Decolonization and The Rise of New States
Decolonization and The Rise of New States
Decolonization and The Rise of New States
Growing Nationalism
World War I
World War II
Cold War
How WWI?
Promises of self-determination
Use of colonial soldiers in trenches
Locals filled posts left by colonial
powers during war
Financial strain on empire
Treaty of Versailles
Increased nationalist uprisings following WWI
and as a result of the global depression
Costs of empire
US support of anti-colonial liberation
Atlantic Charter (1941) right of all people to
choose the form of government under which
they live
Soviets condemned colonialism
How the Cold War?
Provided inspiration a blend of capitalist
and socialist economies and agendas.
Provided arms to those who sided with
one or the other (proxy wars and arms
Encouraged violent recourse for some
as a result of the power politics of cold
war competition.
Process of Decolonization and
Surge of anti-colonial nationalism after 1945.
Leaders used lessons in mass politicization
and mass mobilization of 1920s and 1930s.
Three patterns:
1. Civil war (China)
2. Negotiated independence (India and much of
3. Incomplete de-colonization (Palestine, Algeria and
Southern Africa, Vietnam)
Japanese invasion interrupted the 1920s and
1930s conflict between the Communists (Mao
Zedong) and the Guomindang (Chiang Kai-
During the war, CCP expanded peasant base,
using appeals for women (health care, divorce
rights, education access, graduated taxes,
cooperative farming).
Growth of party during the war in part through
use of anti-Japanese propaganda.
Resumption of civil war after Japanese surrender.
1949 Great Peoples Revolution- Mao; Nationalist
leaders fled to Taiwan.
GMD-CCP Civil War (1946-1949)
Recovery and Socialism (1949-1956)
Rethinking the Soviet model (1956-
Great Leap Forward (1958-1961)
Recovery & growing elite division
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
Anti-Japanese War (1937-1945)
Civil War (1946 1949)
GMD: Guomindang (Nationalist Party)
Chiang Kai-shek (President)
CCP: Chinese Communist Party
Mao Zedong
War of Liberation
Mao Zedong
A revolution to remove 3 big
A United Front of
petty bourgeoisie and national bourgeoisie
Peoples Republic of China
1949-10-01, PRC, Beijing
Chairman: Mao Zedong
5-Star Red Flag
Republic of China
government retreated to
Economic Reconstruction 1950s
Soviet Union model and assistance
land reform (eliminate landlord class)
heavy industry (state-owned enterprises)
First National Peoples Congress (1954)
PRC Constitution
Zhou Enlai
Foreign Minister
Great Leap Forward (1958-1960)
abandon the Soviet model of economic
Soviet scientific planning
mass mobilization
peoples communes
Great Leap Forward (1958-1960)
unrealistic output targets
agricultural and human disaster
Growing Division (1962-1965)
Mao Zedong vs. Liu Shaoqi and Deng
charismatic leadership vs. bureaucracy
Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
commitment to revolution and class
power struggle to succeed Mao
Phase I: the rise and fall of red guards
Phase II: the rise and fall of Lin Biao
Phase III: the rise and fall of the Gang
of Four
Phase I: Red Guards (1966-69)
Phase I: Red Guards (1966-69)
Purge of party cadres
Liu Shaoqi and Deng
Purge of intellectuals
Phase II: Lin Biao (1969-71)
the putative successor to Mao Zedong
the cult of personality around Mao
In 1971 Lin allegedly tried but failed
to assassinate Mao
to flee to Soviet Union (9.13)
9.13 eroded the credibility
of the entire leadership
of the Cultural Revolution
Phase III: the Gang of Four
1972 1976
power struggle between
the radical Gang of
Four, led by Jiang Qing,
Maos wife
the moderates, led by
Premier Zhou Enlai
the fate of Deng
Diplomatic Breakthrough
1971, PRC became the representative
of China in UN (replaced ROC)
Diplomatic Breakthrough
1972, President Nixon visited Beijing
Mao and Zhou Died in 1976
Turning point in Chinas postwar era
Gang of Four were arrested
End of the Cultural Revolution
Maos legacies
Reforms and Opening up
The 3rd Plenum of the 11th CCP Central
Committee in 1978
Deng Xiaopings ascendancy
economic modernization became focus
US-PRC diplomatic relations in 1979
China since 1945
Mao dies in 1976 and
Deng Xiaoping comes to
Deng institutes the Four
Modernizations, which
focuses on improving
agriculture, industry,
science and technology
as well as defense.
Deng was in power until
his death in 1997
Government in China Today
Currently known as the
Peoples Republic of
China (PRC).
It is a single-party
socialist republic (one
party, in favor of the
working class)
The Communist party
holds power
The current president is
Hu Jianto
Beijing is the capital city
Review of Chinas Population
Over 1.3 billion
people (1/5 of the
worlds population)
56 recognized ethnic
groups. The Han
are the largest
Large population
can be attributed to
Population in China
Kashmir= years of conflict that continues today
Cold War alignment= NON Alignment Movement
Industrialization= slow but coming
Social and cultural issues= continuous challenges with progress
Caste system
Womens rights
Border both India & Pakistan
Hindu leader with large Muslim populations
1947-Pakistan invaded leading Kashmir to align with India
fighting cont.d until 1949. Cease fire lead to 1/3 control by
Pakistan 2/3 by India.
1962- China seized part of Kashmir
1972- Indian and Pakistani forces fought again
Today: tensions continue and flare up intermittently
Nehrus Family Rules
1964 Nehru dies
Congress Party left with no strong leader
1966 Indira Gandhi becomes Prime Minister (Nehrus
1980 re-elected (after a short period out of office)
Increased food/grain production
Faced a threat from Sikh extremists agitating for an
independent state
1984 500 were killed in a violent demonstrations
2 months later her Sikh bodyguards shot her
1984-89 Rajiv Gandhi leader / charged with
1991 killed by a bomb while campaigning near Madra
in Africa