Social Immersion Project

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Krishi Vigyan Kendra

Presented by
Talluri Prasanth
T. Sukesh Gupta
B. Govardhan Koushik
Bhagavatula Charitable Trust
A non profit organization

Working towards the transformation of rural India

Active in the villages of Visakhapatnam District,

Andhra Pradesh since 1976

What they do
Work in the diverse areas that touch the day to day lives of

o Education
o Rehabilitation of the challenged
o Health Care
o Agriculture Research
o Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK)
o Wasted Land Management
KVK (contd)
Is a front-line agricultural extension center financed by

the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)

Education of farmers

Fills the extension gap

KVK (contd)
At present,
o Total KVKs = 642
o Under SAU & CAU = 435
o Under ICAR institutes = 55
o Under NGOs = 100
o Under state Govt. = 35
o Other Educational institutes = 17
About our project
We are nine students doing project in KVK
We were given three villages
We have to do a survey regarding farming practices,
its inputs and its allied activities in villages
Our sample size per village is 20
Survey Highlights
Farmer families Classification

100, 10%
Women headed farm
200, 20%
SC/ST farm families

700, 70% Remaining Families

Farmer categories

Farmer Category Number of farming families Percentage

Small (0 - 2.5 acres) 450 families 45%

Medium (2.5 - 5 acres) 25 families 2.50%
Large ( >5 acres ) 25 families 2.50%
Landless 500 families 50%
Total 1000 families 100%
Cultivable Land (in acres)

500, 33%

Remaining land
Cultivable land
1000, 67%
Bore Vs Rainfall

Based on Bore water

50%, 50% 50%, 50%
Based on Rainfall
Plain -- 70%
Hilly -- 20%
Coastal -- 10%
Major Crops
Problems faced by farmers

No proper water facilities

Shortage of labour to work in fields
Heavily based on bore for irrigation

Increasing cost of pesticides and quality of seeds available

in the market.
The main problem in this village is the system of agriculture
which has a lot of middle men involved in between famers
and buyers.
We have to bring all farming and its allied activities under
one roof.
For example say,
Maduthuru Village Society of Farming and its Allied
Activities (MVSFAA)
Each and every farmer (including landless) in the village and

the labour should be registered in the society

The society is headed by the president of the village and he

will be supported by the working committee

All inputs for irrigation and outputs should pass through this

Functions of MVSFAA
Inputs of farming
Providing seeds, Pesticides, Labour, Tractors and other useful
machinery on rent

Outputs of farming
Sale of produced yield, Settlement of money to farmours, Labour,
Identifying potential buyers of milk and thereby encouraging the
livestock activities in the village

Welfare activities in village

What ever the money earned by the society as profit will be spent for
the welfare of village like maintaining canals and storing rain water,
education to poor children
Thank You

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