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Eighth Edition


Ferdinand P. Beer
E. Russell Johnston, Jr. Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies:
Energy and Momentum Methods
Lecture Notes:
J. Walt Oler
Texas Tech University

2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Introduction Systems of Rigid Bodies
Principle of Work and Energy for a Rigid Conservation of Angular Momentum
Body Sample Problem 17.6
Work of Forces Acting on a Rigid Body
Sample Problem 17.7
Kinetic Energy of a Rigid Body in Plane
Sample Problem 17.8
Systems of Rigid Bodies Eccentric Impact
Conservation of Energy Sample Problem 17.9
Power Sample Problem 17.10
Sample Problem 17.1 Sample Problem 17.11
Sample Problem 17.2
Sample Problem 17.3
Sample Problem 17.4
Sample Problem 17.5
Principle of Impulse and Momentum

2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 2

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Method of work and energy and the method of impulse and
momentum will be used to analyze the plane motion of rigid
bodies and systems of rigid bodies.

Principle of work and energy is well suited to the solution of

problems involving displacements and velocities.
T1 U12 T2

Principle of impulse and momentum is appropriate for

problems involving velocities and time.
t2 t2
L1 Fdt L2 H O 1 M O dt H O 2
t1 t1

Problems involving eccentric impact are solved by supplementing

the principle of impulse and momentum with the application of
the coefficient of restitution.

2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 3

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Principle of Work and Energy for a Rigid Body
Method of work and energy is well adapted to
problems involving velocities and displacements.
Main advantage is that the work and kinetic energy
are scalar quantities.
Assume that the rigid body is made of a large
number of particles.
T1 U12 T2
T1 , T2 initial and final total kinetic energy of
particles forming body
U12 total work of internal and external forces
acting on particles of body.
Internal forces between particles A and B are equal
and opposite.
In general, small displacements of the particles A
and B are not equal but the components of the
displacements along AB are equal.
Therefore, the net work of internal forces is zero.
2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 4
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Work of Forces Acting on a Rigid Body
Work of a force during a displacement of its
point of application,
A2 s
U12 F dr F cos ds
A1 s1

Consider the net work of two forces
F and F
forming a couple of moment M during a
displacement of their points of application.

dU F dr1 F dr1 F dr2
F ds2 Fr d
M d
U12 M d
M 2 1 if M is constant.

2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 5

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Work of Forces Acting on a Rigid Body
Forces acting on rigid bodies which do no work:
Forces applied to fixed points:
- reactions at a frictionless pin when the supported body
rotates about the pin.

Forces acting in a direction perpendicular to the displacement

of their point of application:
- reaction at a frictionless surface to a body moving along
the surface
- weight of a body when its center of gravity moves

Friction force at the point of contact of a body rolling without

sliding on a fixed surface.
dU F dsC F vc dt 0

2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 6

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Kinetic Energy of a Rigid Body in Plane Motion
Consider a rigid body of mass m in plane motion.
T 12 mv 2 12 mi vi 2
12 mv 2 12 ri2mi 2
12 mv 2 12 I 2

Kinetic energy of a rigid body can be separated into:

- the kinetic energy associated with the motion of
the mass center G and
- the kinetic energy associated with the rotation of
the body about G.

Consider a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis

through O.
T 12 mi vi2 12 mi ri 2 12 ri2mi 2
12 I O 2

2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 7

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Systems of Rigid Bodies
For problems involving systems consisting of several rigid bodies, the
principle of work and energy can be applied to each body.

We may also apply the principle of work and energy to the entire system,
T1 U12 T2 T1 ,T2 = arithmetic sum of the kinetic energies of
all bodies forming the system
U12 = work of all forces acting on the various
bodies, whether these forces are internal
or external to the system as a whole.

