Materi Kuliah Alterasi Hidrotermal (410D6212)

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Alterasi Hidrotermal

Materi Kuliah Alterasi Hidrotermal (410D6212)

Dr. Irzal Nur

Laboratorium Eksplorasi Mineral

Departemen Teknik Pertambangan
Universitas Hasanuddin
Examples of porphyry Cu-Au deposit
(The Batu Hijau Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit)
(The Batu Hijau Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit)
(The Batu Hijau Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit)
(The Batu Hijau Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit)
Pervasive alteration: potassic and the centre
of porphyry system

Idrus (2014)
Examples of skarn deposits
Sketch illustrating
Invaded (surrounding) wall rocks
The most favourable is carbonate rock
Sandstone, shale, and slate are less favourable.


dolerite stock
Outcrop of the Dolores Skarn
showing contacts of intrusion,
skarn, and limestone.
Pinto-Linares et al. (2008)
Examples of retrograde skarn
Epidote-calcite-magnetite Py

Qtz-cal vein
Cal Act

Red garnet

Outcrop of retrograde skarn (Murakami, 2005)
Photomicrograph showing retrograde mineralization
in the Dolores exoskarn (Pinto-Linares et al., 2005)

Notes: Tr (tremolite; Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2)

and Act (actinolite; Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2)
are members of amphibole group.
Example of prograde- and retrograde skarn zoning
Green garnet
and pyroxene

Red garnet

Outcrop showing typical zoning pattern of skarn minerals at Kizilkesili;

retrograde epidote-calcite-magnetite-quartz skarn filled pod in the
massive prograde garnet-pyroxene skarn (Murakami, 2005)
Skarn deposit model (1)
Skarn deposit model (2)
Outcrop of Skarn Au; gold and calcite are coeval,
garnet suffered retrograde alteration into calcite and chlorite



Conceptual model of Skarn Au-Cu
(Erstberg, Papua, Indonesia)
Kucing Liar ore body genesis Step 0123456789

4my ago

Tf Ts

Tk Tf

Ts pot

Tf Kkeh
retrograde SK
Kkel prograde SK
Tw Kke
retrograde SK
Kke prograde SK

retrograde SK
Sunyoto (2012)
Idrus (2009)
Idrus (2009)
Idrus (2009)
Idrus (2009)
Idrus (2009)
Examples of epithermal
high-sulphidation deposit
White (2009)
White (2009)
White (2009)
Vuggy silica, altered lithic lapilli tuff,
disseminated, 1 g/t Au, Riska Pit, Mongondow,
Avocet, 2007

White (2009)
Examples of epithermal
low-sulphidation deposit
The Gosowong epithermal (low-sulphidation)
Gosowong is situated
within the Neogene
magmatic arc of
Halmahera Island.
Located in the north arm
of Halmahera island,
Maluku province,
The deposit was
discovered by Newcrest
Mining Limited in 1994.

Gemmell (2007), Olberg et al. (1999)

Epithermal mineralization in the Gosowong goldfield occurs in andesite flow and volcaniclastic
rocks of the Miocene Gosowong formation. The Gosowong formation consists of a succesion
of predominantly intermediet, coherent volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks known as the
Simplified geological map of Halmahera Island (Olberg, 2001) Gososwong volcaniclastics and ridge volcanics (Olberg et al., 1999).
Geology and mineral resources
The Gosowong formation is unconformably overlain by a similar suite of rocks of the Pliocene
Kayasa Formation, through which the Gosowong Formation is exposed as an inlier. In the late
Pliocene, the Gosowong and Kayasa volcanic sequences were locally intruded by multiple phases
of plagioclase-phyric basaltic-andesite bodies (Olberg et al., 1999; Richards and Dwi Priyono,
Radiometric dating (40Ar/39Ar) of basaltic-andesite from the Gosowong Formation has yielded ages
ranging from 5.4 to 2.6 Ma (Olberg et al., 1999).
Quaternary pyroclastic flows and airfall deposits unconformably overlie the Gosowong formation
(Olberg et al.,1999; Richards and, 2004).
Deposit geology

Gemmell (2007)
Alteration in the
Gosowong district
Alteration in the Gosowong district
consists pre-dominately of propylitic
with lesser amounts of advanced
argillic and argillic assemblages
(Olberg et al., 1999; Olberg, 2001)
Cross sections

