Risalah RVW

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Starter: peer mark your 5 mark answer

from last lesson…

Explain two Muslim beliefs about life after death.
You must refer to scripture or sacred writing in
your answer. (5 marks)

Point Explain Quote

Point Explain Quote

• You have made two clear points • What else do Muslims believe about the afterlife?
• You have developed your points • Which teaching from the Qur’an could further support
• You have included some teaching from the your points?
Qur’an to support your points • What detail can you add to your points?
Life after death and The Day of Judgement Heaven (Jannah) is like …

* When ones dies you enter a state of waiting (barzakh) * State of eternal happiness in the
for Judgement Day – can’t go back or forward presence of God; also called paradise
* When waiting in grave 2 angels will question believers * Reward for faith and good deeds
about their faith – correct answers/faith lead to rewards,
incorrect to punishment QUOTE:
* At some point (only God knows) old world will be “On couches of well-woven cloth they will
destroyed, new world starts – trumpets will sound and sit facing each other; everlasting youths
people will resurrect from the dead will go round among them with glasses,
* People’s book of life will handed to them to be read out – flagons, and cups of a pure drink that
this decides about where they go (heaven or hell) causes no headache or intoxication; … ; a
* The day people will have to face up to their good and reward for what they used to do.” (Qur’an
bad deeds - if they are sorry for bad things God will 56)
forgive and they can enter heaven (souls cross the narrow
‘Sirat Bridge’ spanning fires of hell)

Hell (Jahannam) is like … Explain two Islamic beliefs

* State of total separation from God about life after death.
* Hell as a place of fire and torment; punishment for (5 Marks)
those who reject God and do evil

“They will dwell amid scorching wind and scalding water in
the shadow of black smoke, neither cool nor refreshing.”
(Qur’an 56)
“Garments of fire will be tailored for those who
disbelieve.” (Qur’an 22)
Prophethood (Risalah)
To understand the importance of
prophethood (risalah) in Islam
To understand key information about
three important prophets in Islam

Grade 5 Grade 7 Grade 9

To show To be able to To be able to apply

knowledge and explain the key words such as
understanding of importance of Prophet, Risalah,
the Islamic belief Adam being the and Prophethood
in Prophets and first Prophet and to an evaluation of
the role they play how this belief the importance of
within Islam. may impact the the Prophets for
lives of Muslims. Muslims.
The Prophet Muhammad
• Complete these
– The Prophet Muhammad is
important to Muslims
– An example of evidence that
the Prophet Muhammad is
important to Muslims is…
Prophethood (Risalah)
• Muslims believe that God has chosen many
prophets to bring the message of Islam to
people. This belief in prophets and their
importance is known as Risalah.
• Prophethood – when someone is made a
prophet – is a gift given by God to help
humankind understand his message.
• The prophets are important for Muslims
because they provided a method of
communication between Allah and human
• In order for Muslims to know how to live in the
way God desires, it was necessary for
instructions to be conveyed through the
prophets. When humans forgot,
misunderstood or changed God’s message, he
sent prophets to call people back to the right
Prophethood (Risalah)
• Many Muslims believe there have
been around 124,000 prophets, of
which 25 are named in the Qur’an.
The most important prophets are
called messengers or apostles. These
have been sent by God to every
nation on earth.
• Muslims believe that the prophets
and messengers are important role
models to follow, as they were good
people who lived according to God’s
will. Some of the most important
prophets in Islam include Adam,
Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa (Moses),
Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad.
Risalah – knowledge so far…
• Complete these
– Risalah means…
– The role of the prophets in
Islam is…
– Prophets are important in
Islam because…
Three major prophets…
Adam Ibrahim Muhammad
Small green Small green Small green
book – p20-21 book – p22-23 book – p24-25
Large green Large green Large green
book – p91 book – p92 book – p93-96

For your prophet…

• Include key information, such as stories, teaching and beliefs about them
• Include ideas about why they are important in Islam
• Key quotes from the Qur’an which refers to them – make these stand out!
• Prepare a test of 5 questions designed to make sure that your reader has
properly understood the information
Three major prophets…
• Now complete your worksheet. Start by filling
in the details about the prophet you have
• Go to one station and find the information
you need to complete the second box on your
• Now do the same for the final missing
information on your sheet.
Adam Ibrahim Muhammad
Key information: Key information: Key information:

Why he is important: Why he is important: Why he is important:

Quote about this prophet: Quote about this prophet: Quote about this prophet:

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