Programming C++ On Raspberry Pi

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Programming C++

on Raspberry Pi
Task 1 How to install C++ application in Raspberry Pi

Outcome User can now start programming C++ language on Raspberry Pi

Connect Raspberry Pi with laptop

Run PuTTY and VNC viewer
Open Terminal console (3rd from the
Enter pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt-get
install g++ to install the C++ application
Task 2 Displaying an output

User can understand on how to simply display an output using C++ on

Outcome Raspberry Pi

Lesson 1.0 : Writing in nano

Enter pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo nano
hello.cpp to create a C++ file and write the
program in here
For this example, try entering the source
code on the right
Press Ctrl+X to exit
There will be a yes or no confirmation
whether to save or cancel the file
Lesson 2 : Compiling and Run
Enter pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo g++ -o
hello hello.cpp to compile the C++ file
'g++' is to compile the program
'-o hello' flag is to create a program called
It will create this program based on the
'hello.cpp' source code file
To run the program enter pi@raspberrypi:~
$ ./hello
Example 2
Enter pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo nano RPi.cpp
to create a C++ file
For this example, try entering the source code
on the right
String is used in this source code which is
another way to display an output
Enter pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo g++ -o RPi
RPi.cpp to compile the C++ file
To run the program enter pi@raspberrypi:~
$ ./RPi
Example 3
Enter pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo nano
addition.cpp to create a C++ file
For this example, try entering the source
code on the right
Enter pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo g++ -o
addition addition.cpp to compile the C++
To run the program enter pi@raspberrypi:~
$ ./addition
Task 3 Reading user input

Outcome User can write a program on how to read an input

Enter pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo nano

user_input.cpp to create a C++ file
For this task, try entering the source code on
the right
Enter pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo g++ -o
user_input user_input.cpp to compile the
C++ file
To run the program enter pi@raspberrypi:~
$ ./user_input
Task 4 If statement

Outcome User can write a program that includes an if statement

Enter pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo nano if.cpp

to create a C++ file
For this task, try entering the source code on
the right
Enter pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo g++ -o if
if.cpp to compile the C++ file
To run the program enter pi@raspberrypi:~
$ ./if
Here is an example of a correct and incorrect
Task 5 For loop

Outcome User can loop a certain program using the for loop

Enter pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo nano

for_loop.cpp to create a C++ file
For this task, try entering the source code on
the right
Enter pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo g++ -o
for_loop for_loop.cpp to compile the C++
To run the program enter pi@raspberrypi:~
$ ./for_loop
Task 6 While loop

Outcome User can loop a certain program using the while loop

Enter pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo nano

while_loop.cpp to create a C++ file
For this task, try entering the source code on
the right
Enter pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo g++ -o
for_loop for_loop.cpp to compile the C++
To run the program enter pi@raspberrypi:~
$ ./for_loop
End of Slide

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