Positive Practice Environments
Positive Practice Environments
Positive Practice Environments
s (PPE)
Workplace Health,
Safety and Well-
being of the nurse
Safe staffing in
nursing practice
Meeting 3
By Romiko
What is PPE ?
Lingkungan kerja/praktek yang positif/PPE
adalah pengaturan yang mendukung
peningkatan mutu da dan kelayakan kerja.
Secara khusus yaitu berusaha untuk menjamin
kesehatan, keselamatan dan kesejahteraan
staf, mendukung kualitas perawatan pasien dan
meningkatkan motivasi, meningkatkan
produktivitas dan kinerja individu dan
organisasi (Rondeau & Francescutti, 2005)
Elements of Positive Practice Environments (ICN,
Occupational health, safety and wellness policies that address workplace
hazards, discrimination, physical and psychological violence and issues
pertaining to personal security;
Fair and manageable workloads and job demands/stress;
An organisational climate reflective of effective management and leadership
practices, good peer support, worker participation in decision- making, shared
Work schedules and workloads that permit healthy work-life balance;
Equal opportunity and treatment;
Opportunities for professional development and career advancement;
Professional identity, autonomy and control over practice;
Job security;
Decent pay and benefits;
Safe staffing levels;
Support, supervision and mentorship;
Open communication and transparency;
Recognition programmes; and
Access to adequate equipment, supplies and support staff2
Workplace Health, Safety and
Well-being of the Nurse
What we would like to do for
today ???
Workplace Health, Safety and Well-
being of the Nurse (Tempat kerja
yang sehat, aman, dan sejahtera
bagi perawat)
Safe staffing (Keamanan staf dalam
pelayanan keperawatan)
How important the Workplace Health,
Safety and Well-being of the Nurse
Health care reform is currently focused on three primary goals
(Registered Nurses Association, 2008)
Penyediaan akses yang tepat terhadap pelayanan kesehatan atas dasar
Pelayanan kesehatan yang berkualitas tinggi, efektif, berpusat pada
kesehatan klien dan aman
Sistem perawatan kesehatan yang berkelanjutan dan terjangkau.