(Mikrobiologi) It 20 - Hepatitis Virus - Khs

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Hepatitis A-E Viruses

Learning Objectives

After completing this section, you should be able to:

1. Name the viruses that cause viral hepatitis
2. Describe the symptoms of viral hepatitis
3. Indicate the use of liver function tests in the diagnosis of viral
4. Identify the viral hepatitis panels
Learning Guide

This Learning Guide presents a discussion of each type of viral

and an explanation of how serological assessments of the patient can
aid in differential diagnosis.
The overview of each type of viral hepatitis has been developed in a case
study format to better demonstrate the practicality of the materials. As you
progress through the sections, review the learning objectives and complete
the quizzes on major points covered in the text.

• Known and potential risks for acquiring the different types

• Risk behavior histories of their patients
• Appropriate diagnostic tests for each type of hepatitis
• Appropriate preventive and therapeutic measures
Tests of Liver Functions
The numerous biochemical tests that detect abnormal liver function can help to
confirm the presence
of liver disease, but do not define the cause. Three commonly used blood tests
that assess liver
function include bilirubin, and specific enzymes: alanine aminotransferase
(ALT) and aspartate
aminotransferase (AST).
Blood levels of all three substances are roughly elevated in proportion
to the degree of liver damage. ALT and AST are contained within the liver
cells. Inflammation of the liver causes these enzymes to be released in
abnormally high amounts into the blood. An elevated test result for one
or all of these substances is often the first indication that the patient has
an inflamed liver, and is usually the first step in diagnosing hepatitis
The Acute Viral Hepatitis Panel

The first laboratory tool for identifying the specific virus responsible
for a patient’s hepatitis.
The Acute Viral Hepatitis Panel tests for four serological markers: anti-
IgM (IgM antibody directed against HAV), HBsAg (hepatitis B surface
antigen), anti-HBc IgM (IgM antibody directed against the hepatitis B
core antigen), and anti-HCV (antibody to HCV).
Additional panels will be discussed in the upcoming sections
Viral Hepatitis - Historical Perspectives

“Infectious” A E

Viral hepatitis NANB

“Serum” B D C y
? other
Type of Hepatitis

Source of feces blood/ blood/ blood/ feces

virus blood-derived blood-derived blood-derived
body fluids body fluids body fluids

Route of fecal-oral percutaneous percutaneous percutaneous fecal-oral

transmission permucosal permucosal permucosal

Chronic no yes yes yes no


Prevention pre/post- pre/post- blood donor pre/post- ensure safe

exposure exposure screening; exposure drinking
immunization immunization risk behavior immunization; water
modification risk behavior
Hepatitis A Virus
Hepatitis A - Clinical
 Incubation period: Average 30 days
Range 15-50 days
 Jaundice by <6 yrs, <10%
age group: 6-14 yrs, 40%-50%
>14 yrs, 70%-80%
 Complications: Fulminant hepatitis
Cholestatic hepatitis
Relapsing hepatitis
 Chronic sequelae: None
Hepatitis A Infection
Typical Serological Course
Symptoms Total anti-

Titre ALT

IgM anti-HAV

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2
2 4
Months after exposure
Hepatitis A Virus Transmission

 Close personal contact

(e.g., household contact, sex contact,
child day care centers)
 Contaminated food, water
(e.g., infected food handlers, raw shellfish)
 Blood exposure (rare)
(e.g., injecting drug use, transfusion)
Global Patterns of
Hepatitis A Virus Transmission

Disease Peak Age

Endemicity Rate of Infection Transmission Patterns

High Low to Early Person to person;

High childhood outbreaks uncommon
Moderate High Late Person to person;
childhood/ food and waterborne
young adults outbreaks
Low Low Young adults Person to person;
food and waterborne
Very low Very low Adults Travelers; outbreaks
Laboratory Diagnosis
 Acute infection is diagnosed by the
detection of HAV-IgM in serum by EIA.
 Past Infection i.e. immunity is determined
by the detection of HAV-IgG by EIA.
Hepatitis A Vaccination
Epidemiologic Considerations
 Many cases occur in community-wide outbreaks
 no risk factor identified for most cases

 highest attack rates in 5-14 year olds

 children serve as reservoir of infection

 Persons at increased risk of infection

 travelers

 homosexual men

 injecting drug users

Hepatitis A Prevention - Immune

 Pre-exposure
 travelers to intermediate and high
HAV-endemic regions
 Post-exposure (within 14 days)
 household and other intimate contacts

