CH 3. Four Pillars of IoT

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3 Four Pillars of IoT

Ch. 3. Four Pillars of IoT 1

3.1 The Horizontal, Verticals, and Four Pillars
It is very important to sort out those vertical applications and identif
y common underpinning technologies that can be used across the bo
ard, so that interconnecting, interrelating, and synergized grand inte
gration and new creative, disruptive applications can be achieved.
One of the common characteristics of the Internet of Things is that o
bjects in a IoT world have to be instrumented, interconnected, befor
e anything can be intelligently processed and used anywhere, anytim
e, anyway, and anyhow, which are the 5A and 3I characteristics.
To achieve such 5A and 3I capabilities, some common, horizontal, g
eneral-purpose technologies, standards, and platforms, especially m
iddleware platforms based on common data representations just lik
e the three-tiered application server middleware, HTML language, a
nd HTTP protocol in the Internet/web arena, have to be established
to support various vertical applications cost effectively, and new app
lications can be added to the platform unlimitedly.

Ch. 3. Four Pillars of IoT 2

Most of the vertical applications of IoT utilize common technologies
from the networking level and middleware platform to the applicatio
n level, such as standard wired and wireless networks, DBMS, securi
ty framework, web-based three-tiered middleware, multitenant Paa
S, SOA interfaces, and so on.
Service management platforms (SMPs) allow for the essential conne
ctivity management, intelligent rate-plan management, and custome
r self-service capability that are todays fundamental prerequisites fo
r providing a successful, managed M2M service.
Telenor Objects (Telenor Norway) aims to provide layered and horiz
ontal architecture for connecting devices and application.

Ch. 3. Four Pillars of IoT 3

The key benefits of horizontal standard-based platforms will be faste
r and less costly application development and more highly functiona
l, robust, and secure applications.
The six pillars of M2M are as follows:
1. Remote monitoring is a generic term most often representing supervisory contro
l, data acquisition, and automation of industrial assets.
2. RFID is a data-collection technology that uses electronic tags for storing data.
3. A sensor network monitors physical or environmental conditions, with sensor no
des acting cooperatively to form/maintain the network.
4. The term smart service refers to the process of networking equipment and monit
oring it at a customers site so that it can be maintained and serviced more effecti
5. Telematics to the integration of telecommunications and infomatics, but most oft
en it refers to tracking, navigation, and entertainment applications in vehicles.
6. Telemetry is usually associated with industrial, medical-, and wildlife-tracking ap
plications that transmit small amounts of vehicles data.
A four-pillar graphic is introduced for the broader IoT universe. The
four pillars of IoT are M2M, RFID, WSNs and SCADA (supervisory
control and data acquisition)
. M2M uses devices to capture events, via a network connection to a central server,
that translates the captured events into meaningful information.

Ch. 3. Four Pillars of IoT 4

RFID uses radio waves to transfer data from an electronic tag attached to an objec
t to a central system through a reader for the purpose of identifying and tracking t
he object.
A WSN consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physical
or environmental conditions.
SCADA is an autonomous system based on closed-loop control theory or a smart s
ystem or a CPS data connects, monitors, and controls equipment via network in a
facility such as a plant or a building.
Harbor Research defines smart systems as a new generation of syste
ms architecture that provides real-time awareness based on inputs fr
om machines, people, video streams, maps, new feeds, sensors, and
more that integrate people, processes, and knowledge to enable colle
ctive awareness and decision making.
Four Pillars of IoT and Their Relevance to Networks
Four Pillars and Short-Range Long-Range Short-Range Lon-Range
Networks Wireless Wireless Wired Wired

RFID Yes Some No Some

WSN Yes Some No Some

M2M Some Yes No Some

SCADA Some Some Yes Yes

Ch. 3. Four Pillars of IoT 5

The four pillars of IoT paradigms and related networks
IoT is the glue that fastens the four pillars through a common set of best practice
s, networking methodology, and middleware platform.




3.2 M2M: The Internet of Devices

Two of the six pillars, remote monitoring and smart service, are feat
ures or functions of an IoT system rather pillars.
Most of the M2M market research reports assume M2M modules ar
e simply just cellular modules.

Ch. 3. Four Pillars of IoT 6

Application Areas for Cellular M2M, p. 67
There is overlap between M2M and the consumer electronics applica
tions. The consumer electronics offerings include the following:
Personal navigation devices
Digital picture frames
People-tracking devices
Pet-tracking devices
Home security monitors
Personal medical devices

Ch. 3. Four Pillars of IoT 7

The typical architecture of an M2M system from BiTX.
1 2 3 4 5

The M2M The M2M The Network The M2M The Remote
Application Middleware Infrastructure Gateway Assets
(the front end) (the brains of (the transport) (the interpreter)
the system)

6 M2M communication protocol 7 Asset-specific


N Network adapter S Gateway Manager

Vertical Applications

Service Enablememt Middleware (APIs over Internet)

Reduce complexities with regard to fragmented connectivity, device standards, application
information protocols, and device management. Based on and extend connectivity.


Ch. 3. Four Pillars of IoT 8

3.3 RFID: The Internet of Objects
An RFID tag is a simplified, low-cost, disposable contactless smartca
rd. RFID tags include a chip that stores a static number (ID) and attr
ibutes of the tagged object and an antenna that enables the chip to tr
ansmit the store number to a reader.
An RFID system involves hardware known as readers and tags, as w
ell as RFID software or RFID middleware.

Ch. 3. Four Pillars of IoT 9

3.4 WSN: The Internet of Transducers
WSN is more for sensing and information-collecting purposes. Othe
r networks include body sensor network (BSN), visual or video senso
r network (VSN), vehicular sensor networks, underwater (acoustic) s
ensor networks, interplanetary sensor networks, fieldbus networks,
and others.
The extended scope of WSN is the USN, or ubiquitous sensor networ
k, a network of intelligent sensors that could one day become ubiqui

Ch. 3. Four Pillars of IoT 10

The architecture of a typical sensor network

Sensor node: sense target events, gather sensor readings, manipulate informatio
n, send them to gateway via radio link
Base station/sink: communicate with sensor nodes and user/operator
Operator/user: task manager, send query
Routing and energy saving are required.

Ch. 3. Four Pillars of IoT 11

WSNs are meant to be deployed in large numbers in various environmen
ts, including remote and hostile regions, with ad hoc communications as
For this reasons, algorithms and protocols need to address the following
Lifetime maximization
Robustness and fault tolerance

Middleware for WSN, the middle-level primitive between the software a

nd the hardware, can help bridge the gap and remove impediments.
Ch. 3. Four Pillars of IoT 12
Context-aware system based on WSN

Mobile sensor networks (MSNs) are WSNs in which nodes can move
under own control or under the control of the environment.

Ch. 3. Four Pillars of IoT 13

3.5 SCADA: The Internet of Controllers
SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) is a type of industrial contr
ol system (ICS). Industrial control systems are computer controlled systems t
hat monitor and control industrial processes that exist in the physical world

An existing SCADA system usually consists of the following subsystems:

HMI (human-machine interface)
RTU (remote terminal units)
PLSs (programmable logic controllers)
DCSs (distributed control systems)
M2M, WSN, smart systems, CPS, and others all have overlaps of scope with SCADA.
Ch. 3. Four Pillars of IoT 14
Middleware-based SCADA system

Ch. 3. Four Pillars of IoT 15

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