Day 2 - Part 2: Equation of State Models
Day 2 - Part 2: Equation of State Models
Day 2 - Part 2: Equation of State Models
Exercise 2-1
Reservoir simulation
Generation of black-oil tables
Compositional simulations
Gas injection.
Near critical fluids.
Conversion from black-oil to compositional.
Pipeline calculations
Pressure loss, liquid dropout, etc.
RT a
(v b) (v b b)(v b b)
p 2 p
2 0
v pc ,Tc ,Vc v pc ,Tc ,Vc
RT a RT a
p p
(v b) (v b b)(v b b) (v c b) (v c b b)(v c b b)
RT a
(v c b) (v c b b)(v c b b)
Nc Nc
a (1 kij ) xi x j ai a j
i 1 j 1 N c the number of components
Nc ai a for component i
b xi bi bi b for component i
i 1
ci c for component i (usually expressed as si bi )
xi the mole fraction of component i
c xi ci
i 1
kij the binary interactio n parameter (BIP) for
component i with component j (or vice versa)
Chemical Potential
For a multi-component, multi-phase
system, the Gibbs Free Energy is the
mole-weighted sum of the Chemical
ki 0 RT ln f ki Migh
Potentials of all components in all
phases At uniform depth, equilibrium occurs
only if the fugacity of any given
Gibbs Free Energy component is the same in all
Np Nc
k1 i1
? Vapor
2. Calculate equilibrium phase
compositions xi and yi , by
Fluid Mixture solving Rachford-Rice material
Liquid balance.
(1) (3)
(2) (4)
Rachford-Rice Equation
Convergence criteria:
False solution
Interpretation of results
5. Calculate incipient-phase
fugacities using the EOS model,
and fugacity-ratio correction
Input Output
Component description Equilibrium calculations
(critical properties) PVT (phase split & compositions)
Fluid composition Simulator Fluid PVT properties (e.g.
Thermodynamic density, viscosity, etc.)
conditions (p, T)
Tuning (Regression)
Updated component properties.
Modified compositions.
Specify manually.
Use, store, and/or restore previously calculated values.
Modify by constants or variables.
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Plot Phz Results
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