Apollonius of Perga

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born about 262 BC in Perga,

Pamphylia, Greek Ionia

(now Murtina, Anatalya, Turkey)
died about 190 BC in Alexandria,
a younger contemporary of
Perga Alexandria Pergamum
-Perga, was a center of culture at this time
and it was the place of worship of Queen
Artemis, a nature goddess.

-in Alexandria, he studied at the Museum

and resided there for many years to lecture
and compose the first draft of his famous
-in Pergamum ( Berguma, Izmir in Turkey), he
had a newly founded university and library
he became acquainted with the Geometer
Eudemus of Pergamum.
The Conics
- contains of 389 propositions
organized in eight books
- the first four books have come
down to us in the original
- the next three are preserved
in Arabic translation, while the
last is lost
Conic sections

Study of three
Tracing back the history of

Hippocrates Menaechmus Apollonius

(5th century BCE) (350 BCE) (1566)
Hippocrates in the fifth century BCE
reduced the problem of
constructing a cube double the
volume of a given cube
y2=2ax Equation of a parabola
xy=2a2 Equation of a hyperbola
-pupil of Eudoxus and a
member of Platos Academy
-first constructed curves that satisfy
these algebraic properties and thus
showed that the point of
intersection of these curves would
give the desired two means and
solve the problem of doubling the
Euclidean point-wise construction of a
defined a cone as a solid
generated by rotating a right
triangle about one of its legs
He then classified the cones in
terms of their vertex angles as right
angled, acute angled, or obtuse
A section of such a cone
can be formed by cutting
the cone by a plane at right
angles to the generating
line, the hypotenuse of the
given right triangle.
Three Types of
Circular Cones
1. Section of a Right-Angled Cone

2. Section of an Obtuse-Angled Cone

3. Section of an Acute-Angled Cone

Apollonius decisive achievement
was to show that all three curves
could be obtained from any cone
simply by varying the inclination
at which the intersecting plane
meets the generating line.
Conic Sections
A conic section is the
intersection of a plane
and a cone. By
changing the angle and
location of intersection,
we can produce a
circle, ellipse, parabola
or hyperbola; or in the
special case when the
plane touches the
vertex: a point, line or 2
intersecting lines.

slice parallel to the slice not parallel to

cone base the cone base

slice parallel to the cone slice parallel to the cone

angle axis (the line from the tip
through the center of the
The initial four books of the Conics
make up a systematic exposition
and improvement of much that was
previously set forth.
Apollonius treatment of the theory
of conics was so admired that it was
he, rather than Euclid, who in
antiquity earned the title The Great
Prepared by Melissa Joy B. Feliciano

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