Leadership: Chapter 6 - Contingency Theory
Leadership: Chapter 6 - Contingency Theory
Leadership: Chapter 6 - Contingency Theory
Effective leadership is contingent on
matching a leaders style to the right
Leadership Styles
Leadership styles are described as:
Task-motivated (Low LPCs)
Leaders are concerned primarily with reaching a
Relationship-motivated (High LPCs)
Leaders are concerned with developing close
interpersonal relationships
Leader Style Measurement Scale (Fiedler)
Least Preferred Co-Worker (LPC) Scale
High LPCs = Relationship-motivated
Low LPCs = Task-motivated
Chapter 3 - Skills Approach
Position Power
Designates the amount of authority a
leader has to reward or punish followers
Strong Power
authority to hire or fire, give raises in rank
or pay
Weak Power
no authority to hire or fire, give raises in
rank or pay
Chapter 3 - Skills Approach
Contingency Model
Chapter 3 - Skills Approach
LPC Score of Situation Definition
Effective in Categories
Middle LPCs
1, 2, & 3
If individuals style matches appropriate category in the
model, leader will be effective
If individuals style does not match appropriate category in
the model, leader will not be effective
Chapter 3 - Skills Approach
LeaderMember Relation Good
Task Structure High
Position Power High
Category 1
Low LPC (Individual who is task-oriented will be
Empirical support. Contingency theory has been tested by
many researchers and found to be a valid and reliable
approach to explaining how to achieve effective leadership.
Broadened understanding. Contingency theory has
broadened the scope of leadership understanding from a
focus on a single, best type of leadership (e.g., trait
approach) to emphasizing the importance of a leaders style
and the demands of different situations.
Predictive. Because Contingency theory is predictive, it
provides relevant information regarding the type of
leadership that is most likely to be effective in particular
Chapter 3 - Skills Approach
Not an all-or-nothing approach. Contingency
theory contends that leaders should not expect to
be effective in every situation; thus companies
should strive to place leaders in optimal situations
according to their leadership style.
Fails to fully explain why leaders with particular
leadership styles are more effective in some
situations than others
Criticism of LPC scale validity as it does not
correlate well with other standard leadership
Cumbersome to use in real-world settings
Fails to adequately explain what should be
done about a leader/situation mismatch in the
Chapter 3 - Skills Approach
Useful in answering a
multitude of questions
about the leadership of
individuals in various types
of organizations
Helpful tool to assist upper
management in making
changes to lower level
positions to ensure a good
fit between an existing
manager and a certain
work context