Risalah RVW
Risalah RVW
Risalah RVW
* When ones dies you enter a state of waiting (barzakh) * State of eternal happiness in the
for Judgement Day – can’t go back or forward presence of God; also called paradise
* When waiting in grave 2 angels will question believers * Reward for faith and good deeds
about their faith – correct answers/faith lead to rewards,
incorrect to punishment QUOTE:
* At some point (only God knows) old world will be “On couches of well-woven cloth they will
destroyed, new world starts – trumpets will sound and sit facing each other; everlasting youths
people will resurrect from the dead will go round among them with glasses,
* People’s book of life will handed to them to be read out – flagons, and cups of a pure drink that
this decides about where they go (heaven or hell) causes no headache or intoxication; … ; a
* The day people will have to face up to their good and reward for what they used to do.” (Qur’an
bad deeds - if they are sorry for bad things God will 56)
forgive and they can enter heaven (souls cross the narrow
‘Sirat Bridge’ spanning fires of hell)
“They will dwell amid scorching wind and scalding water in
the shadow of black smoke, neither cool nor refreshing.”
(Qur’an 56)
“Garments of fire will be tailored for those who
disbelieve.” (Qur’an 22)
Prophethood (Risalah)
To understand the importance of
prophethood (risalah) in Islam
To understand key information about
three important prophets in Islam
Quote about this prophet: Quote about this prophet: Quote about this prophet: