Pulse Modulation
Pulse Modulation
Pulse Modulation
Pulse Modulation
Digital Modulation
• Advantages :
– Error correction detection can be utilized
– Regeneration
– Immunity to noise
– Easy storage and processing: MP, DSP, RAM, ROM, Computer
– Easy to measure
– Enables encryption
– Data from several sources can be integrated and transmitted using
the same digital communication system
• Disadvantages :
– Requires a bigger bandwidth
– Analog signal need to be changed to digital first
– Not compatible to analog system Voice : Analog : 4 kHz
– Need synchronization Digit : 2 x 4 kHz x 8 bit = 64 kb/s
BWmin 32 kHz
Pemodulatan Digit
Analog Analog channel Analog
input Baseband output
Analog Analog De Analog
input Modulator
channel modulator output
Less susceptible to
Less susceptible to
noise compared to
Easily effected by
Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)
Method used to represent an analog signal in terms of digital form:
Constitutes 3 process:
1. Sampling the analog signal
2. Quantization of the amplitude of the sampled signal
3. Coding of the quantized sample into digital signal
PCM process:
S/H : Sample and hold
signal LPF S/H ADC PCM
Anti aliasing
filter ADC : analog to digital converter
10 V
V 1.25 V
• Quantization value, Vk
The middle voltage for each quantized level
For example: for n = 3, quantized level, L = 8 and a sampled sinusoidal
signal with +5 V ,
The middle quantized value for level 0,
1.25 V
V0 5 V 4.375 V
Leve l 7 : 111 4.375V 4.3V
-mp 1 11
Sign bit
PCM code 000 001 011 011 011 010 001 100 110 111 111 110 100 001 010 010 010 000
Pemodulatan Digit
Quantization error
Quantization error (Qe) is also called Quantization noise (Qn) . And its
maximum magnitude is one half of the voltage of the minimum step
size .
Uniform quantization
SNRq = [1.76 + 6.02n] dB
Nonuniform quantization
SNRq 10 log 6.02n dB
ln 1 2
Example :
(a) No of levels: 26 = 64
(b) LSB voltage, : 31.5/64 = 0.492 V
(c) Qe, /2 = 0.25 V
(d) Voltage value for 001101 ; +(13 x 0.492) = +6.4 V
(e) Voltage value for 111001 ; –(25 x 0.492) = -12.3 V
(f) Code for input +13.62 V
= 13.62/0.492 = 27.68 28 => 011100
(g)Code for input –9.37 V
= 9.37/0.492 = 19.04 19 => 110011
Non uniform quantization
nonuniform: to improve SNR (SQR)
Pemodulatan Digit
This method is also used in digital file formats for better signal-to-noise ratio
(SNR) at lower bit rates. For example, a linearly encoded 16-bit PCM signal
can be converted to an 8-bit WAV or AU file while maintaining a decent
SNR by compressing before the transition to 8-bit and expanding after a
conversion back to 16-bit.
i.e A method used to produce a uniform SNR for all input signal range.
Input signal is compressed at the transmitter and expanded at the
The popular companding systems (standardized by ITU)
• EUROPE => A - Law
1 log( Ax ) 1
1 log A for x1
y A
Ax 1
for 0 x
1 log A A
Ei Eo
x y
Ei (mak ) Eo (mak )
log( 1 x)
log 1
Ei Eo
x y
Ei (mak ) Eo (mak )
Pemodulatan Digit
µ-255 Compression Characteristic
Digitally, the 12-bit values are encoded into 8-bit compressed code
Companding => Compress - Expanding
=> Analog – Compression process is done on the input signal
before sampling and coding
=> Digital – compression process is done after the signal is
analog signal To digital channel
analog ADC
(input) compressor
Solution :
Given = 255 and Ei(mak)= 10 V
For Ei = 7.5 V
For Ei = 0 V Ei 7.5
x ; x 0.75
Ei 0 Ei (mak ) 10
x ; x 0
Ei (mak ) 10 Output :
Output : log( 1 x)
log( 1 x) log( 1 255(0)) log 1
y ;y
log 1 log 1 255 y
log( 1 255(0.75))
log 1 255
y 0.948
Example 4.4 :
A random signal has gone through a 256 level quantization process.
Determine the quantization signal to noise ratio for uniform quantization
Solution :
From the above statement, the number of sampling bits is not known.
But, given L=256
L = 2n
therefore, n = 8
Given SNRq
Granular Noise
To overcome , decrease the magnitude of the step size
Line Coding
Line Coding
• Binary 1 and 0 in PCM signal can be represented by several formats
known as line coding.
1. Synchronization
2. Error detection
3. Error correction
Line code format A. NRZ (Non Return to Zero)
- Popular method
- easy
- Data does not return to 0 in one
clock interval
- No synchronization. Can use ‘start
bit’ for synchronization purposes
1. NRZ-L (NRZ-Level)
1 => High level
0 => Low level
2. NRZ-M (NRZ-Mark)
1 => transition at the starting
0 => no transition
3. NRZ-S (NRZ-Space)
1 => no transition
0 => transition at the starting interval
Digital Signal Encoding Formats
B. RZ (Return to Zero)
• Return to 0 at the half bit interval
• The same
advantages/disadvantages with
• Overcome by using bipolar signal
and alternating pulse for
4. RZ (Unipolar)
1 => High level
0 => Low level
5. RZ (Bipolar)
1 => Alternately +ve
0 => Alternately –ve
6. RZ (AMI – Alternately Mark Inversion)
1 => Alternately +ve and -ve
Digital Signal Encoding Formats
0 => Low level
C. Bi phase
• Used in optical communication
system, satellite and video
• Self synchronizing
7. Bi phase M
1 => transition at the middle of the
0 => no transition at the middle of the
8. Bi phase L (Manchester Coding)
1 => transition from HI to LO at the
middle of the interval
0 => transition from LO to HI at the
middle of the interval
used in Ethernet IEEE 802.3 standard
in LAN
9. Bi phase S – inverse of Bi phase M
Digital Signal Encoding Formats
1 => no transition in the middle of the
0 => transition in the middle of the