For problems involving pin connected members, blocks and pulleys

connected by inextensible cords, and meshed gears,
- internal forces occur in pairs of equal and opposite forces
- points of application of each pair move through equal distances
- net work of the internal forces is zero
- work on the system reduces to the work of the external forces

2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 8

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Conservation of Energy
Expressing the work of conservative forces as a
change in potential energy, the principle of work
and energy becomes
T1 V1 T2 V2
Consider the slender rod of mass m.
T1 0, V1 0
T2 12 mv22 12 I 22
1 ml 2 2
m l
2 1
2 1
12 ml
2 2

2 3

V2 12 Wl sin 12 mgl sin

T1 V1 T2 V2
1 ml 2 2 1
0 mgl sin
mass m 2 3 2
released with zero velocity
determine at l
2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 9
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics

Power = rate at which work is done

For a body acted upon by force F and moving with velocity v ,
Power F v

For a rigid body rotating with an
angular velocity and acted
upon by a couple of moment M parallel to the axis of rotation,
dU M d
Power M
dt dt

2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 10

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.1
Consider the system of the
flywheel and block. The work
done by the internal forces exerted
by the cable cancels.

Note that the velocity of the block

and the angular velocity of the
drum and flywheel are related by
v r

For the drum and flywheel, I 10.5 kgm Apply the principle of work and

The bearing friction is equivalent to a kinetic energy to develop an

couple of 60 N m At the instant shown, expression for the final velocity.
the block is moving downward at 6 m /s
Determine the velocity of the block after it
has moved 4 m downward.
2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 11
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.1
Consider the system of the flywheel and block. The work
done by the internal forces exerted by the cable cancels.
Note that the velocity of the block and the angular velocity of
the drum and flywheel are related by
v1 6 m/s v2 v
v r 1 4.80 rad s 2 2
r 1.25m r 1.25
Apply the principle of work and kinetic energy to develop an
expression for the final velocity.
T1 12 mv12 12 I 12

1 240 N
2 10 m/s 2
6 m/s 2 1

.5 kgm 2
80 rad s 2

552.96 N m
T2 12 mv22 12 I 22
1 240 2 1 v
v2 10.5 2 15.36v22
2 10 2 1.25
2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 12
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.1
T1 12 mv12 12 I 12 552.96 N m

T2 12 mv22 12 I 22 15.36v22

Note that the block displacement and pulley

rotation are related by
s2 4m
2 3.20 rad
r 1.25 m
U12 W s2 s1 M 2 1
240 N 4 m 60 N m 3.20 rad
768 N m

Principle of work and energy:

T1 U12 T2
552.96 N m 768 N m 15.36 v22
v2 9.27 m/s v2 9.27 m/s

2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 13

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.2
Consider a system consisting of the two
gears. Noting that the gear rotational
speeds are related, evaluate the final
kinetic energy of the system.
Apply the principle of work and energy.
Calculate the number of revolutions
mA 10 kg k A 200 mm required for the work of the applied
mB 3 kg k B 80 mm moment to equal the final kinetic energy
of the system.
The system is at rest when a moment
Apply the principle of work and energy to
of M 6 N m is applied to gear B.
a system consisting of gear A. With the
Neglecting friction, a) determine the final kinetic energy and number of
number of revolutions of gear B before revolutions known, calculate the moment
its angular velocity reaches 600 rpm, and tangential force required for the
and b) tangential force exerted by gear indicated work.
B on gear A.
2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 14
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.2
Consider a system consisting of the two gears. Noting
that the gear rotational speeds are related, evaluate the
final kinetic energy of the system.

600 rpm2 rad rev 62.8 rad s
60 s min
r 0.100
A B B 62.8 25.1rad s
rA 0.250

I A m Ak A2 10kg 0.200m 2 0.400 kg m 2

I B mB k B2 3kg 0.080m 2 0.0192 kg m 2

T2 12 I A A2 12 I B B2

12 0.40025.1 2 12 0.019262.82
163.9 J

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.2
Apply the principle of work and energy. Calculate
the number of revolutions required for the work.
T1 U1 2 T2
0 6 B J 163.9J
B 27.32 rad B 4.35 rev
Apply the principle of work and energy to a system
consisting of gear A. Calculate the moment and
tangential force required for the indicated work.
r 0.100
A B B 27.32 10.93 rad
rA 0.250
T2 12 I A A2 12 0.40025.1 2 126.0 J

T1 U12 T2
0 M A 10.93 rad 126.0J
M A rA F 11.52 N m F 46.2 N

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.3
The work done by the weight of the
bodies is the same. From the principle
of work and energy, it follows that each
body will have the same kinetic energy
after the change of elevation.
Because each of the bodies has a
different centroidal moment of inertia,
the distribution of the total kinetic
A sphere, cylinder, and hoop, each energy between the linear and rotational
having the same mass and radius, are components will be different as well.
released from rest on an incline.
Determine the velocity of each body
after it has rolled through a distance
corresponding to a change of elevation h.

