Understanding Market: Consumer Behavior'
Understanding Market: Consumer Behavior'
Understanding Market: Consumer Behavior'
Consumer Behavior
Session 3 & 4
Chapters 5, 6 & 7
Consumer Behavior
Role of Marketing is:
that Influences Buying Decision.
Think on:
Who buys? How do they buy?
When do they buy? Where do they buy?
Why do they buy?
Consumer Behavior Model
o Consumer Buying Behavior
Buying behavior of individuals and households that buy products for
personal consumption.
o Stimulus Response Model
Marketing and other stimuli enter the buyers black box and produce
certain choice/purchase responses.
Marketers must figure out what is inside of the buyers black box and
how stimuli are changed to responses.
o Culture
Key Factors
o Cultural o Social Class
o Social Upper class
o Personal Middle Class
o Psychological Lower Class
Working Class
Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior
o Groups
Key Factors Membership
o Aspirational groups
o Cultural Opinion leaders
o Social o Buzz marketing
o Family
o Personal
Children can influence
o Psychological o Roles and Status
Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior
o Cultural o Perception
Selective attention,
o Social selective distortion,
selective retention
o Personal
o Learning
o Psychological Drives, stimuli, cues,
responses and
o Beliefs and attitudes
Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
Once a Lower-level need is Satisfied,
Self a Higher-level need Emerges,
actualization and Demands Satisfaction
Esteem Needs
Physiological Needs
Hunger, thirst
Types of Buying Decision Behavior
o Needs can be
Process Stages triggered by:
Internal stimuli
o Need recognition o Normal needs
o Information search become strong
enough to drive
o Evaluation of
o Purchase decision
External stimuli
o Advertisements
o Postpurchase
o Friends of friends
Five Stages Buyer Decision Process
o Evaluation procedure
depends on the consumer
Process Stages and the buying situation.
o Need recognition
o Most buyers evaluate
o Information search multiple attributes, each of
o Evaluation of which is weighted differently.
o Purchase decision
o At the end of the evaluation
o Postpurchase stage, purchase intentions
behavior are formed.
Five Stages Buyer Decision Process
o Laggards o Communicability
Business Markets: Buyer Behavior
The buying behavior of organizations that buy goods/services for
use in the production of other products and services or for the
purpose of reselling or renting them to others at a profit.
o Compared to consumer market
Characteristics Business markets
o have fewer but larger
o Marketing Structure
and Demand Business customers
o are more geographically
o Nature of the concentrated
Buying Unit Demand is different
o Types of Decisions o Demand is derived
and the Decision o Demand is price inelastic
Process o Demand fluctuates more, and
changes more quickly
Business Markets: Buyer Behavior
o Compared to
Characteristics consumer purchases
Business purchases
o Marketing involve more buyers in
Structure and the decision process.
Demand Purchasing efforts are
o Nature of the undertaken by
Buying Unit professional buyers.
o Types of Decisions
and the Decision
Business Markets: Buyer Behavior
o Compared to consumer purchases
Business buyers face more
Characteristics complex buying decisions.
Key Factors
o Authority
o Environmental o Status
o Organizational o Empathy
o Interpersonal o Persuasiveness
o Individual
Major Influences on Business Buyers
Topics o Measurable
Size, purchasing power, and profile
of segment
o Segmenting Consumer
Markets o Accessible
Can be reached and served
o Segmenting Business o Substantial
Markets Large & profitable enough to serve
o Segmenting o Differentiable
International Markets Respond differently
Target narrowness
Segment structural Differentiated
attractiveness (segmented) marketing
o Level of competition Concentrated (niche)
o Substitute products marketing
o Power of buyers
o Powerful suppliers Micromarketing (local or
Company objectives individual) marketing
and resources o Local marketing
o Individual Marketing (1-to-
1 marketing)
Target Marketing (contd.)
o Choosing a Strategy considering:
Company resources
The degree of product variability
Products life-cycle stage
Market variability
Competitors marketing strategies
o The place the product occupies in consumers minds
relative to competing products.
o Typically defined by consumers on the basis of
important attributes.
o Marketers need to prepare
Perceptional Positioning Range Rover
Lincoln Navigator
Maps showing consumer Escalade
perceptions of their brand Hummer H1
Hummer H2
versus competing products Lexus LX 470
on important buying Lexus Cruiser
Luxury Performance
Choosing a Positioning Strategy
o Identifying possible o Choosing the right
competitive advantages competitive advantage
o Products, services, channels, o How many differences to
people or image can be promote?
sources of differentiation. Unique selling proposition
Positioning errors to avoid
o Which differences to promote?