Cs 6461 Computer Architecture Lecture 11

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CS6461 Computer Architecture

Fall 2016
Morris Lancaster - Lecturer
Adapted from Professor Stephen Kaislers Notes

Lecture 11
Multiprocessor Computing: Memory
Some slides from material by Krste Asanovic (MIT/UCB)
Multiprocessor Memory Architecture Critical Problem

Introduce multiple processors in a shared memory architecture

Each has its own cache

Processor Processor Processor Processor

Registers Registers Registers Registers

Caches Caches Caches Caches

Memory Chipset

Disk & other IO

10/7/2017 CS61 Computer Architecture 11-2

Shared Memory Architecture

All processors share the same memory and execute

a single copy of the operating system.
Several (two or more) processors share the same
address space
Communication is implicit, e.g., read and write can
occur to same memory locations, so processors
must deconflict among themselves
Synchronization can occur at both hardware and
software level
However, synchronization at hardware level does not
preclude deadlock or errors occurring at the software level.

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Shared Memory Architectures give rise to the

problem of Cache Coherency.
If one processor reads data from memory before another
processor, which has updated its cache, but NOT written
the cache back to memory, it will get inconsistent results.
If this occurs in a program which is running across multiple
processors, e.g., a multitasking or multithreading program,
significant program errors can result.
Caches used to reduce data access latency; need to be
kept coherent
Latencies due to getting value from remote location impact
Getting remote value is two-part operation
Get value
Get permissions to use value

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Consider this example

After event 3, the processors P1 and P2 will see different values for u.
With write back cache, the value depends on which memory writes back
This is an unacceptable result, but it is frequent!

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Cache Coherency Problem

Suppose CPU-1 updates A to 300.

write-back: memory and cache-2 have stale values
write-through: cache-2 has a stale value

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Coherency means the following:

Any read must always return the most recent write
Very difficult to implement; must choose between
A better strategy is: Any write must be eventually
seen by a read
All writes are seen in their proper order, e.g.,
A write by any processor invalidates all copies of
the same cache block in every other processors

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Defining Coherency

1. Preserve Program Order: Read by processor P to location X that follows a

write by P to X, with no writes of X by another processor occurring between the
write and the read by P, always returns the value written by P
2. Coherent view of memory: Read by a processor to location X that follows a
write by another processor to X returns the written value if the read and write
are sufficiently separated in time and no other writes to X occur between the
two accesses
3. Write serialization: 2 writes to same location by any 2 processors are seen in
the same order by all processors
- If not, a processor could keep value 1 since saw as last write
- For example, if the values 1 and then 2 are written to a location, processors
can never read the value of the location as 2 and then later read it as 1

A write does not complete (and allow the next write to occur) until all processors
have seen the effect of that write

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What is the Problem?

A scheme where every CPU knows who has a copy of

its cached data is far too complex.
So, each CPU (cache system) snoops (i.e. watches
continually) for write activity concerned with data
addresses which it has cached.
This assumes a bus structure which is global, i.e., all
communication can be seen by all.
However, this scheme is not scalable because of bus
A more scalable solution: directory based coherence
Coherency Misses

True sharing misses arise from the communication of

data through the cache coherence mechanism
Invalidates due to 1st write to shared block
Reads by another CPU of modified block in different cache
Miss would still occur if block size were 1 word

False sharing misses when a block is invalidated

because some word in the block, other than the one
being read, is written into
Invalidation does not cause a new value to be
communicated, but only causes an extra cache miss
Block is shared, but no word in block is actually shared
miss would not occur if block size were 1 word

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Example: True v. False Sharing v. Hit?

Assume x1 and x2 are in the same cache block.

Let P1 and P2 both read x1 and x2 before.

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Resolving the Problem

There are two mechanisms to resolve this problem

Write Back: Data is written from a modified cache
only when necessary, e.g., when either:
Cache line must be replaced because of a more recent
access, or
A read against the cache line is detected
Doesnt tie up memory bandwidth
Need synchronization among processor caches in order to
avoid coherency problems

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Write Back Protocol
(instructions: LD Y, R1 means R1 <- c(Y); ST X,1 means X <- 1)

Why? Because all of T2 is executed before cache-1 has updated X!

