Chapter Three: Nuclear Measurements & Methods

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Chapter Three:

Nuclear Measurements &

Nuclear Measurements & methods (INTRODUCTION)

Radiation has no odor or property that allows it

to be seen. However, there are many types of
devices used to measure it. Some devices are
qualitativethey simply tell you that radiation
is present but dont tell youthe amount of
radiation present or the amount of exposure
you are receiving. Some are quantitativethey
might indicate the rate of radiation exposure,
the quantity, or both. Although there are many
types of devices, the basic requirement for
measurement is that the radiation must be able
to interact with the detector.
What is radiation?

Radioactive materials consist of

atoms that are unstable which
means they undergo
spontaneous transformation into
more stable atoms. This process
is called radioactive decay and is
usually accompanied by the
emission of charged particles
and/or gamma rays.
How is radiation measured?

When trying to measure

radiation there are two things
being measured activity and
exposure. Activity is how much
radiation is coming out of
something, while exposure
measures the effects of that
radiation on anything that
absorbs it.
Measuring radiation activity

Radiation activity is measured in

an international (SI) unit called a
Becquerel (Bq). The Becquerel
counts how many particles or
photons (in the case of wave
radiation) are emitted per
second by a source. 1Bq = 1
disintegration per second (a very
small unit).
Measuring radiation exposure

Absorbed dose describes the amount

of radiation absorbed by an object or
person (that is, the amount of energy
that radioactive sources deposit in
materials through which they pass).
The units for absorbed dose are the
radiation absorbed dose (rad) and
gray (Gy).
How do you choose a
detection device?

Important considerations for

choosing a particular type of
detection device include the
(1) The type of radiation,
(2) The energy of the radiation. (3)
The level of sensitivity needed.
Handheld Radiation Survey Meters (HHRSMs)
Are portable instruments used where radioactivity is
suspected or known to be present in order to locate
the source or to assess the radiation intensity. For
example, HHRSMs might be used to screen a
suspicious package or to confirm radiation detected
by another type of instrument. In response missions,
they can be used to determine the nature and extent
of radioactive contamination, to delineate radiation
protection zones, and to scan people for
contamination. An HHRSM may be capable of
measuring different types of radiation, such as
gamma, beta, and alpha.
All portable survey meters have certain components
in common (Figure 2).
The detector (or probe) produces electrical
signals when exposed to radiation. It usually
has a window through which the radiation can
penetrate to the sensitive volume of the
Survey meters may display the exposure rate
in roentgens per hour (R/h) and the
contamination in counts per second (cps) or
counts per minute (cpm). The conversion of
count rate to activity of the source material,
e.g., in units of becquerel (Bq) or curie (Ci),
depends on the sensitivity of the individual
detector, and a conversion factor must be
The speaker is an audible device
connected to the radiation monitor. It
may be located outside or inside the
meter and may have its own battery.
The speaker is in-line with the
detector so each count produces a
audible click on the speaker.
There are many types of portable
detectors like
(1) Geiger counter
(2) sodium iodide detector
(3)Portable gamma spectrometers for
identification of radioactive material:

Are able to identify radioactive isotopes

by analyzing the characteristic gamma
emission spectra. The devices are often
multipurpose (multitask) instruments
able to detect different forms of
radiation and perform a variety of
functions; used to (1) search, (2) detect
and (3) identify radioactive materials.

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