Forward Kinematics: "Finding The End Effector Given The Joint Angles"

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Forward Kinematics

Finding the end effector given the

joint angles
Types of robot joints
Angle about z axis
Linear displacement d along axis of joint z
Hooke (2-D Rotary)
2-D of freedom described by Yaw and Pitch
Described by 3 rotation axes (wrist & shoulder)
Robot configurations
3 Prismatic joints
SCARA (pick and place)
Min 3 axes (Z axis and 2+ rotary joints)
Spherical Wrist
Most common type 6-D freedom
hooke shoulder, rotary elbow and roll-pitch-roll wrist

Setting up the coordinate system:
Denavit-Hartenberg Coordinates
Key basis for DH coordinates
There is only one normal between two lines in
Parallel lines (Infinite number of normal)
Intersecting lines (common normal has zero length)
Step 1: Assign z0, z1, --- zn axes along the motion axes of joint 1,
joint 2, , joint n+1, respectively. Therefore, the zi axis
coincides with the motion axis of joint i+1.

Step 2: Choose the origin of the frame {0} anywhere along the
z0 axis, and choose the x0 axis in any convenient way to form a
right-handed frame..

Step 3: Choose the origin of the frame {i} at the intersection of

the zi-1 and zi axes. If the zi-1 and zi axes do not intersect, choose
the origin of the frame {i} at the intersection of the zi axis and
the common normal between the zi-1 and zi axes.
Step 4:
Choose the xi axis along the common normal between the
zi and zi-1 axes, and the direction of the xi axis should point
to the zi axis and away from the zi-1 axis. If the zi-1 and zi
axes intersect, choose the xi axis to be perpendicular to the
plane containing the zi-1 and zi axes.

Step 6: Determine the tool frame {n} in the following

Choose the origin of the frame {n} at the tool tip.
Set the zn axis to be parallel to the zi-1 axis.
Set the axis xn to be orthogonal to both the zi-1
and zn axes, and make the direction of the xn axis to
point to the axis zn and away from the zi-1 axis.
D-H Representation
UT matrix

c n 1 s n 1c n 1 s n 1 s n 1 a n 1c n 1
s c n 1c n 1 c n 1 s n 1 a n 1 s n 1
An 1 n 1
0 s n 1 c n 1 d n 1

0 0 0 1
DH coordinates are numbered relative to the base 0
Joint n connects link n-1 to link n
Each joint assign a z-axis and an x-axis.
z-axis representing of joint number n+1 is zn.
The coordinate system at joint i is the i-1 system
i is the angle from xi-1 to xi measured about zi-1
di is the distance from xi-1 to xi measured along zi-1
i is the skew angle from zi-1 to zi measured about xi
ai is the distance from from zi-1 to zi measured about xi
Link i-1

zi-1 zi-1 Link i

zi zi
Joint i
2- Planar Manipulator y2
Axes at distal ends
Avoid transformation y0 a2
to find endpoint y1
Make x2 the approach x1
a1 O1

z1 z0
Note for joint 3 displacement
is the joint variable and is x2 x1 x0
Location of x0 is arbtrary z2
i ai di i i
Location of x3 and x3 are
arbitrary, however x3 1 a1 0 0 1
determines d3 2 a2 0 2
For simplicity frame 4 is 3 0 d3 0 0
placed at the gripper and z2 , x4 4 0 d4 0 4
z3 and z4 coincident z3 z4
Forward Kinematics
Link Coordinate Transform
From link i to link i-1of the 2-d planar robot
Rotate about the zi-1 axis by i , then about
the xi axis by i.
c i s i 0 1 0 0 c i s i c i s i s i
i 1
Ri Rz Rx i s i c i 0 0 c i s i s i c i c i c i s i
0 0 1 0 s i c i 0 s i c i
Forward Kinematics
Translational component referenced to axes i-1
0 c i ai c i
i 1
di 1,i di i 1 z i 1 ai i 1 xi di i 1 z i 1 ai i 1Ri i xi d i 0 ai s i ai s i
1 0 d i

Homogeneous transform i-1Ti from frame i to frame

c i s i c i s i s i ai c i
ai s i
i 1 i 1Ri i 1
d i 1,i s i c i c i c i s i
Ti T
0 1 0 s i c i di

0 0 0 1
Relating any two link frames
By composition of intervening frames we
can link any two frames
T j iTi 1 i 1Ti 2j 2 T j 1 j 1T j i j

For efficiency we normally decompose the

frames into separate Rotations and
Translation components
Forward Kinematic computations
Aim: find the position and orientation of the last
frame, n, wrt the base frame 0
Sometimes additional frames are added at the
beginning or end
Vision systems
Tools or object which are picked up
Once an object is grasped the its kinematics are
constant and for practical purposes can be
considered part of the last link.
Kinematic Calibration
Set during Manufacture
Wear, error, etc
Kinematic callibration schemes
Tool Transform
Most objects geometric and known
Vision system

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