Lec 104
Lec 104
Lec 104
Welcome back, I hope you thought about the problem and notice that it is very similar to the
fluid mechanics problem that we did in the last video with one or two notable differences. So
the thing that is similar ofcourse is your inputs are somewhat similar though you do not have
you know the signed distance function or anything as input, you can simply give the shape of
the beam as input and in order to train you can give this as output, some optimized structure.
As it turns out the data set was generated by something called the 99 line code by Sigmund,
this is available in MATLAB and this is what Harish and Sai used in order to create a data set,
okay so they did that, so let us assume that you have this data set, okay. Once you have that
data set, how are you going to give the input? Remember the input that we have has two other
constraints also as input, one is the volume fraction and another is Poisson's ratio, so you
want to specify both these as input, okay.
Now for a CNN it is ideal if we use images themselves as input and images as output, there
are multiple other structures possible for this problem, but I will show you just one for this
which is an image as input and image as output, okay.
(Refer Slide Time: 1:53)
So this work as I said is by Harish and Sai Kumar, so let us see what they used should input
and output.
So here we see what they used as their input, what they did cleverly was to use the volume
fraction as an image. So for example if your volume fraction is 80 percent you have an image
which is 100 by 100 and about 80 percent of it is filled so that in some sense over iterations
the algorithm learns to use only this much yellow and redistributes it amongst the figure so as
to get the final topology optimized structure.
The second thing was to use Mu which is also a ratio which is also a decimal number also as
a ratio except in this form, okay. So both these were given as two layers of inputs, remember
when we were doing CNNs and we had multiple layers RGB. Similarly in this case Harish
and Sai used two layers one of them for the volume fraction, one of them for the Poisson's
ratio and then they gave the optimized structure as output, once again you train on multiple
outputs, I am going to show you the network architecture that they used, it is very very
similar to the structure that you saw for CFD.
So here is the structure that they used, here is the input, once again an encoder, decoder
structure you will see that it is fairly similar to what we saw for CFD, once again you kind of
systematically come down here, then systematically build it up back to the target, the loss
function is ofcourse the least square loss function, you can use other loss functions also but
that is what they used.
So you can use this, you can also treat it as a segmentation task for (())(4:06) and then they
trained it, okay so you saw that you will see that they actually had pretty decent success with
this kind of architecture.
(Refer Slide Time: 4:18)
Now here are some few results for this problem as obtained by Harish and Sai, you will see
that for a volume fraction of 45 percent and a Poisson's ratio of 0.2, on the left side is ground
truth, so you can see that 45 percent of the material has been redistributed in various ways
and the right hand side is our CNN solution. Once again you can notice that actually visually
they have it has succeeded quite well, ofcourse you can never create material of this sort, you
know it has removed some arbitrary small points here and there.
But as an initial cut for what the shape will look like this is actually remarkably good. you
will see some difference here ofcourse, okay but rather than that this is actually remarkably
good solution. So this problem also shows you that you can take problems that are fairly
complex atleast physically they are fairly complex, I do not think any of us can intuitively say
you know where should be the distribution of these gaps just by being given 45 percent of the
material should be there, you can see that remarkably which portion should be empty, which
portion should be full has been predicted really really well by this CNN structure showing
how powerful it can be even when you map images to images.
We will see I will actually discuss towards the end of this week some other examples of how
you can combine CNNs with LSTM, I will just briefly describe it, I will leave it to you in
order to actually read the original papers.
So once you have this powerful idea of using CNNs for field data, you can combine it with
various things, you know various other architectures CNNs plus ANNs, CNNs plus LSTM to
do all sorts of problems, I will discuss very briefly not in as much detail as I have done now,
towards the end of this week I will have a very short section on what else can be done with
CNNs in that.
In the next video I will discuss one final problem that will be the final application for this
week, the final application is going to be how do we actually solve from scratch without any
examples, in all these cases you had to be given examples, without examples how can we
solve ODEs and PDEs. So we will start with that in the next video, thank you.