0 No Protection No Protection
1 Protection against obj larger than 50mm dia Vertical dripping Protections
2 Protection against obj larger than 12.5mm dia Dripping water 15 deg tilted
7 - Temporary Immersion
Advantage of GEARS:-
Transmitt Exact velocity
May be used to transmit large power
Has high Efficiency
Has reliable Service
Has Compact Layout
Drive Train
Transformer is a means of transmitting electrical power by means of magnetic coupling to a desired level.
G box is a means of transmitting mechanical power by means of mechanical coupling to a desired level
Various features:-
2)Incremental Encoder
3)Forced Ventillation
4)Mechanical Protection
Why SIMOGEAR Motors?
Reduced Weight and shorter overall length as per IE2 and IE3 standard
Low noise Emission due to optimised tooth design and standard noise dampening fan inside
Environmental compatibility,mechanical strength and adapted to modern modular motor mounted
High Energy Efficiency saves operational cost
Backlash in Gears
Geared Motors Rating Range Standard Portfolio
2) VFD:-Variable frequency Drive
Braking Modules
Sinewave Filter
Output Line
Braking Resistor Reactors
Input Line Reactors
Fan/ Motor(RPM) Load at motor shaft in KW Spped vs
0 0 load
50 0.01
100 0.08
150 0.27
200 0.64
300 2.17
450 7
600 17
750 34
900 59
1050 93
1200 139
1350 198
1370 206
1470 255
Essential Conditions and criterias for VFD selection
Type of Controlling:-Air flow Control Using Dampers and Liquid flow control using valve.
The Opening closing of the damper depends on the demannd from the process
In conventional systems ,induction motor runs at rated speed regardless of percentage of opening and
closing of dampers
It results in unnessary power consumption and power wastage irrespective of demand.
Reduced wear and tear of mechanical parts results in longer life and less mechanical cost.
Features and Benefits of V20,G120 VF drives
Features Advantage V20Drive G120
Compact Design Space Saving Yes Yes
Automatic and Flying Faster and Accurate startup Yes Yes
restart of the system after supply
Kinetic Buffering High availability of Yes Yes
equipment during voltage dip
Energy Saving Less running cost,Fast ROI ECO mode present ECO mode
Sleep Mode Additional Energy Saving Yes Yes
Macro technology Faster Startup time for Yes Yes
standard applications
Integrated PID Control Fast,accurate process 1 4
Load Torque Monitoring Detection of Pump dry run Yes Yes
and Belt breakdown
Cascade Controlling Accurate Process Control Yes(2 additional Yes(4 Additional Motors)
with optimised Hardware motors)
Standard Duty Classes for drives
Duty Classes Rated Current Values for Convertors
Exchange of Information between two entities over a medium
Communication agencies:-machines,processes
Why Communication required in Industries?
Data transparency and flexibility
Automation of Process
Requirement of Intelligent switchgears and processes
Power management
Automation features
1)Degree of Automation
The sense and benefit of an automation depends on the technical process (accessible / inaccessible) and the
general conditions (economically reasonable / senseless). The degree of automation describes the extend of
the processes included in the automation.
2)Bandwidth: from zero up to fully automated operation
3)Types of operation
– Off-line operation (operation with indirect process connection) with the lowest degree of automation
– On-line / open-loop operation (open on-line operation) for a medium degree of automation
– On-line / closed-loop operation (closed on-line operation) for a high degree of automation
What is a Protocol?
Set of rules that are predefined & followed by partners to have a uninterrupted
communication between each other
Basic of a network providing an electrical,mechanical Set of Rules defining the format and meaning of
and procedural interface to the transmission medium messages to be exchanged.
Programmable: The operation of the controller is not fixed, you can change it by
programming the controller
Logic: The program written into this controller is actually a ‘logical analysis’ depending
on inputs to generate an output or take a decision
Controller: A controlling device to achieve a closed loop system which is continuously
executing the user defined program in a self dictated state to generate an output
Siemens TIA Portal and S7-200
3)Integrated system Diagnostics:- System Diagnostics ,Easy configuration and uniform architecture
4)Security Control:-Access Protections,Know how protections,Manipulation Protection,
Simatic Step 7 v13 SP1 features
1)Team Engineering:-PLC enhancements and upgradation,Enhanced Online Commissioning
3)Simulation:- Test,Online and Offline Mode is there for reducing chances mistakes and easy correction
4)STEP-7 Language :- newly Innovated language options along with FBD,STL,Ladder languages,
Graph,Histograms of scalable data representation.
7)System Functions:-Undo option,Auto Delete of Cache Memory when reached predefined limit,Increase
hardware configuration by usng Bus Extender Modules or repeater.
Building Automation
3)CCTV:-Wire less,dome type,box type,wall mounted,IR and Day-Night cameras for uninterrupted
recording and survilience.
Other Application including chiller units,AHU,fire fighting,swage and water treatment and electrical
power saving via integrating BMS system
Advantage of Integrated BMS System
Energy Saving by using chiller water valve modulation based on return air temp,VFD control and PMS.
Life safety:- Shut off AHU ,Elevators in case of Fire and explosion.
It will control various multisite individually IBMS connected together at a single location IBMS system
Circuit Breakers:-It is a mechanical switching device capable of making
,carrying and breaking current under normal,Overload and short circuit
Types of Short Circuits(4 types)
Air circuit breaker:-This type of circuit breakers, is those kind of circuit breaker which operates in air
at atmospheric pressure. After development of oil circuit breaker, the medium voltage air circuit
breaker (ACB) is replaced completely by oil circuit breaker.
MCCB:-MCCB is a Module case circuit breaker which has a rugged construction as it can break
larger currents usually from (100-1000A).