2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 17

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.3
The work done by the weight of the bodies is the
same. From the principle of work and energy, it
follows that each body will have the same kinetic
energy after the change of elevation.
T2 12 mv 12 I 12 mv 12 I
2 2 2
12 m 2 v 2

T1 U1 2 T2
0 Wh 12 m 2 v 2
2Wh 2 gh
m I r 2 1 I mr 2

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.3
Because each of the bodies has a different
centroidal moment of inertia, the distribution of the
total kinetic energy between the linear and
rotational components will be different as well.
2 gh
1 I mr 2
Sphere : I 52 mr 2 v 0.845 2 gh
Cylinder : I 12 mr 2 v 0.816 2 gh
Hoop : I mr 2 v 0.707 2 gh
For a frictionless block sliding through the same
distance, 0, v 2 gh
The velocity of the body is independent of its mass
and radius.
The velocity of the body does depend on
I k2
mr 2 r2
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.4
The weight and spring forces are
conservative. The principle of work and
energy can be expressed as
T1 V1 T2 V2
Evaluate the initial and final potential
A 30-N slender rod pivots about the
point O. The other end is pressed Express the final kinetic energy in terms
against a spring (k = 1800 N/m) until of the final angular velocity of the rod.
the spring is compressed 30 cm and the Based on the free-body-diagram
rod is in a horizontal position. equation, solve for the reactions at the
If the rod is released from this position, pivot.
determine its angular velocity and the
reaction at the pivot as the rod passes
through a vertical position.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.4
The weight and spring forces are conservative. The
principle of work and energy can be expressed as
T1 V1 T2 V2

Evaluate the initial and final potential energy.

V1 Vg Ve 0 12 kx12 12 1800 N / m 0.3 m 2
81 N m
V2 Vg Ve Wh 0 30 N 1.5 m
I 12
1 ml 2
45 N m
1 30 N Express the final kinetic energy in terms of the angular
5 m 2
12 10 m/s 2 velocity of the rod.

6.25 kgm 2 T2 12 mv22 12 I 22 12 mr2 2 12 I 22

1 30
1.52 2 12 6.2522 5.37522
2 10

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.4
From the principle of work and energy,
T1 V1 T2 V2
0 81 N m 5.37522 45 N m 2 2.58 rad s

Based on the free-body-diagram equation, solve for the

reactions at the pivot.

an r 22 1.5 m 2.58 rad s
9.98 m/s n
2a 9.98 m/s 2

at r at r
M O M O eff 0 I mr r 0
Fx Fx eff Rx mr Rx 0

Fy Fy eff R y 30 N man

30 N
10 m/s 2
9.98 m/s 2

R y 29.9 N R 29.9 N

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.5
Consider a system consisting of the two
rods. With the conservative weight force,
T1 V1 T2 V2
Evaluate the initial and final potential

Express the final kinetic energy of the

Each of the two slender rods has a system in terms of the angular velocities of
mass of 6 kg. The system is released the rods.
from rest with b = 60o.
Solve the energy equation for the angular
Determine a) the angular velocity of velocity, then evaluate the velocity of the
rod AB when b = 20 , and b) the
point D.
velocity of the point D at the same

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.5
Consider a system consisting of the two rods. With
the conservative weight force,
T1 V1 T2 V2

Evaluate the initial and final potential energy.

