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Sub Themes
I. Natural Resource Management
II. Food and Agriculture
III. Energy
IV. Health, Hygiene & Nutrition
V. Lifestyles & Livelihoods
VI. Disaster Management
VII. Traditional Knowledge Systems.
Development means - everyone gets
food, shelter, clothing along with sound state of
health and mind, gets opportunities for livelihood,
having adequate energy to use, has good
education, transportation and communication in a
better environmental situation where cleaner air,
water and soil exists.
Brundtland commission in Our common Future,
"Sustainable development is the development that
meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs,
In 2012, at Rio +20 Conference,
Science, Technology and Innovation
(STI) were identified as the primary
means for Sustainable Development
Science, Technology & Innovation : An
integrated concept whose effective
application will facilitate integrated and
balanced development of all the three
dimensions (Environment, Economic & Social)
of Sustainable Development.
General points to be remembered.
Team of 4 to 5 children (though rules specify a minimum of 2
children/team, group work would be ideal with 3 or more
Children participating in the NCSC need not be affiliated to any
school. Even drop out children, or children from one locality
belonging to different schools can do an NCSC project with the
help of a guide teacher.
Age: (as on 31.12.2016) : 10 to 14 years Junior. 14+ to 17 years
Senior. Even if one child is 14+, the team will be included in the
Senior category. Guide teachers are requested to check the
authenticity of age of children entered in the Registration Forms.
Date for calculation of age is 31st December 2016.

Do not impose higher scientific projects on children Higher

level projects done by others to be presented by children ,
especially if the children can not understand/explain the
principle behind the project / concepts /methodology etc.
The project is to be done by the children role
of the Guide teacher is to GUIDE and not to do
the project by themselves.
Remember that during the presentation, the
questions will be directed to the child-
scientists and not to the Guide Teacher.
The process of doing the project is equally
important as to the outcome of the project.
Only projects having an experimental
component will be selected to the district or
state level. Surveys can be one of the
components of the project.
The scientific method is a way to ask and answer scientific
questions by making observations and doing experiments.
The steps of the scientific method are to:
1. Ask a Question
2. Do Background Research
3. Construct a Hypothesis
4. Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment
5. Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion
6. Communicate Your Results
Ask a Question:

The scientific method starts when you ask a

question about something that you observe:

How, What, When, Who, Which, Why, or Where?

And, in order for the scientific method to

answer the question it must be about
something that you can measure, preferably
with a number.
Good References Bad References

Come from a credible Come from a source with poor

source credibility

Not too old Out of date

Not biased (eg. Not objective and fair, biased

glorification) towards one point of view

Free of errors Prone to errors

Properly cite the original Do not cite where the
source of all information information came from

Easy for other people Difficult for others to

to find or obtain obtain
Construct a Hypothesis: A hypothesis is an educated
guess about how things work:

"If _____[I do this] _____, then _____[this]_____ will happen."

You must state your hypothesis in a way that you can

easily measure, and of course, your hypothesis should
be constructed in a way to help you answer your
original question.
Eg. When you wash a bunch of leaves of a garden plant in
a bowl of clean water, and if you get a change in colour of
the water, the area has a lot of dust particles or could be
a polluted area. (which can be quantitatively measured
by setting up an experiment)
Description and size of all experimental and control groups, as
applicable A step-by-step list of everything you must do to
perform your experiment. Think about all the steps that you will
need to go through to complete your experiment, and record
exactly what will need to be done in each step
The experimental procedure must explain how you will measure
the resulting change in the dependent variable or variables

If applicable, the experimental procedure should explain how the

controlled variables will be maintained at a constant value

The experimental procedure should specify how many times you

intend to repeat your experiment, so that you can verify that your
results are reproducible.
A good experimental procedure enables someone else to
duplicate your experiment exactly!
Once your experiment is complete, you collect
your measurements and analyze them to see if
your hypothesis is true or false.

Scientists often find that their hypothesis was

false, and in such cases they will construct a new
hypothesis starting the entire process of the
scientific method over again.

Even if they find that their hypothesis was true,

they may want to test it again in a new way.
1. To complete your CSC project you will
communicate your results to others in a
final report and/or a display board.
2. Professional scientists do almost exactly
the same thing by publishing their final
report in a scientific journal or by presenting
their results on a poster at a scientific
Even though we show the scientific method as a
series of steps, keep in mind that new information
or thinking might cause a scientist to back up and
repeat steps at any point during the process.

