Stats Psyc RV 2018 Spring

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{ The meanest part of AP Psychology

 Hindsight Bias – the tendency to believe after
learning an outcome, that we could have
foreseen the it

 We have a tendency to perceive patterns in

random events

 Judgmental overconfidence – We think we’re

right so much more often than we are

What’s wrong with

common sense?
{ Qualitative { Quantitative
 People are seen as  It’s concise, accurate and
individuals and this can be strictly controlled to
method allows ensure that the results are
researchers to gather replicable and causation is
subjective experiences of
an event. demonstrated.
 Quantitative data also has
 This can provide a unique
insider view of the predictive power --
research question research can be generalised
 This approach is less  It can also be a lot faster
structured than a and easier to analyse than
quantitative approach so qualitative data.
unexpected results and
insights can occur.
 Qualitative research gathers information that
is not in numerical form
 diary entries, open-ended responses, unstructured
interviews and unstructured observations).
 Qualitative data is typically descriptive data and

is harder to analyze than quantitative data.

 Quantitative data is in numerical form which

can be put into categories, or in rank order,
or calculated in units of measurement.
 Quantitative data limits participant responses but
is easier to measure and calculate
 A demand characteristic is a subtle cue that makes
participants aware of what the experimenter
expects to find or how participants are expected to
 Demand characteristics can change the outcome of an
experiment because participants will often alter
their behavior to conform to the experimenters

Demand characteristics
 Are variables that are  Investigating the effect of
irrelevant to the cognitive behavioural
hypothesis being tested therapy?
that can alter our  Control for exercise

 Investigating the influence of

video games on aggression?
 Control the temperature

Confounding Variables
 This is a graphic
representation of the
relationship between
the two variables
 The slope indicates the
direction (+) or (-)
 The amount of scatter
shows the strength of
the correlation

Scatterplot & Correlation

 Descriptive Statistics
 Organizes data meaningfully
 Includes calculating central tendencies and measures of variation

Descriptive Statistics
Dealing with Data: Central
 Central Tendency is a way of capturing scores that are
representative of a set of scores (distribution)
 Mean
 Median
 Mode
Central Tendency: The

 What most people mean by “average”

 Sum of a set of numbers divided by the number of numbers in

the set

1 2 3 4 5  6 7 8  910 55
  5.5
10 10
 We denote the mean as

 X

Central Tendency: The

Central Tendency: The
 so if X  [1,2, 3,4, 5,6,7, 8, 9,10]

 X /n  5.5
 then

 n = the number of numbers in X (in this

case 10)
 Keep in mind that X is a set of numbers and
n is a single number
Central Tendency: The
 The median is the middle point in a distribution; it
separates the distribution into two equal halves
 if X = [1,2,4,6,9,10,12,14,17]
 then 9 is the median

 if X = [1,2,4,6,9,10,11,12,14,17]
 then 9.5 is the median; i.e., (9+10)/2

 There are ways of dealing with repeated numbers in the centre

of the distribution; e.g., if X = [1,2,4,6,9,10,10,10,10,11,12,14,17]
Central Tendency: The
 The mode is the most frequently occurring score in a
 if X = [1,2,4,6,6,6,8,10,12,14,17]
 then 6 is the mode
 This is what you use when your data is not numerical

Two bimodal distributions

 Be aware of outliers – those extreme scores
which skew (distort) the data set!
 Skewed data is asymmetrical and influences
which measure of central tendency should be

Skewed data
How do you decide what you

 If your data set is skewed you do NOT want the mean, you
want the median (could use mode but not as common)
 Riley had many projects (all out of 100) and while he
was in many ways a fine student, he was disorganized
and would lose assignments. This meant that he had
zeros when he otherwise would have a good score.

 His teacher was tasked with reporting on his grades and

was perplexed what would be the best way to describe
his progress.

Riley’s bad habits

 Riley’s scores:

 90, 95, 0, 83, 89, 0, 95, 0, 89, 95

 What should his teacher use: the mean, the mode, or the

 Mean: 63.6 Median: 89 Mode: 95

 This is essentially a measure of how much
scores vary around the mean
 The amount of variability impacts our ability

to generalize from the data

 If there is little variation in the date then the
averages are more reliable
 If the scores vary widely, then the averages are less

Standard Deviation
Standard Deviation
Normal curve
 Inferential statistics are numerical data that
allow us to generalize – we infer from
sample data the probability of something
being true for a population
 Representative samples are better than biased
 Less variable observations are more reliable than

those that are more variable

 More cases are better than fewer

Inferential Statistics
 Statistical significance
 The likelihood that a result or relationship is
caused by something other than mere random
 We accept odds of 5 out of 100 that an observed

result is due to chance as the standard

 We give the WISC to 100 randomly selected pairs of

Hypothesis: Birth order affects intelligence scores,

specifically older siblings score higher than
younger siblings
 If, in 5 or more of the 100 pairs the younger siblings score as
high or higher than the older, we reject the hypothesis as

 If, on the other hand, the older siblings scored higher than
the younger siblings 98 times out of 100, then that would be

Statistical significance is
not the same thing as
A test is more than meets
the eye
Victor Benassi gave his college  Weeks later on the final
psyc students frequent in- exam, the students did
class quizzes. much better on the
material that was self-
Some had questions and testing (75% correct)
answers (review) while others rather than mere review
required students to produce (51% correct)
the answers (self-testing)

An experiment to

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