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Introduction to DSS

Decision Support Systems (DSS) Agenda

1 Why do we need Decision Support?

2 What is a Decision Support System (DSS)?

3 How does OLTP compare with DSS?

4 Transition from Data Processing to Information and Knowledge!

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Why DSS: How does one answer these business questions?

How are my Health Products How did my revenue improve in the

performing region wise? past 5 years?

What is the growth of

members for different plans? Which plans costs me more
and pays less?

Which of my Business Segments

are doing better?
Currency Risk, Interest
Rate Risk, Liquidity Risk

What is premium and claims

per member per month? Which providers cost me more?

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Driving Forces for DSS

Profitability Analysis: Need to crunch data regularly from various IT systems all
over the company to assess profitability
Competitive Edge: Need to constantly know about the companys performance to
be ahead of competitors
Adapting rapidly to Market Changes: Be able to detect and react to changes in
sales, production costs and customer buying patterns faster to keep ahead of
Cost Control: Be able to detect and reduce production and other operative costs
in a timely manner and thus increase the net profit
Process Improvement: Be able to detect and increase employee productivity and
reduce sales and other process cycle times to improve organizational efficiency
Customer Centricity: Be able to detect, analyze and improve customer service
before, during and after doing business with them (customers)
Risk Management: Be able to detect, analyze and take timely action to reduce
various risks in a timely manner

Utilize Data as an asset to gain knowledge and information

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What is DSS?

Decision Support Systems (DSS) are interactive computer-

based systems intended to help decision makers utilize data to
identify and solve problems and make faster and better decisions.
Data Warehouse is the foundation of DSS process.

Enable users to get a Business View of data

Facilitate Data based Decision Making that would drive and

improve the Business

Discover Hidden Trends

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Why DSS?: What happens if there was no DSS?

Data is all over the organization

Delays and tedious ways to access data
Business user spends too much time on IT tasks e.g. creating
report, formatting, etc.
Low productivity from IT department due to repetitive, non-
standardized tasks
Zero or very low reusability of reports

High cycle times, poorer decision making abilities, frustration

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Why DSS? Why not OLTP?

DSS queries hit OLTP performance adversely

OLTP system data is dynamic: A DSS report run for the same
conditions at different points in time will yield different results
End-users must write queries manually to access OLTP data (ad-
hoc analysis)
Data in OLTP systems rarely have quality good enough to perform
complex analyses
OLTP systems may not store adequate history

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OLTP vs DSS: A comparison

OLTP Environment DSS Environment

get data IN get information OUT
large volumes of simple small number of diverse queries
transaction queries periodic updates only
continuous data changes high processing time
low processing time mode of discovery
mode of processing subject oriented - summaries
transaction details data consistency
data inconsistency historical data is relevant
mostly current data low concurrent usage
high concurrent usage fewer tables, but more columns per
highly normalized data structure table
static applications Dynamic (ad-hoc) applications
automates routines facilitates creativity

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Transition from Data Processing to Knowledge Processing

Ad-hoc Reports Standard Reports Analytics Data Mining

EDW DATA MART ROLAP Tools Mining Tools

ODS CUBES MOLAP tools Web-Infrastructure


DATA E LE M E N T S Management Decision: Value Chain

Heterogeneous Data Sources Data Processing

Information Processing
Knowledge Processing

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Who are the Business Users?

Multi-dimensional analysis, reporting tools
Knowledge Worker
Ad hoc queries, detail & summary data, application focus
Ad hoc queries, Data Analysis & Data Mining
Customer Contacts
Detail Data at specific levels

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How do the Business Users benefit from DSS?

Reliable Information Base for Knowledge Discovery

Focus on Information Processing
Quality & Completeness of Data
Flexible Information Access
High Availability
Ease of Use

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What does DSS achieve for the Business?

Profitability Analysis (Analytics)

Competitive Edge (Analytics)
Adapting rapidly to Market Changes (Data Mining)
Cost Control (Analytics, Reporting)
Process Improvement (Reporting)
Customer Centricity (Analytics)
Risk Management (Reporting)

Utilize Data as an asset to gain knowledge and information

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Different Projects using DSS in UHGIS


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Thank you

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