Selected situations
 institutions (e.g., day care centers)

 common source exposure (e.g., food prepared by

infected food handler)
Hepatitis B Virus
Hepatitis B surface
antigen (HBsAg) DNA

Hepatitis B core

Partially double-stranded DNA

Hepatitis B - Clinical
 Incubation period: Average 60-90 days
Range 45-180 days
 Clinical illness (jaundice): <5 yrs, <10%
5 yrs, 30%-50%
 Acute case-fatality rate: 0.5%-1%
 Chronic infection: <5 yrs, 30%-90%
5 yrs, 2%-10%
 Premature mortality from
chronic liver disease: 15%-25%
Spectrum of Chronic Hepatitis B Diseases

1 Chronic Persistent Hepatitis -

2. Chronic Active Hepatitis -
symptomatic exacerbations of hepatitis
3. Cirrhosis of Liver
4. Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Acute Hepatitis B Virus Infection with
Recovery Typical Serologic Course
HBeAg anti-HBe

Total anti-HBc

HBsAg IgM anti-HBc anti-HBs

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 52 100

Weeks after Exposure

Progression to Chronic Hepatitis B Virus
Infection Typical Serologic
Acute Chronic
(6 months) (Years)
HBeAg anti-HBe
Total anti-HBc

IgM anti-HBc

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 52 Years
Weeks after
Outcome of Hepatitis B Virus Infection
100 by Age at Infection 100

Chronic Infection (%)


Symptomatic Infection (%)

60 60
Chronic Infection

40 Chronic Infection (%) 40

20 20

Symptomatic Infection
0 0
Birth 1-6 months 7-12 months 1-4 years Older Children
and Adults
Age at Infection
Global Patterns of Chronic HBV
 High (>8%): 45% of global population
 lifetime risk of infection >60%
 early childhood infections common
 Intermediate (2%-7%): 43% of global population
 lifetime risk of infection 20%-60%
 infections occur in all age groups
 Low (<2%): 12% of global population
 lifetime risk of infection <20%
 most infections occur in adult risk groups
Concentration of Hepatitis B
Virus in Various Body Fluids

High Moderate Detectable

blood semen urine

serum vaginal fluid feces
wound exudates saliva sweat
Hepatitis B Virus
Modes of Transmission
 Sexual - sex workers and homosexuals are
particular at risk.
 Parenteral - IVDA, Health Workers are at
increased risk.
 Perinatal - Mothers who are HBeAg positive are
much more likely to transmit to their offspring
than those who are not. Perinatal transmission is
the main means of transmission in high
prevalence populations.
 Serological tests are used for the diagnosis of acute and chronic
hepatitis B infection.
 HBsAg - used as a general marker of infection.
 HBsAb - used to document recovery and/or immunity to HBV
 anti-HBc IgM - marker of acute infection.
 anti-HBcIgG - past or chronic infection.
 HBeAg - indicates active replication of virus and therefore
 Anti-Hbe - virus no longer replicating. However, the patient can still
be positive for HBsAg which is made by integrated HBV.
 HBV-DNA - indicates active replication of virus, more accurate than
HBeAg especially in cases of escape mutants. Used mainly for
monitoring response to therapy.
 Interferon - for HBeAg +ve carriers with chronic active
hepatitis. Response rate is 30 to 40%.
 Lamivudine - a nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase
inhibitor. Well tolerated, most patients will respond
favorably. However, tendency to relapse on cessation of
treatment. Another problem is the rapid emergence of drug
 Successful response to treatment will result in the
disappearance of HBsAg, HBV-DNA, and seroconversion
to HBeAg.
 Vaccination - highly effective recombinant vaccines are now
available. Vaccine can be given to those who are at increased
risk of HBV infection such as health care workers. It is also
given routinely to neonates as universal vaccination in many
 Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin - HBIG may be used to protect
persons who are exposed to hepatitis B. It is particular
efficacious within 48 hours of the incident. It may also be given
to neonates who are at increased risk of contracting hepatitis B
i.e. whose mothers are HBsAg and HBeAg positive.
 Other measures - screening of blood donors, blood and body
fluid precautions.
Hepatitis C Virus

