Dystopian Ecology
Dystopian Ecology
Dystopian Ecology
By: Sarah and Cass
Introduction - English and
The overarching theme of the unit is exploring how humans interact with their environment in the
physical world and in literary dystopian societies. Throughout the unit, students will be able to apply
ecological concepts to their own lives and to literary dystopian societies to explore how humans
interact literally and figuratively with our environment.
The English portion of the unit will have the class broken up into different book groups all with the
same dystopian theme, students will analyze the different societies and how humans impact the
In the Ecology portion of the unit, students will explore energy cycles in ecosystems. They will
identify and design solutions for both the human activities and the natural events that interact with
those cycles in positive and negative ways.
NGSS Standards: HS-LS2-7. Design, evaluate, and refine a solution for reducing the impacts of human
activities on the environment and biodiversity. Disciplinary Core Ideas: ETS1.B: Developing Possible
Solutions & LS2.C: Ecosystem Dynamics, Functioning, and Resilience Cross Cutting Concepts: Stability and
Change & Energy and Matter.
Essential Understandings:
Energy cannot be created or destroyedit only moves between one place and another place, between
objects and/or fields, or between systems.
Ecosystems are a complex set of interactions. Changes - natural or anthropogenic - in those interactions
may result in environmental stability or disruption.
Inquiry Questions:
1. How do my actions affect my environment?
2. Does the human approach to problem solving create more problems than it
3. How do humans impact energy cycling in the environment?
4. How does energy move through ecosystems?
5. In what ways do human impacts affect the environment?
6. How do we affect Fort Collins ecosystem and the Front Ranges ecosystems?
Possible Misconceptions:
Energy cannot be created or destroyedit only moves between one place and another place, between objects and/or fields, or
between systems.
Example: Increasing CO2 in the atmosphere means depleting a carbon reservoir elsewhere.
Understanding scale in the conceptualization of climate change.
Natural does not always mean good and anthropogenic (human) does not always mean bad.
Energy cycles (i.e. hydrologic, carbon, phosphorous) are depicted as separate cycles, but are, in fact, interrelated.
Inquiry Questions:
. How does my dystopian novel live?
How do they impact the earth?
Living in this society how would we reverse the impacts made?
. How does my dystopian novel compare to other groups?
. Students may confuse utopia with a dystopia.
Formative Assessments
Book Club Portfolio
Each Book Club will have 4-5 students and after they will create a portfolio
demonstrating their knowledge of the book.
In this portfolio students will come create 10 artifacts using their books.
This can be a CD with songs that explain aspects of the book, a poem
summarizing the book, physical items to explain themes or symbols.
An entire menu would be created with 20 different things to choose
Dystopian Presentations
Each group will give a 10-13 minute presentation about their book.
A summary, themes, discuss the overall society symbols and they will use one
artifact from their portfolios to share with the class.
These presentations are meant to give their classmates a good idea
about what happened in the book.
Each member of the presentation will talk for 2-3 minutes.
Summative Assessment
In their book groups, students will create a presentation that predicts how
their dystopian society impacts the environment and design a solution to
address those issues.
In addition, students will write a formal paper comparing and contrasting one
current environmental issue and their novel.
Summative Rubric - Total ____ / 50
Envir 15 - 11 pts 10 - 6 pts 5 - 0 pts
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Summative Rubric - Paper
Total ___/50
Length and MLA format 5-4 pts 3-2 pts 1-0 pts
____/5 Meets the minimum length and Under the minimum length and The length has not been met and
MLA format. MLA isnt formatted correctly. MLA is not present.