RCCB:-A Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB), also known as Residual Current Device (RCD) is
essentially a differential current sensing device used to protect a low voltage circuit in case of a
leakage fault
Its of 2 types:-a)Type A:-for detecting pulsating DC and AC sinosuidal current leakage:-microwave,LCD
TV etc
b)used to detect Pure DC,Pulsating DC and AC sinosuidal leakage current .VFD,Soft starter
1)30ma Protection against in downstream ckt for saving human in the event of direct or indirect
electrical contact to live .
2)100ma:-Protection against electrical shock in the event of indirect contact to protect entire
wiring and components
3)300 ma:-Toprotect against fire hazards
Switch disconnector:-A disconnect switch is a switch which has the capability to interrupt power to
an electrical circuit or to a group of electrical circuits.
SIMARIS Design Software tool for circuit breakers
1)It will calculate fault level values and subsequent response time based on Input
resistance,load etc
2)Fully Transparent Network design and SLD using Library,graphical represntation,symbols.
3)Rated Parameters snd equipment details
4)Actual current and voltage drop at each level calculation
5)Energy Report generation Panel Wise
6)Project Documentation including Cable schdule,BOM etc
7)Selectivity feature(CB’s) is present based on load,Time and current capability
8)Communication:- Data communication via profibus.
Why to clear short circuit quickly?
Safety Interlocks
SENTRON 3WL Error Function generators
Contactor:- A contactor is an electrically controlled switch
used for switching an electrical power circuit, similar to a
relay except with higher current is used for
making,breaking and carrying current.It is not used for short
ckt applications.
Main components of Contactor are:-Magnet system,contact system and coils
It is a Electromagnetic device used for switching ON and OFF the circuit under normal condition.
1)Pickup Power:-It is required to initiate movement of armature from initial position to final
position.Expressed in VA for AC and WATTS for DC
2)Holding Power:-I is power consumption require during closed condition of contactor to maintain
contact pressure.
Relay Trip on Overload Ckt brkr trip on overload Overload relay trip on Ckt brkr trip on SC fault
Fault overload
Fuse Take over Short Ckt Ckt brkr trip on shrt ckt Ckt brkr trip on short ckt Ckt Brkr sense overload
Fault fault and signal to contactor
Feeder life is very high Separate instrument Separate indicators forO/L Auto reset after thermal
required for different faults and S/C discrimination cooling
Life VS Space
Fuseless CB+
Fuseless CB+ Contactor+ Bimetallic
Fuseless CB+
Contactors health monitoring
1)Routine Maintenance:-Inspect terminals,arc chambers periodically after Installation and every six
month thereafter routine inspections help to monitor the state of contactors
2)Contact Arrangement:-Alteration in existing contact arrangement from NO to NC or Vice versa will
cause wrong indication and leads to serious incidents.Dont remove any unutilized contact from the
3)Terminals:-Tighten the terminals periodically.contacts have a tendency to loosen with time .majority of
the accidents occur due to loose terminals only.
4)corrosive Environment:-Corrosive atmosphere have a serious effect on the performance of leads to overheating due to the formation of foreign particles layer at the conection and on the we shoul duse Contact Cleaner sprays to minimise the effect(CRC 2-26)
5)Humming Noise:-It also happen due to the accumulation of dust on magnet faces. To overcome this
problem clean the magnet faces by chamoi leather.
6)Chattering of contactor:-It happens due to poor power supply conditions available to coil .It is
necessary to use proper capacity control transformer to over come this problem
7)Contact Contition:-Do not use abrasives,polish paper and grease on contacts otherwise chances of
flash over will be more.
8)Contact replacement:-Contacts shoul dbe replaced in case iif the tip of contacts has become less than
40% volume to its original size by visual inspection or using RLT contactor.
Disadvantage of Duplicate Contactor Coil life cycle
1)Initial Cost Saving
2)Temporary Relief-Cost of duplicate spare is low
These Contactors are very useful for cost saving by precise measurement of healthyness of
contact sets in terms of percentage.
It’s Automatic Electronic Inspection is more reliable and Authentic as compared to visual
Vaccuum Contactors:-Switching in Hermetically sealed vaccuum bottles
Compact Size
Fast Easy and Simple Commissioning Cut Down Time Consuming Processes
PC Based System
Simple Architecture and Easy to Handle
NO PLC Interfacing required
User Friendly Interface
Dedicated Functionalities for energy Monitoring
Suitable for Inductry and Infrastructure
Major Functionalities:-
1)Load Centre Based Reports
2)Comparison reports
3)Machine wise Reports
4)Daily Shift Wise Reports
SENTRON series:-Communication capable
Protection,Measuring and Monitoring devices.
5)Profibus Connector - 4
6)Profibus Cable - 0.4
7)Profibus repeater after every 25 - 2
Sum Total 93% 106.4%
SIMOCODE Pro C,Pro S and Pro V(motor control)
Control Function Pro C Pro S proV
Direct Starter Yes Yes Yes
Reverse Starter Yes Yes Yes
Star delta Starter no Yes Yes
Star delta with direction no no Yes
2 speed with direction no no Yes
Control of circuit breaker Yes Yes Yes
Control of soft starter Yes Yes Yes
Control of soft starter with Yes Yes Yes
reverse contactor
Comm Via Profibus Partial Parameter access Partial Parameter access Total Parameter access
Logic Modules Yes Yes more than PROC & Pro S
Standard function(power yes yes more than PROC & Pro S
SIMOCODE -ES is a Software for config,diagnostic and
Easy 3 step Installation of SIMOCODE
Assign Profibus
SIEPAN 8 PU Switchboards or Panels
Type tested Panels:-TTP(HT) and PTTP(Medium,LT)
1)versatility and reliability:-same size module interchangeable,no shutdown or cutting ,drilling is required for
modification,direct alignment with PMCC