factors

Environmental factors often control the

expression of the virulence genes.

Common factors: temperature, iron availability,

osmolarity, growth phase, pH, specific ions,
specific nutrient factors, bacterial cell-density,
interaction with host cells.
Robert Koch

In 1890 Robert Koch

came out with a set
of rules to show
that specific micro
organism cause a
specific disease
Robert Koch
This was important in early microbiology
because germ theory association of
microorganisms with disease was new in

Koch was the first to culture bacteria in the lab

on potatoes
In 1876 isolated Anthrax bacillus
In 1882 Mycobacterium tuberculosis
In 1883 Vibrio cholerae
Kochs Postulates
1. Microbe must be present in every case of
2. Microbe must be isolated from the diseased host
and grown in pure culture
3. The disease must be reproduced when pure
culture is given to a another host
4. The microbe must be recovered from the second

However, these rules will not be always useful

Serological diagnosis
Some organisms can not be cultured T. pallidum
Further reading

Medical Microbiology - David Greenwood

- 17th edition
- Chapter thirteen
Thank you

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