V1 2Wy1 258.86 N 0.325 m
38.26 J

V2 2Wy2 258.86 N 0.1283 m

15.10 J

W mg 6 kg 9.81m s 2
58.86 N

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.5
Express the final kinetic energy of the system in terms
of the angular velocities of the rods.

vAB 0.375 m

Since vB is perpendicular to AB and vD is horizontal,
the instantaneous center of rotation for rod BD is C.
BC 0.75 m CD 20.75 msin 20 0.513 m
and applying the law of cosines to CDE, EC = 0.522 m
Consider the velocity of point B


vBD 0.522 m
For the final kinetic energy,
1 ml 2 1 6 kg 0.75 m 2 0.281kg m 2
I AB I BD 12 12
1 mv 2 1 I 2 1 mv 2 1 I 2
T2 12 AB 2 AB AB 12 BD 2 BD BD
1 6 0.375 2 1 0.281 2 1 6 0.522 2 1 0.281 2
12 2 12 2
1.520 2
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.5
Solve the energy equation for the angular velocity,
then evaluate the velocity of the point D.
T1 V1 T2 V2
0 38.26 J 1.520 2 15.10 J
3.90 rad s

AB 3.90 rad s

0.513 m 3.90 rad s
2.00 m s

vD 2.00 m s

2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 26

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Principle of Impulse and Momentum
Method of impulse and momentum:
- well suited to the solution of problems involving time and velocity
- the only practicable method for problems involving impulsive
motion and impact.

Sys Momenta1 + Sys Ext Imp1-2 = Sys Momenta2

2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 27

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Principle of Impulse and Momentum

The momenta of the particles of a system may be reduced to a vector

attached to the mass center equal to their sum,

L vi mi mv

and a couple equal to the sum of their moments about the mass center,

H G ri vi mi

For the plane motion of a rigid slab or of a rigid body symmetrical with
respect to the reference plane,


2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 28

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Principle of Impulse and Momentum
Principle of impulse and momentum for the plane motion of a rigid slab
or of a rigid body symmetrical with respect to the reference plane
expressed as a free-body-diagram equation,

Leads to three equations of motion:

- summing and equating momenta and impulses in the x and y
- summing and equating the moments of the momenta and impulses
with respect to any given point

2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 29

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Principle of Impulse and Momentum
Noncentroidal rotation:
- The angular momentum about O
I O I mv r
I mr r

I mr 2

- Equating the moments of the momenta and

impulses about O,
I O1 M O dt I O 2

2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 30

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Systems of Rigid Bodies
Motion of several rigid bodies can be analyzed by applying
the principle of impulse and momentum to each body

For problems involving no more than three unknowns, it may

be convenient to apply the principle of impulse and
momentum to the system as a whole.

For each moving part of the system, the diagrams of momenta

should include a momentum vector and/or a momentum couple.

Internal forces occur in equal and opposite pairs of vectors and

do not generate nonzero net impulses.

2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 31

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Conservation of Angular Momentum
When no external force acts on a rigid body or a system of rigid
bodies, the system of momenta at t1 is equipollent to the system
at t2. The total linear momentum and angular momentum about
any point are conserved,

L1 L2 H 0 1 H 0 2

When the sum of the angular impulses pass through O, the

linear momentum may not be conserved, yet the angular
momentum about O is conserved,
H 0 1 H 0 2

Two additional equations may be written by summing x and

y components of momenta and may be used to determine
two unknown linear impulses, such as the impulses of the
reaction components at a fixed point.

2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 32

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.6
Considering each gear separately, apply
the method of impulse and momentum.

Solve the angular momentum equations

for the two gears simultaneously for the
unknown time and tangential force.
mA 10 kg k A 200 mm
mB 3 kg k B 80 mm

The system is at rest when a moment

of M 6 N m is applied to gear B.
Neglecting friction, a) determine the
time required for gear B to reach an
angular velocity of 600 rpm, and b) the
tangential force exerted by gear B on
gear A.
2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 33
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.6
Considering each gear separately, apply the method of impulse
and momentum.

moments about A:
0 FtrA I A A 2
Ft 0.250 m 0.400 kg m 25.1rad s
Ft 40.2 N s

moments about B:
0 Mt FtrB I B B 2
6 N m t Ft 0.100 m
0.0192 kg m 2 62.8 rad s

Solve the angular momentum equations for the two gears simultaneously
for the unknown time and tangential force.
t 0.871 s F 46.2 N

