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Ent Signs

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DR. Kamlesh Dubey

 AQUINO'S SIGN: Glomus tumors
 blanching of the tympanic mass with gentle pressure on
the carotid artery
 BATTLE SIGN: petrous temporal bone
fracture (middle fossa #)
 Bruising behind ear at mastoid region
 BEZOLD'S SIGN: mastoiditis
 Inflammatory edema at the tip of the mastoid process
 BOCCA’S SIGN : Ca Larynx
 Absence of post cricoid crackle(Muir’s crackle)
 BROWNE'S SIGN : Glomus tumor
 blanching noted when applying positive
pressure{with Siegel's speculum} to the tympanic
 BRYCE SIGN: combined laryngocele & external
 compression will cause a hissing sound as the air escapes
from it into the larynx (but don’t try!)
 DELTA SIGN: Lateral sinus thrombosis
 CT or MRI with contrast shows an empty triangle
appearance of the thrombosed sinus surrounded by
contrast enhanced dura (empty triangle sign)
 DODD’S SIGN: positive in AC ployp Negative in
 X-ray finding-Crescent of air between the mass and
posterior pharyngeal wall (CRESCENT SIGN)
 FURSTENBERG'S SIGN: Encephaloceles
 pulsation and expansion of the mass with crying, straining,
or compression of the jugular vein (Furstenberg test)
 GRIESINGER'S SIGN: lateral sinus thrombosis
 -Erythema and oedema posterior to the mastoid process
resulting from septic thrombosis of the mastoid emissary
 CSF will separate from blood when the mixture is placed on filter
paper resulting in a central area of blood with an outer ring or halo


 anterior bowing of the posterior wall of the antrum seen on lateral
skull film
 Infratemporal fossa involvement
 widening of gap between ramus of mandible and maxillary body
 HENNEBERT'S SIGN : false positive fistula test
 fistula of horizontal semicircular canal
 meniere's disease or congenital syphilis
 IRWIN MOORE’S SIGN: chronic tonsillitis
 Positive squeeze test
 LAUGIER'S SIGN: basilar skull fracture
 Blood behind the eardrum
 LEUDET'S SIGN: -Inflammation of the eustachian tube
 Caused by reflex spasm of the tensor palati muscle
 Clicking sound, tinnitus
 LIGHT HOUSE SIGN: Acute suppurative otitis media
 small pin hole perforation with a pulsatile ear discharge
 LYRE’S SIGN : carotid body tumor
 splaying of carotid vessels( at junction of External & internal
carotid artery)
 MILIAN’S EAR SIGN: Erysipelas
 can spread to pinna(cuticular affection), where as cellulitis
 erysipelas involves the upper dermis and superficial
lymphatics, whereas cellulitis involves the deeper dermis and
subcutaneous fat
 PHELP’S SIGN : glomus jugulare
 loss of crest of bone (HRCT)) between carotid canal and
jugular canal
 RISING SUN SIGN : red vascular hue seen behind the intact
tympanic membrane
 glomus tumour
 high jugular bulb
 aberant carotid artery in the floor of middle ear
 SCHWARTZ SIGN : active phase of otosclerosis(otospongiosis)
 increased vascularity in submucous layer of promontory
 flamingo flush sign
 STEEPLE SIGN: Acute laryngotracheobronchitis
 presence of edema in the trachea, which results in elevation of the
tracheal mucosa
 loss of the normal shouldering (lateral convexities) of the air column
 STANKIEWICK’S SIGN: orbital injury during FESS
 fat protrude in to nasal cavity on compression of eye ball from
 TEAR DROP SIGN : Orbital floor fracture
 tear drop shaped opacification seen hanging from the roof of the
maxillary sinus on water's view
 tear-drop represents the herniated orbital contents, periorbital fat
and inferior rectus muscle
 THUMB SIGN : Epiglottitis
 thumb like impression (due to enlarged epiglottis) on X-STN lateral
 TEA POT SIGN: CSF rhinorrhoea
 Related to the relationship of the sphenoid ostium to the
sinus floor
 Sphenoid ostium lies at an appreciable distance
anterosuperior from the sinus floor
 Patient bends forward as an increasing amount of CSF
gains access to the ostium "teapot" sign
 Uvula pointing sign: Rhinoscleroma
 Rhinoscleroma involve nasopharynx ,uvula point towards
roof of nasopharynx

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