Introduction To String Theory & Ads/Cft: Justin Frantz Nuclear Lunch 09/09/09

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Introduction to String Theory &

From a non-expert!!!!

Justin Frantz
Nuclear Lunch 09/09/09
String Theory is not just one theory but has
evolved into a both a set of theories set of
AdS/CFT is one such sub-theory/technique
that has recently found an application to
Physics of the Strong Force
This week: start w/ general intro to String
Next week discuss AdS/CFT again in more detail
Forces and General Relativity
Four Forces: Electromagnetic,Weak, Strong, Gravity
In fact EM & Weak are currently fully unified as one theory
(one force)
Both E&M and Gravity follow inverse square laws to good
Current understanding: accident
First, Gravity is best explained (on large length scales) by
General Relativity

LHS Curvature of space-time itself (R == Ricci Tensor)

RHS Presence of Matter/Energy (T = Energy/Mom Tensor)
Form of matter not specified
Standard Model and QCD
Microscopically includes the what the forces act upon.
Standard model particles
QED-ElectroWeak, QCD: Quantum
field theories
Using Perturbation Theory
Strong Force
Quantum ChromoDynamics
Confinement/ Asymptotic Freedom
Low energy QCD Perturbation theory
fails: uncalculable
Not motivation for String Theory itself
but is motivation for use of AdS/CFT
Notice that Gravity is absent:
However, SM proposes the existence
of the mediator graviton which
couples w/ all particles
Does not specifiy any details
Quantum Field Theory/GR
Quantum Field Theory
Particles (e.g. electrons) and Forces (via mediating particles e.g. photons)
treated equally as fields
QED Lagrangian
fermion-- 4 spinor

4 spacial

Quantized: 2 electrons -- |2> state (uses creation anniliation operators like for
the QM Simple Harmonic Oscillator)
Perturbation Theory: Power Series of more and more complicated transitions (2-
>2, + 2->3+ ) sum to total probability more complicated less important
Because of Uncertainty Principle implied by QMLocation fuzzyGR
Curvature goes haywire
So GR and QFT are not compatible w/ current formulations
String Theory
Edward Witten Intellectual Leader of String Theory
Regarded by some as Einstein or our generation
Ive heard: can do pages and pages of calcs in his head
Downloading from the Mothership
Nice simple introduction/presentation at
String Theory
Currently need >= 10 dimensions (9 space 1 time) to fit all SM particles,
including new SuperSymmetric SUSY particles
~6 different versions of the theory
SUSY solves Hierarchy Problem :
-Why is Gravity so weak (vs 3 other Forces)?
Compactification: why we dont
see the other dimensions
M-theory : Witten discovered
one 11-D theory which includes others
strings branes
Duality / Holographic Principle Recent Advancement leading to recent
AdS/CFT activity and other things
Like Gauss Law or Curl Theorem:
All information in any volume (n-D space) is reflected on the surface of
that volume
E.g. all interactions reflected on surface as some kind of fluctuation on that
Theory of the volume and theory of the surface same mathematical
Basic Idea For AdS/CFT
Certain configuration in Higher Dimensional AdS Space
dual to a Quantum (Conformal) Field Theory on some
surface in that space
Some complicated Field theory calculations become simple
geometric problems in higher dimensions
Dam Thanh Son Talk:

A field theory much

like QCD Strongly

Problem: no
Dam Thanh Son Talk:
Dam Thanh Son Talk:

Reminder: still just a hypothesis Not proven

Why is it useful? At minimum can provide insights about which
directions to take field theory calc benefit from the field theory calc
For Heavy Ions, where we think we create a hot
plasma of raw QCD fields w/ very low viscosity
e.g. has yielded a conjectured lower bound for the
viscosity of ANY quantum fluid that is compatible w/
dataamong many other calculations
Easy way to calculate energy loss of certain
(heavy) quarks in strongly coupled quantum
Some predictions that can be tested!
Has also been applied to models of hadrons

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