Throughout the process of doing your science fair

project, you should keep a journal containing all of
your important ideas and information. This journal
is called a laboratory notebook or a LOG BOOK.


Log book: Have date-wise
entries in the book. Use
the log book regularly and
Put your name, address,
phone numbers etc.
Number the pages.
Record the date and
time of every
Dont worry about the
neatness of the log book.
It should be used during all phases of your
project, jotting down ideas or thoughts for a project,
phone numbers, contacts or sources and prices of
supplies, book references, diagrams, graphs,
figures, charts, sketches, or
Summarizing the data.

Plant Growth Plant Growth

Without Compost With Compost Mean (what we
(# of (# of typically call as the
leaves/plant) leaves/plant)
Average) = sum of all
the values divided by
6 5
the number of values.
4 9

5 9

4 11

8 8

3 6
How to write the Final Report ?
e page.
Abstract. An abstract is an abbreviated version of your final report. (See the slide on how
to write the Abstract)
Table of contents.
Question, variables, and hypothesis.
Background research. This is the Research Paper you wrote before you started your
experiment. Dont make this as your Final Report !!!
Materials list.
Experimental Procedure.
Data analysis and discussion. This section is a summary of what you found out in your
experiment, focusing on your observations, data table, and graph(s), which should be
included at this location in the report.

What you want draw from your project, Ideas for future research. Also state any follow up
work that you carried out like awareness creation, conducting meetings etc.


Write the abstract section last, even though it will be one of the
first sections of your final report.
Keep your report precise and avoid unnecessary introduction and
things which are not needed to make YOUR work
understandable. Limit the report to what you have done and not
what others have done in the world. If you want to make
references, just mention them and give reference at the end.
For JUNIOR projects (10 14 years), the length of the project
should NOT be more than 2500 words.
For SENIOR projects ( 14+ - 17 years), the length of the project
report should not be more than 3500 words.
Reports can be hand written or typed with FONT Size of 12
points for the main text.
Use Normal FONTS for the report and not Fancy Fonts..
While presenting bring your LOG BOOK (original data

If the project gets selected to the district or state level, each

report should include a last page in their report and should
mention what improvements they have carried out after the last
level where they would have received comments from the
evaluators. Remember the improvements from the last level
carry special marks.
The Report also should clearly mention, under which Sub Theme
the project is categorized, the language used in the Report &
Correct Residential Address with PIN CODE and Phone numbers
also need to be included in the participants list.
If you need any clarification on any aspect of the project, either
the project teams or their guide teachers can approach the
District Academic Coordinator or the State Academic Coordinator.
It is better to clear the doubts / topics at the beginning rather
than to carry out last minute changes in the project.
INTRODUCTION. This is where you describe the purpose for doing your science fair
project or invention. Why should anyone care about the work you did?

Motivate the reader to finish the abstract and read the entire paper or display board.

PROBLEM STATEMENT. Identify the problem you solved or the hypothesis you

PROCEDURES. What was your approach for investigating the problem? Don't go into
detail about materials unless they were critical to your success. Do describe the most
important variables if you have room.

RESULTS. What answer did you obtain? Be specific and use numbers to describe your
results. Do not use vague terms like "most" or "some."

CONCLUSIONS. State what your science fair project or invention contributes to the area
you worked in. Did you meet your objectives? For an engineering project state whether
you met your design criteria.

FORMAT: See the format for writing the Abstract in the next slide
24th National Childrens Science Congress 2016
STATE- Sl. No./code..
Language :.. Category: Junior/Senior: Rural/Urban: ..

Title :.
Team Members: Aaaaa, (Group Leader), Bbbbbb, Cccccc, Ddddd, Eeeeee
Name of School: ....
Address of School: Distrct..
State: PIN: ., E-mail: ...

Put your text here which will contain the Objectives, Objective wise Methodology & Work plan,
Experiments carried out, Observation, Results and Analysis & Conclusion in short
(The Abstract should give clear idea as to what your project is, how it was carried out and also what has
been the inferences and conclusion, follow up carried out etc.)

Name & Address of Guide Teacher:
Note: 1.The write-up should be in New Times Roman in 12 point font in A4 size paper.
2. Write the names of the members with the Group leaders name shown first & Underlined as shown above

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