Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Chapter 12
DL = å Di sL = ås 2
+ 2å rijs is j
i=1 i=1 i> j
DL = DL s L = Ls D
• Continuous review
Inventory is continuously tracked
Order for a lot size Q is placed when the inventory declines to the
reorder point (ROP)
• Periodic review
Inventory status is checked at regular periodic intervals
Order is placed to raise the inventory level to a specified
Evaluating Cycle Service Level
and Fill Rate
DL = DL = 2 ´ 2,500
s L = Ls D = 2 ´ 500 = 707
= NORMDIST(6,000,5,000,707,1) = 0.92
Evaluating Fill Rate Given a
Replenishment Policy
fr = 1 – ESC/Q = (Q – ESC)/Q
Evaluating Fill Rate Given a
Replenishment Policy
ESC = (x – ROP) f (x) dx
é æ ss öù æ ss ö
ESC = –ss ê1– Fs ç ÷ú + s L f s ç ÷
êë è s L øúû ès L ø
ss = FS–1(CSL) ´ s L = FS–1(CSL) ´ Ls D
Evaluating Safety Inventory Given
Desired Cycle Service Level
DL = DL = 2 ´ 2,500 = 5,000
s L = Ls D = 2 ´ 500 = 707
ESC = (1 – fr)Q
• No equation for ss
é æ ss öù æ ss ö
ESC = 250 = –ss ê1– Fs ç ÷ú + s L f s ç ÷
êë è s L øúû ès L ø
é æ ss öù æ ss ö
= –ss ê1– Fs ç ÷ú + 707 f s ç ÷
ë è 707 øû è 707 ø
ss = NORMSINV (CSL) ´ Ls D
= NORMSINV (.95) ´ 9 ´ 800 = 3,948
• If lead time is reduced to one week
ss = NORMSINV (.95) ´ 1´ 800 = 1,316
DL = DL s L = Ls D2 + D 2 sL2
Impact of Lead Time Uncertainty
on Safety Inventory
= 7 ´ 5002 + 2,5002 ´ 72
= 17,500
Impact of Lead Time Uncertainty
on Safety Inventory
Total safety inventory in = å FS–1(CSL) ´ L ´si
decentralized option i=1
DC = å Di ; ( )
var DC = ås i2 + 2å rijs is j ;
i=1 i> j
s DC = var DC ( )
DC = kD s DC = k s D
Impact of Aggregation on
Safety Inventory
Require safety inventory on
aggregation = å FS–1(CSL) ´ L ´ s DC
FS–1(CSL) ´ L ´ H æ k ö
= ´ ççås i – s D ÷÷
DC è i=1 ø
Impact of Aggregation on
Safety Inventory
Disaggregate Aggregate
r Safety Inventory Safety Inventory
0 36.24 18.12
0.2 36.24 22.92
0.4 36.24 26.88
0.6 36.24 30.32
0.8 36.24 33.41
1.0 36.24 36.24
Impact of Correlation on
Value of Aggregation