Chapter 9

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‡ Explain why wireless metropolitan area networks

(WMANs) are needed
‡ Describe the components and modes of operation of
‡ List the range of WMAN technologies, including
FSO, LMDS, MMDS, and 802.16 (WiMAX)

What is a WMAN?
‡ Wireless metropolitan area networks (WMANs)
± Provide wireless connectivity across a substantial
geographical area such as a large city
‡ WMANs primary goals
± Extend wired networks beyond a single location
‡ Without the expense of high-speed cable-based
± Extend user mobility throughout a metropolitan area
± Provide high-speed connections to areas not serviced
by any other method of connectivity

Last Mile Wired Connections

‡ Last mile connection

± Link between a customer and ISP
± Most last mile connections use copper wiring
‡ Copper-based digital communications lines
± Require the signal to be regenerated every 6,000 feet
‡ Last mile delivery of telephone and data lines has
long been a problem for the carrier
± Must be able to justify the cost of installing wired
connections to remote areas

Last Mile Wired Connections

Last Mile Wired Connections

Last Mile Wireless Connections

‡ Microwaves are higher frequency RF waves

± In the ' to '0 GHz range of the electromagnetic
spectrum known as super high frequency (SHF) band
‡ Microwave towers are installed roughly 'Ë miles (Ë6
kilometers) apart from each other
‡ Fixed wireless
± Wireless as the last mile connection for buildings
‡ Backhaul connection
± Company¶s internal infrastructure connection

Free Space Optics

‡ Free space optics (FSO)

± Optical, wireless, point-to-point, line-
of-sight broadband technology
± Excellent alternative to high-speed
fiber-optic cable
± Can transmit up to 1.2Ë Gbps at a
distance of ] miles (6.] kilometers)
in full-duplex mode
± Uses infrared (IR) transmission
instead of RF
‡ Transmissions are sent by low-
powered invisible infrared beams
through the open air
± FSO is a line-of-sight technology
Free Space Optics (continued)

‡ Advantages of FSO
± Cost
± Speed of installation
± Transmission rate
± Security
‡ Disadvantages of FSO
± Atmospheric conditions impact FSO transmissions
± Scintillation
‡ Temporal and spatial variations in light intensity caused
by atmospheric turbulence
Free Space Optics (continued)

‡ Disadvantages of FSO (continued)

± FSO overcomes scintillation by sending the data in
parallel streams (spatial diversity)
‡ From several separate laser transmitters
± Dealing with fog
‡ Increase the transmit power of the signal
± Signal interference
± Tall buildings or towers can sway due to wind or
seismic activity
‡ Affecting the aim of the beam
Local Multipoint Distribution Service
‡ Local multipoint distribution service (LMDS)
± Fixed broadband technology that can provide a wide
variety of wireless services
‡ High-speed Internet access
‡ Real-time multimedia file transfer
‡ Remote access to local area networks
‡ Interactive video, video-on-demand, video conferencing
‡ Telephone service
± Can transmit from Ë1 to 1ËË Mbps downstream and
1.Ë] Mbps upstream
‡ Over a distance of up to about Ë miles (8 kilometers)
Local Multipoint Distribution Service
(LMDS) (continued)

Local Multipoint Distribution Service
(LMDS) (continued)
‡ Frequency
± Based on high frequency, low-powered signals over
short distances
± LMDS used the following ranges of frequencies
‡ 2.Ë MHz and 28.'Ë MHz
‡ 2•.1 MHz and 2•.2Ë MHz
‡ '0 GHz, '1.0Ë GHz, and '1.22Ë GHz
‡ Architecture
± Cells (like a cellular telephone system)
± LMDS is a fixed wireless technology for buildings
Multichannel Multipoint Distribution
Service (MMDS)
‡ Multichannel multipoint distribution service (MMDS)
± Fixed broadband wireless technology similar to LMDS
± Can transmit video, voice, or data signals at 1.Ë to 2
Mbps downstream and '20 Kbps upstream
‡ At distances of up to 'Ë miles (Ë6 kilometers)
± MMDS is sometimes called wireless cable
‡ Can broadcast '00 channels
± Internet access using MMDS is an alternative to cable
modems and DSL service

Multichannel Multipoint Distribution
Service (MMDS) (continued)
‡ Layout
± MMDS hub is typically located on a high point
‡ Uses a point-to-multipoint architecture that multiplexes
communications to multiple users
± Tower has a backhaul connection to carrier¶s network
‡ Carrier network connects with the Internet
± MMDS signals can travel longer distances
‡ Provide service to an entire area with only a few radio
± MMDS cell size can have a radius of up to 'Ë miles
(Ë6 kilometers)

Multichannel Multipoint Distribution
Service (MMDS) (continued)

Multichannel Multipoint Distribution
Service (MMDS) (continued)
‡ Advantages of MMDS
± Signal strength
± Cell size
± Cost
‡ Disadvantages of MMDS
± Physical limitations
± Frequency sharing
± Security
± Availability of the technology

IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX)
‡ Standard for wireless broadband metropolitan area
‡ 802.16 supports enhancements and extensions to
the MAC protocols
± Base station (BS) can communicate with another BS
‡ And also directly with subscriber stations (SS)
‡ WiMAX Forum
± Promotes the implementation of 802.16 by testing
and certifying equipment
‡ WiMAX stands for worldwide interoperability for
microwave access
WiMAX Applications
‡ Applications
± Suitable for backhaul applications for business
± Last mile delivery applications
± Supports simultaneous voice, video, and data
± Suitable for voice-over-IP (VoIP) connections
± Enables vendors to create customer premises
equipment (CPE)
± Can also be deployed as a point-to-point network
‡ Provide broadband access to rural and remote areas

WiMAX Applications (continued)

‡ Applications (continued)
± WiMAX CPE devices will support TV (video),
telephone (voice), and data on the same network
‡ WiMAX MAC layer makes it easy for carriers to
deploy the network
‡ Range of a WiMAX network is measured in miles
‡ Cellular phone operators can easily incorporate
WiMAX networks

‡ WMANs are a group of technologies
± Provide wireless connectivity throughout an area such
as a city without cable infrastructure
‡ Last mile wired connections are the link between the
customer¶s premises and an ISP
‡ Transmission techniques
± Broadband and baseband
‡ Land-based fixed broadband wireless techniques
± Free space optics (FSO)
± Local multipoint distribution service (LMDS)
± Multichannel multipoint distribution service (MMDS)


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