TMJ and Temporomandibular Joint Disorder: Dr. Soukaina Ryalat
TMJ and Temporomandibular Joint Disorder: Dr. Soukaina Ryalat
TMJ and Temporomandibular Joint Disorder: Dr. Soukaina Ryalat
Joint Disorder
Dr. Soukaina Ryalat
Basic Anatomy
Basic Structure
Mandibular condyle
Temporal bone
Coronoid proces
TMJ Anatomy continued
Primary articulation is formed by the mandibular
condyle and the mandibular fossa
It is considered a sliding hinge joint and
allows movement in only one plane, forward
and backward movement
TMJ Articular Disc Function
Transmits forces, protects,
lubricates the articulating
Divided into 3 portions,
anterior, intermediate and
Movement is mediated by
lateral pterygoid
attachment on the anterior
disc, retrodiscal tissue on
the posterior disc and the
amount of synovial fluid in
the joint capsule
TMJ Disc Facts
The intermediate portion is the thinnest and has very
little or no innervation or vascularity. Its nutrition
comes from the synovial fluid pressed into it by the
properly aligned condyle and fossa during closure
Burning or tingling sensation
Tenderness and swelling
Clicking or popping
Reduced ROM
Ear pain w/o infections
Neck and or facial pain
Grinding teeth at night
Pain that worsens with stress
Pain with opening of your mouth
Teeth that meet differently from time to time
Pain while chewing
Summary of Symptoms:
History of trauma, blow to jaw, MVA ( motor vehicle
accident), dental malocclusions
Pain and tenderness of the TMJ
Head and/or ear pain
Sore and stiff jaw muscles
Locking of the jaw in a shut or open position
Frequent headaches and/or neck aches
Pain that worsens when teeth are clenched
Assessment of TMJ
Intercuspid alignment
Mandibular gait pattern
Screening (3 finger test)
Palpate joint and soft tissues
Adjustive procedure
Distraction technique
Translation technique
TMJ Examination:
Bare the area
Bilateral observation
Bilateral palpation
Active ROM
Passive ROM
X-ray ?
Normal opening should be enough to fit 3 fingers into
mouth. Have the patient use their own fingers.
C and S Curve Examination
Pain Medications
Stabilization Splints
Self-Care Practices
Your Prosthodontist may
recommend steps that you can
take that may be helpful in easing
symptoms, such as:
eating soft foods,
applying ice packs to recommended areas,
avoiding extreme jaw movements (such as wide
yawning, loud singing, and gum chewing),
learning techniques for reducing stress,
practicing gentle jaw stretching and relaxing
exercises that may help increase jaw movement.
Pain Medications
For many people with TMJ
disorders, short-term use of
over-the-counter pain medicines
or nonsteroidal anti--
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS),
such as ibuprofen, may provide
temporary relief from jaw