Pluto & Charon: By: Kevin Cheung
Pluto & Charon: By: Kevin Cheung
Pluto & Charon: By: Kevin Cheung
Plutos distance for the sun is 5.9 billion km the exact number is 5,906,376,272 km.
Other names : Clymenus (notorious), Eubuleus (well-guessing), The Wealthy One, The
Hospitable One, Polydegmon (The Receiver of Many Guests), Lord of Death, Pluton
(the Rich One)
Pluto surface
Details on picture above (and what it is made
Layers of frozen methane turn brown and yellow from the ultraviolet irradiation
of icebound molecules. The rugged topography, active geysers, and distant rift
suggest Pluto has dynamic geological processes that erase the scars of impact
craters and could indicate a warm planetary core
Albrecht Drer,
Abduction of Proserpine on a Uni
Pluto from Sailor Moon (Anime) In pop culture
Pluto New Horizon
Grand Tour, Had to get funding from Congress, not known for scientific funding,
Started budget cutting
Results: 2 Pioneer spacecraft, 2 Voyagers spacecraft, Although Pluto was not included
New Horizon Launch was in 2006, Took 9 years to get to pluto, Arrival Last July
Very important or the New Horizon because the gravity would give a
boost to pluto to cut flight time (2 Years difference!)
9 year flight
Was in June
At the time
String of Black
dots along the
Was odd looking
and never seen
around with
other plants
Scary Moment
Computer crashes due
to large amount of
Program diagnosed
and list how to fix for
it to be running again
Pluto Showing
Clearly Pluto was saw the
new horizon coming and
gave the astronomer a heart
Disappointment, Pluto has
a 6 day rotation period, So
when the voyager gets close
enough black spots are on
the other side.
Christmas or early next year more stuff from the New Horizon
Pluto has a frozen lake of nitrogen and has an escape rate of nitrogen
Over the age of the solar system and its rate of escape, it has lost
about a to a kilometer of nitrogen
Rock in the middle, Ice in the middle, Exotic ice on top (gases that are
Moons of Pluto, Around 20-25 miles across
Correct distance of
Pluto and Charon
Will be able to talk to the
spacecraft for another 15