Distribution of lithology, structure, and the Gosowong Distribution of alteration zones. Mineral abbreviations:
vein zone. adul: adularia, alb: albite, cal: calcite, chl: chlotite, ep:
epidote, ill: illite, py: pyrite, qtz: quartz, sm: smectite
Gemmell (2007)
A. View of the open pit (May 2000).
B. Crustiform banded quartz, chalcedony,
adularia, illite, and pyrite from quartz-
adularia zone.
C. Crustiform banded quartz, chalcedony,
adularia, illite, and pyrite from quartz-
chlorite zone.
D. Distribution of alteration zone.
E. Surrounding silicic alteration of wall-
rock fragment.
F. Silisic alteration consisting of adularia,
quatz, illite (0.3 mm).
G. (and H) Illustrating how pottasium
feldspar staining (yellow) highlights the
abundance and distribution of adularia
(1 cm).

Gemmell (2007)
I. Argillic alteration of andesite
volcaniclastic rock with illite
J. Argillic alteration consisting of illite,
smectite, pyrite (0.2 cm)
K. Argillic alteration overprinting regional
propylitic alteration in coherent
L. Mixture of illite and smectite alteration
in epidote replacement of plagioclase
(0.1 cm).
M. Vein-related propylitic alteration
N. Epidote vein of vein-related propylitic
alteration in andesite volcaniclastic
O. Replacement of plagioclase by epidote
in regional propylitic alteration of
coherent andesite.
P. Replacement of plagioclase by epidote
in coherent andeste.
Gemmell (2007)
White (2009)
White (2009)
White (2009)
White (2009)
Typical texture of LS epithermal gold vein: colloform banded, opal-chalcedony, McLaughlin, California

Hedenquist et al. (1996)

Visible gold in epithermal
low-sulfidation veins
White (2009)
Rhyolite Gold
Ore, Nevada)
Hydrothermal breccia vein consisting of vuggy qz (D) and
earlier veins clasts (C1) in chalcedony matrix (C2).
Hypogene Au as calaverite-bearing chalcedony, Rodalquilar .

Hedenquist et al. (1996)

Bonanza ore with crustiform comb quartz,
Karangahake, Coromandel Peninsula, NZ,
15 g/t Au

Corbett and Leach (1998)

Bonanza ore,
Porgera, PNG

Corbett and Leach (1998)

Examples of mesothermal deposit
(orogenic gold deposit /
metamorphic rock-hosted gold deposit)
Idrus (2014)
Goldfarb (2009)
Goldfarb (2009)
Goldfarb (2009)
Ore deposition
related to

Ore deposition postdates metamorphism of host rocks.

Late-kinematic timing.
Goldfarb (2009)
Goldfarb (2009)
Metamorphic rock-hosted gold mineralization at
Bombana, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

Idrus and Prihatmoko (2011)

Idrus and Prihatmoko (2011)
Idrus and Prihatmoko (2011)
Idrus and Prihatmoko (2011)
Idrus and Prihatmoko (2011)
Idrus and Prihatmoko (2011)
Idrus and Prihatmoko (2011)
Idrus and Prihatmoko (2011)
Idrus and Prihatmoko (2011)
Idrus and Prihatmoko (2011)
Examples of volcanogenic massive
sulphide (VMS) deposit
Model genetik endapan VMS tipe Kuroko
Model ideal endapan VMS
e.g., Kidd Creek (Canada), Roseberry (Tasmania), Rio Tinto (Spain)

Adapted from Lydon 1989: Volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits

Model endapan VMS di Noranda Area, Quebec Penampang ideal endapan VMS tipe Kuroko yang
memperlihatkan hubungan antara tipe-tipe bijih dan
unit-unit batuan (Franklin et al., 1981)
Hydrothermal alteration zones

Pirajno (2011)
VMS alteration zones at Bathurust mining
Flow dominant VMS
District geology of Sangkaropi kuroko-type VMS
Bilolo Kuroko-type ore body.
Andesitic lava and pyroclastics
Calcareous shale
Basalt and Clay
Rhyolitic pyroclastics and lava
Rumangga Acidic tuff
Andesitic tuff breccia and Dacite lava
Granitic rock


Sunarya et al. (2011)

Foto-foto diambil
pada singkapan di
zona II; tufa yang
teralterasi kuarsa,
klorit, muskovit
Alterasi argilik. Tahun 2004.
Alterasi argilik. Tahun 2007.

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