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Write Through Protocol

Write Through: Data is written to memory

immediately upon writing to the cache:
Uses memory bandwidth
Ensures that data is always current in memory

Write-through caches dont preserve sequential

consistency either

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Write Through Protocol
(instructions: LD Y, R1 means R1 <- c(Y); ST X,1 means X <- 1)

So, X and Y are

updated in
But, T2 executing
concurrently can
still read X before
cache update!

Why? Again T2 is fully executed before cache-1 updates memory!

Write-Through is not immediate!
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Defining Write Consistency

Lets assume
1. A write does not complete (and allow the next write to occur)
until all processors have seen the effect of that write
2. The processor does not change the order of any write with
respect to any other memory access
=> If a processor writes location A followed by location B, any
processor that sees the new value of B must also see the new
value of A
These restrictions allow the processor to reorder reads, but forces
the processor to finish writes in program order

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Ensuring Consistency

Now, there are different kinds of data in cache, so we need

to determine what mechanism must be applied to ensure
TYPE Shared? Writable How Kept Coherent
Code Shared No No Need.
Private Data Exclusive Yes Write Back
Shared Data Shared Yes Write Back *
Interlock Data Shared Yes Write Through **

* Write Back gives good performance

** Write Through may cause severe memory performance

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Cache Coherent System

A Cache Coherent System Must:

Provide a set of states, state transition diagram, and
Manage coherence protocol: Determine when to invoke
coherence protocol
(a) Find info about state of block in other caches to determine
whether need to communicate with other cached copies
(b) Locate the other copies
(c) Communicate with those copies (invalidate/update)
is done the same way on all systems
state of the line is maintained in the cache
protocol is invoked if an access fault occurs on the line
Different approaches distinguished by (a) to (c)

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Bus-based Coherence

All of (a), (b), (c) done through broadcast on bus

faulting processor sends out a search
others respond to the search probe and take necessary action
Could do it in scalable network too
broadcast to all processors, and let them respond
Conceptually simple, but broadcast doesnt scale with p
on bus, bandwidth doesnt scale
on scalable network, every fault leads to at least p network
Scalable coherence:
can have same cache states and state transition diagram
different mechanisms to manage protocol

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Bus-based Coherence

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Snooping Solution (Snoopy Cache)

Send all requests for data to all processors

Processors snoop the cache to see if they have a copy and
respond accordingly
Snoop every address placed on the bus
Either get exclusive access before write via write invalidate or
update all copies on write
Requires broadcast, since caching information is at processors
Works well with bus (natural broadcast medium)
Dominates for small scale machines (most of the market)

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Write Through Invalidate

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Bus Snooping

Proc1 Proc2 ProcN

Snoop DCache Snoop DCache Snoop DCache

Single Bus

Memory I/O

Cache controllers monitor shared bus traffic with duplicate address

tag hardware (so they dont interfere with processors access to the
Only need to do for DCache since ICache cannot be modified by

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How does the Snoopy Protocol work?
Each block of memory is in one state:
Clean in all caches and up-to-date in memory (Shared)
OR Dirty in exactly one cache (Exclusive)
OR Not in any caches
Each cache block is in one state:
Shared : block can be read
OR Exclusive : cache has only copy, its writeable, and dirty
OR Invalid : block contains no data
Write Invalidate
CPU wanting to write to an address, grabs a bus cycle and sends a write invalidate
All snooping caches invalidate their copy of appropriate cache line
CPU writes to its cached copy (assume for now that it also writes through to memory)
Any shared read in other CPUs will now miss in cache and re-fetch new data.
Write Update
CPU wanting to write grabs bus cycle &broadcasts new data as it updates its own copy
All snooping caches update their copy
Note that in both schemes, problem of simultaneous writes is taken care of by bus
arbitration - only one CPU can use the bus at any one time.

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Update or Invalidate?

