Entrep Report
Entrep Report
Entrep Report
Sole proprietorship
The simplest and easiest enterprise to
The owner or entrepreneur has a sole
control over the enterprise.
Clearances to be obtained in
order to get a permit are the ff.:
Barangay clearance
Fire safety clearance
Certificate of electrical inspection
Certificate of occupancy
Department of Trade and Industry
(DTI) certificate
Lease contract if space is leased
Locational clearance
It is likewise the responsibility of any
enterprise to register its business
with the Bureau of Internal Revenue
(BIR) for taxation purposes. The
official receipts of the enterprise must
also be registered with the BIR. For a
sole proprietorship, the tax
identification number (TIN) of the
entrepreneur serves as the enterprise
If two or more persons bind
themselves into a contract to
contribute money, property, and
expertise in a common venture
with the intention of dividing the
profits among themselves, then
they would have entered a
2 types of partnerships based
on the liability of the partners:
1. General partnership is
composed of partners who are
liable individually and
collectively to all those who
have claims against them.
2. Limited partnership consist of
partners who have limited
liabilities while others in the
partnership have unlimited
The partnership should obtain
all the required government
clearances, permits, and
licenses. It should get:
A bank certificate of deposit
on the money contributions of
the partners
The approval for its
partnership name from the
Department of Trade and
Has a separate legal personality
quite distinct from the investors
who contributed money to the
Can be formed or incorporated by,
at least 5, or at most 15 natural
4 types of corporations:
1. Stock Corporation issues
capital stocks divided into
shares (or proportions of the
total capital).
2. Non-Stock Non-Profit
Corporation is organized to
carry out a purpose or
purposes other than generating
profits for investors. This
usually has a social mission.
3. Close Corporation has Articles
of Incorporation that limit the
ownership of issued stocks to at
most 20 persons.
4. Corporation Sole is a special
form of corporation allowed by
law, usually associated with
the clergy. It is a trusteeship
that is set up for the purpose of
administering and managing
the affairs, property, and
temporalities of a church or
group of clergy.
After establishing the enterprise,
the entrepreneur must
meticulously screen and hire men
and women who foster the cause
and share the commitment of the
If the team is not fully equipped
technically and managerially,
the small size of the
organization should allow the
people to learn fast:
About customers
About operations
About competition
About financing needs
About teamwork