Report Writing in Environment

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1.1 Definitions of Audit terms
The term Non - compliance refers to the diverging from the
provision requirements of Environmental Management Act
CAP 191 together with its subsequent Regulations
This meant that there is room for further improvement in
the practice and cultures within the facility that are not
covered in non compliances.
REPORT (Cont.)
1.2 The scope of the Audit
This report describes non-compliances and
observations that were uncovered during the audit
and does not provide a comprehensive status report
on..... environmental work or environmental status.
The purpose of the audit was to assess whether the
systematic routines works of the ........ are in
compliance with the EMA CAP 191and international
best practices. The Inspection among other things
focused on ........
REPORT (Cont.)
1.3 Methodology
In achieving the above mentioned scope and objective,
the methods and approaches used for the
environmental audit were
Systematic reviewing documents that are related
to ....... operations
Interviewing key personnel in the organization
Verifying (through spot checks) that routines,
procedures, and instructions are adhered to in actual
REPORT (Cont.)
1.4 Audit/Inspection Team
The team that was involved in the audit
include the following members:
Audit Findings
2.0 Audit Findings
2.1 Non-compliance 2: Non Submission of the Annual Environmental Report
Non-compliances with: EMA CAP 191 (Section 101(3)) and specific
conditions provided on the EIA/ Audit Certificates the proponent or
operator of a project or undertaking for which an Environmental Impact
Statement has been made shall keep accurate records and make annual
reports to the Council describing how far the project conforms in operation
with the statements made in the Environmental Impact Statement.
Annual Environmental report from the facility operation has not been
prepared and submitted to Council in accordance to the requirements of
EMA CAP 191 and specific conditions provided on the EIA/ Audit
Certificates. The report should contain the parameter that has been
compared with local allowable standards and applicable international
Audit Findings
2.0 Audit Findings
2.1.2 Non Compliance 3: No Payment of the Environmental Fees
Non-compliances with Environmental Management (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2008
Section 4.
The National Environment Management Council (NEMC) is a body corporate established by
Environmental Management Act Cap 191 to undertake enforcement, compliance, and review
and monitoring of environmental impact assessments, environmental research, raising
awareness and collecting and disseminating environmental information.
Sections 99 (1) (b) of the EMA and Regulations 57 (1) of the EIA and Audit Regulations, 2005
mandate the Council to monitor operations of any industry, project or undertaking with a view
to determining its immediate and long term effects on the environment.
In order to enforce this requirement, the Environmental Management (Fees and Charges)
Regulations, 2008 stipulates, annual charges for environmental compliance monitoring and
audit, payable to the Council by all proponents whose projects have been issued with
environmental certificates.
Failure to comply with this is an offence that will effect Council performing its duty on your
facility as required by Environmental Management Act, Cap 191 (EMA CAP 191), the EIA and
Audit Regulations, 2005 and the Environmental Management (Fees and Charges) Regulations,
3.0 Observation
4.0 Conclusion

The Project inspected has to correct as quickly as possible the non-

compliances and make an improvement on the observations that are
described in this report. In order for the Council to be sure that the
facility is doing its best to comply with the legal requirements, the
Project will send its confirmation report within 28 days from the date
of the receipt of the report with documentation that proves that the
non-compliances has been corrected. The Council may arrange for
the follow-up inspection whenever it seems that non compliance has
not been well addresses and is endangering the environment.

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