Update looks the simplest, most obvious and fastest,

Invalidate scheme is usually implemented with write-back
caches and in that case:
Multiple writes to same word (no intervening read) need only one
invalidate message but would require an update for each
Writes to same block in (usual) multi-word cache block require only
one invalidate but would require multiple updates.
Due to both spatial and temporal locality, these cases
occur often.
Bus bandwidth is a precious commodity in shared
memory multi-processors
Experience has shown that invalidate protocols use
significantly less bandwidth.
Directory-Based Schemes

Snoopy schemes do not scale because they rely on

Directory-Based Scheme:
Keep track of what is being shared in one centralized place
Distributed memory => distributed directory for
scalability (avoids bottlenecks)
Send point-to-point requests to processors via
Scales better than Bus Snooping
Actually existed BEFORE Snooping-based schemes
All modern microprocessors use write invalidate

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Directory-Based Cache States

For each cache line, there are 4 possible states:

C-invalid (= Nothing): The accessed data is not resident in
the cache.
C-shared (= Sh): The accessed data is resident in the
cache, and possibly also cached at other sites. The data in
memory is valid.
C-modified (= Ex): The accessed data is exclusively
resident in this cache, and has been modified. Memory does
not have the most up-to-date data.
C-transient (= Pending): The accessed data is in a transient
state (for example, the site has just issued a protocol
request, but has not received the corresponding protocol

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Home Directory Cache States

For each memory block, there are 4 possible states:

R(dir): The memory block is shared by the sites specified in dir
(dir is a set of sites). The data in memory is valid in this state. If
dir is empty (i.e., dir = ), the memory block is not cached by any
W(id): The memory block is exclusively cached at site id, and
has been modified at that site. Memory does not have the most
up-to-date data.
TR(dir): The memory block is in a transient state waiting for the
acknowledgements to the invalidation requests that the home
site has issued.
TW(id): The memory block is in a transient state waiting for a
block exclusively cached at site id (i.e., in C-modified state) to
make the memory block at the home site up-to-date.

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Directory-Based Schemes

In addition to cache state, we must track which

processors have data when in the shared state
(usually bit vector, 1 if processor has copy)
Keep it simple(r):
Writes to non-exclusive data => write miss
Processor blocks until access completes
Assume messages received and acted upon in order sent

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Directory Implementation

Directories have different meanings (& therefore uses) to different processors

home node: where the memory location of an address resides (and
cached data may be there too) (static)
local node: where the request initiated (relative)
remote node: alternate location for the data if this processor has
requested it (dynamic)

In satisfying a memory request:

messages sent between the different nodes in point-to-point
messages get explicit replies

Some simplifying assumptions for using the protocol

processor blocks until the access is complete
messages processed in the order received

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Basic Operation of Directory

With each cache-block in memory:

k presence-bits for k processors, 1 dirty-bit
Read from main memory by processor i:
If dirty-bit OFF then
{ read from main memory;
turn p[i] ON; }
If dirty-bit ON then
{ recall line from dirty proc (cache state to shared);
update memory;
turn dirty-bit OFF;
turn p[i] ON;
supply recalled data to i;}
Write to main memory by processor i:
If dirty-bit OFF then
{ supply data to i;
send invalidations to all caches that have the block;
turn dirty-bit ON;
turn p[i] ON; ... }

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Examples of Directory Protocol Messages
Message type Source Destination Msg Content
Read miss Local cache Home directory P, A
Processor P reads data at address A; make P a read sharer and request data

Write miss Local cache Home directory P, A

Processor P has a write miss at address A; make P the exclusive owner and request data

Invalidate Home Remote caches A

Invalidate a shared copy at address A

Fetch Home directory Remote cache A

Fetch the block at address A and send it to its home directory; change state of A in the remote cache to

Fetch/Invalidate Remote cache A

Home directory
Fetch the block at address A and send it to its home directory; invalidate block in the cache

Data value reply Home directory Local cache Data

Return a data value from the home memory (read miss response)

Data write back Remote cache Home directory A, Data

Write back a data value for address A (invalidate response)

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Directory-Based Coherency - 1

Multiple copies are not a problem when reading

Processor must have exclusive access to write a word
What happens if two processors try to write to the same shared
data word in the same clock cycle?
The bus arbiter decides which processor gets the bus first (and
this will be the processor with the first exclusive access).
Then the second processor will get exclusive access.
Thus, bus arbitration forces sequential behavior.
This sequential consistency is the most conservative of the
memory consistency models.
With it, the result of any execution is the same as if the accesses
of each processor were kept in order and the accesses among
different processors were interleaved.
All other processors sharing that data must be informed of