2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 34

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.7
Apply principle of impulse and momentum
to find variation of linear and angular
velocities with time.
Relate the linear and angular velocities
when the sphere stops sliding by noting
Uniform sphere of mass m and that the velocity of the point of contact is
radius r is projected along a rough zero at that instant.
horizontal surface with a linear
Substitute for the linear and angular
velocity v1 and no angular velocity.
velocities and solve for the time at which
The coefficient of kinetic friction is
k . sliding stops.
Evaluate the linear and angular velocities
Determine a) the time t2 at which at that instant.
the sphere will start rolling without
sliding and b) the linear and angular
velocities of the sphere at time t2.
2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 35
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.7
Apply principle of impulse and momentum
to find variation of linear and angular
velocities with time.
Relate linear and angular velocities when
sphere stops sliding by noting that velocity
Sys Momenta1 + Sys Ext Imp1-2 = Sys Momenta2 of point of contact is zero at that instant.
y components: Substitute for the linear and angular
velocities and solve for the time at which
Nt Wt 0 N W mg
sliding stops.
x components:
v2 r 2
mv1 Ft mv2
5 k g
mv1 k mgt mv2 v2 v1 k gt v1 k gt r t
2 r
moments about G: 2 v1
Ftr I 2 7 k g
k mg tr 52 mr 2 2
5 k g
2 t
2 r
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.7
Evaluate the linear and angular velocities
at that instant.
2 v1
v2 v1 k g
7 k
v2 v1
Sys Momenta1 + Sys Ext Imp1-2 = Sys Momenta2
N W mg 5 k g 2 v1
y components: 2
2 r 7 k g
x components: v2 v1 k gt
5 v1
5 k g 7r
moments about G: 2 t
2 r

v2 r 2
5 k g t
2 v1
v1 k gt r t
2 r 7 k g

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.8
Observing that none of the external
forces produce a moment about the y
axis, the angular momentum is
Equate the initial and final angular
momenta. Solve for the final angular
Two solid spheres (radius = 3 cm, velocity.
W = 2 N) are mounted on a spinning The energy lost due to the plastic impact
horizontal rod ( I R 0.25 kg cm2 , is equal to the change in kinetic energy
= 6 rad/s) as shown. The balls are of the system.
held together by a string which is
suddenly cut. Determine a) angular
velocity of the rod after the balls have
moved to A and B, and b) the energy
lost due to the plastic impact of the
spheres and stops.
2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 38
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.8
Observing that none of the
external forces produce a
moment about the y axis, the
angular momentum is
Equate the initial and final
Sys Momenta1 + Sys Ext Imp1-2 = Sys Momenta2 angular momenta. Solve for
the final angular velocity.
2ms r11 r1 I S 1 I R1 2ms r2 2 r2 I S 2 I R 2
ms r12 I S I R
2 1
ms r22 I S I R
1 6 rad s I R 0.25 kg cm2
IS 2 ma 2 2 2 cm2 0.32 kg cm2
5 5 2
10 m/s
2 2
mS r12 52 5 mS r22 252 125 2 0.266 rad s
10 10
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.8
The energy lost due to the
plastic impact is equal to the
change in kinetic energy of the

1 6 rad s 2 0.266 rad s

I R 0.25 kg cm2 I S 0.32 kg cm 2
mS r12 5 kg cm 2 mS r22 125 kg cm 2

T 2 12 mS v 2 12 I S 2 12 I R 2 12 2mS r 2 2I S I R 2

T1 12 10.8962 196.02 N cm
T2 12 250.890.2662 8.87 N cm
T T2 T1 8.87 196.02 T 187.15 N cm
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Eccentric Impact

u A n uB n
Period of deformation Period of restitution

Impulse Rdt Impulse Pdt

Principle of impulse and momentum is supplemented by

e coefficient of restitution
vB n vA n

v A n v B n
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.9
Consider a system consisting of the
bullet and panel. Apply the principle of
impulse and momentum.
The final angular velocity is found
from the moments of the momenta and
impulses about A.
The reaction at A is found from the
A 0.05-N bullet is fired into the side of a horizontal and vertical momenta and
20-N square panel which is initially at impulses.
Determine a) the angular velocity of the
panel immediately after the bullet
becomes embedded and b) the impulsive
reaction at A, assuming that the bullet
becomes embedded in 0.0006 s.
2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 42
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.9
Consider a system consisting
of the bullet and panel. Apply
the principle of impulse and
The final angular velocity is
found from the moments of
moments about A: the momenta and impulses
about A.
mB vB 14 m 0 m P v2 9 m I P2
1 20
v2 9 m 2 I P 16 mP b 2 18 108 kg m 2

