Parkin12e Economics Ch01
Parkin12e Economics Ch01
Parkin12e Economics Ch01
Chapter 1
What is
• What?
– Agriculture accounts for less than 1 percent of total U.S.
production, manufactured goods for 22 percent, and services for
77 percent.
– In China, agriculture accounts for 11 percent of total production,
manufactured goods for 47 percent, and services for 43 percent.
• How?
– Goods and services are produced by using productive resources
that economists call factors of production.
– Factors of production are grouped into four categories:
• For Whom?
– Who gets the goods and services depends on the incomes that
people earn.
Land earns rent.
Labor earns wages.
Capital earns interest.
Entrepreneurship earns profit.
• Self-Interest
‒ You make choices that are in your self-interest—choices that you
think are best for you.
• Social Interest
‒ Choices that are best for society as a whole are said to be in the
social interest.
‒ Social interest has two dimensions:
• A Choice Is a Tradeoff
– The economic way of thinking places scarcity and its implication,
choice, at center stage.
– You can think about every choice as a tradeoff—an exchange—
giving up one thing to get something else.
– On Saturday night, will you study or have fun?
– You can’t study and have fun at the same time, so you must make
a choice.
– Whatever you choose, you could have chosen something else.
Your choice is a tradeoff.
– The choice is not all or nothing, but you must decide how many
minutes to allocate to each activity.
– To make this decision, you compare the benefit of a little bit more
study time with its cost—you make your choice at the margin.