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Directory-Based Coherency - 2

Ensuring that all other processors sharing data are informed of

writes can be handled two ways
Write-update (write-broadcast) writing processor broadcasts
new data over the bus, all copies are updated
All writes go to the bus higher bus traffic
Since new values appear in caches sooner, can reduce latency
Bus is locked until all writes complete
Write-invalidate writing processor issues invalidation signal
on bus
cache snoops check to see if they have a copy of the data
if so, they invalidate their cache block containing the word (this
allows multiple readers but only one writer)
Uses the bus only on the first write lower bus traffic, so better
use of bus bandwidth

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Scaling of memory and directory bandwidth

Can not have main memory or directory memory centralized
Need a distributed memory and directory structure
Directory memory requirements do not scale well
Number of presence bits grows with number of PEs
Many ways to get around this problem
limited pointer schemes of many flavors
CC-NUMA Configuration

Node consists of processor, memory and I/O:

Each processor has own L1 and L2 cache (maybe L3?)
S processor has fast access to its local memory & slower
access to remote memory located at other processors
Each node has own main memory
Nodes connected by some networking facility
Each processor sees single addressable memory space
Memory request order by a processor:
L1 cache (local to processor)
L2 cache (local to processor)
Main memory (local to node)
Remote memory
Delivered to requesting (local to processor) cache
Automatic and transparent
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CC-NUMA Configuration

Note: Centralized directory per bus

Each node maintains directory of location of portions of memory and cache

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CC-NUMA Configuration

So, node 2 processor 3 (P2-3) requests location 798

in memory of node 1
P2-3 issues read request on snoopy bus of node 2
Directory on node 2 recognises location is on node 1
Node 2 directory requests node 1s directory to get value of
location 798
Node 1 directory requests contents of 798
Node 1 memory puts data on (node 1 local) bus
Node 1 directory gets data from (node 1 local) bus
Data transferred to node 2s directory
Node 2 directory puts data on (node 2 local) bus
Data picked up, put in P2-3s cache and delivered to

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CC-NUMA Configuration

Cache Coherence:
Node 1 directory keeps note that node 2 has copy of data
If data modified in cache, this is broadcast to other nodes
Local directories monitor and purge local cache if
Local directory monitors changes to local data in remote
caches and marks memory invalid until write-back
Local directory forces write-back if memory location
requested by another processor

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Some Problems - I

A cache block contains more than one word.

Cache-coherence is performed at the block level, not

the word level.

Suppose P1 writes word1 and P2 writes wordk (k <n)

where both words have the same block address.

What can happen?

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Some Problems - II

Processors: small L1 cache, larger L2 cache (both on processor

Entries in L1 must be in L2
Invalidation in L2 implies invalidation in L1
Snooping on L2 does not affect CPU-L1 bandwidth

Can a problem occur? Consider concurrent CPU write to L1 as a

snooping occurs on L2 for the same word
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Additional Material

10/7/2017 CS61 Computer Architecture 11-42

Snooping Protocol: State Diagram
CPU read hit

CPU read miss Shared

Invalid (read/only)
Place read op
on bus

CPU read miss

CPU Write
Write back block
Place write
op on bus Place read op on bus

CPU write
Place write op on bus
CPU read hit
CPU write miss
Write back cache block
CPU write Place write op on bus
hit CS61 Computer Architecture 11-43
Directory Protocol: CPU State Diagram

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Directory Protocol: Memory Block State Diagram

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MESI Cache Coherency Protocol

Another write-invalidate protocol that is used in the

Pentium 4 (and many other micros) is MESI with
four states:
Modified same
Exclusive only one copy of the shared data is allowed to
be cached; memory has an up-to-date copy
Since there is only one copy of the block, write hits dont need
to send invalidate signal
Shared multiple copies of the shared data may be cached
(i.e., data permitted to be cached with more than one
processor); memory has an up-to-date copy
Invalid same

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MESI Cache Coherency Protocol

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Directory-Based Cache Transitions - I

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Directory-Based Cache Transitions - II

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Directory-Based Cache Transitions - III

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Directory-Based Cache Transitions - IV

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