6 10
0.05 20
150014 92 9 1082
10 10
2 0.39rad s 2 0.39 rad s
v2 9 2 3.50 m/s
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.9

The reactions at A are found

from the horizontal and
vertical momenta and

2 0.39rad s v2 9 2 3.50 m/s

x components:
mB vB Ax t m p v2
0.05 20
1500 Ax 0.0006 3.50
10 10
Ax 833.3 N Ax 833.3 N
y components:
0 Ay t 0 Ay 0

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.10
Consider the sphere and rod as a single
system. Apply the principle of impulse
and momentum.
The moments about A of the momenta
and impulses provide a relation between
the final angular velocity of the rod and
velocity of the sphere.
A 2-kg sphere with an initial velocity
of 5 m/s strikes the lower end of an 8 kg The definition of the coefficient of
rod AB. The rod is hinged at A and restitution provides a second
initially at rest. The coefficient of relationship between the final angular
restitution between the rod and sphere velocity of the rod and velocity of the
is 0.8. sphere.

Determine the angular velocity of the Solve the two relations simultaneously
rod and the velocity of the sphere for the angular velocity of the rod and
immediately after impact. velocity of the sphere.
2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 45
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.10
Consider the sphere and rod as a
single system. Apply the
principle of impulse and
The moments about A of the
momenta and impulses provide a
relation between the final
moments about A: angular velocity of the rod and
ms vs 1.2 m ms vs 1.2 m mRvR 0.6 m I
velocity of the rod.

vR r 0.6 m
1 mL2 1 8 kg 1.2 m 2 0.96 kg m 2
I 12 12

2 kg 5 m s 1.2 m 2 kg vs 1.2 m 8 kg 0.6 m 0.6 m

0.96 kg m 2
12 2.4 vs 3.84

2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 46

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.10

The definition of the coefficient

of restitution provides a second
relationship between the final
angular velocity of the rod and
velocity of the sphere.
Solve the two relations
Moments about A: simultaneously for the angular
12 2.4 vs 3.84 velocity of the rod and velocity
of the sphere.
Relative velocities:
vB vs evs vB
1.2 m vs 0.85 m s
3.21rad/s 3.21rad/s

vs 0.143 m s vs 0.143 m s
2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 47
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.11
Apply the principle of impulse and
momentum to relate the velocity of the
package on conveyor belt A before the
impact at B to the angular velocity about
B after impact.
A square package of mass m moves Apply the principle of conservation of
down conveyor belt A with constant energy to determine the minimum initial
velocity. At the end of the conveyor, angular velocity such that the mass
the corner of the package strikes a rigid center of the package will reach a
support at B. The impact is perfectly position directly above B.
Relate the required angular velocity to
Derive an expression for the minimum the velocity of conveyor belt A.
velocity of conveyor belt A for which
the package will rotate about B and
reach conveyor belt C.
2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 48
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.11
Apply the principle of impulse and momentum to relate the velocity of the package on
conveyor belt A before the impact at B to angular velocity about B after impact.

Moments about B:

mv1 12 a 0 mv2 22 a I2 v2 a
2 I 16 m a 2

mv1 12 a 0 m 22 a2 22 a 16 ma 2 2
v1 43 a 2

2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 49

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 17.11
Apply the principle of conservation of energy to determine
the minimum initial angular velocity such that the mass
center of the package will reach a position directly above B.
T2 V2 T3 V3
T2 12 mv22 12 I 22

h2 GB sin 45 15

1 m 2 a
2 2 ma
1 1
2 6
2 2
2 13 ma 2 22

a sin 60 0.612a
2 V2 Wh2
T3 0 (solving for the minimum 2)
V3 Wh3
1 ma 2 2 Wh2 0 Wh3
3 2
3W 3g
22 h
2 3
h2 2
0.707a 0.612a 0.285 g a
ma a

h3 2
a 0.707a v1 43 a 2 43 a 0.285 g a v1 0.712 ga
2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 - 50

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