capsid envelop protease/helica RNA- RNA polymerase

e se dependent
c22 33c c-100

5’ 3’

cor E1 E2 NS NS NS NS
e 2 3 4 5

Hepatitis C - Clinical
Incubation period: Average 6-7 wks
Range 2-26 wks
Clinical illness (jaundice): 30-40% (20-30%)
Chronic hepatitis: 70%
Persistent infection: 85-100%
Immunity: No protective
response identified
Chronic Hepatitis C Infection
 The spectrum of chronic hepatitis C infection is
essentially the same as chronic hepatitis B
 All the manifestations of chronic hepatitis B
infection may be seen, albeit with a lower
frequency i.e. chronic persistent hepatitis, chronic
active hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular
Hepatitis C Virus Infection
Typical Serologic Course



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4
Month Years
s Time after
Risk Factors Associated
with Transmission of HCV

 Transfusion or transplant from infected donor

 Injecting drug use
 Hemodialysis (yrs on treatment)
 Accidental injuries with needles/sharps
 Sexual/household exposure to anti-HCV-positive
 Multiple sex partners
 Birth to HCV-infected mother
Laboratory Diagnosis
 HCV antibody - generally used to diagnose hepatitis C
infection. Not useful in the acute phase as it takes at least 4
weeks after infection before antibody appears.
 HCV-RNA - various techniques are available e.g. PCR and
branched DNA. May be used to diagnose HCV infection in
the acute phase. However, its main use is in monitoring the
response to antiviral therapy.
 HCV-antigen - an EIA for HCV antigen is available. It is
used in the same capacity as HCV-RNA tests but is much
easier to carry out.
 Interferon - may be considered for patients with
chronic active hepatitis. The response rate is
around 50% but 50% of responders will relapse
upon withdrawal of treatment.
 Ribavirin - there is less experience with ribavirin
than interferon. However, recent studies suggest
that a combination of interferon and ribavirin is
more effective than interferon alone.
Prevention of Hepatitis C

 Screening of blood, organ, tissue donors

 High-risk behavior modification

 Blood and body fluid precautions

Hepatitis D (Delta) Virus
 antigen HBsAg

Hepatitis D - Clinical Features

 Coinfection
– severe acute disease.
– low risk of chronic infection.
 Superinfection
– usually develop chronic HDV infection.
– high risk of severe chronic liver disease.
– may present as an acute hepatitis.
Hepatitis D Virus Modes
of Transmission

 Percutanous exposures
 injecting drug use
 Permucosal exposures
 sex contact
Typical Serologic Course

ALT Elevated

IgM anti-HDV


Total anti-HDV

Time after Exposure

Typical Serologic Course

ALT Elevated

IgM anti-HDV


Total anti-HDV

Time after Exposure

HBV - HDV Superinfection
Typical Serologic Course


Total anti-HDV


IgM anti-HDV

Time after
Hepatitis D -
 HBV-HDV Coinfection
Pre or postexposure prophylaxis to prevent
HBV infection.
 HBV-HDV Superinfection
Education to reduce risk behaviors among
persons with chronic HBV infection.
Hepatitis E Virus
Hepatitis E - Clinical Features

 Incubation period: Average 40 days

Range 15-60 days
 Case-fatality rate: Overall, 1%-3%
Pregnant women,
 Illness severity: Increased with age
 Chronic sequelae: None identified
Hepatitis E Virus
Typical Serologic
Course Symptoms

ALT IgG anti-HEV

Titer IgM anti-HEV

Virus in stool

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1
0 1 2 3
Weeks after Exposure
Hepatitis E -
Epidemiologic Features

 Most outbreaks associated with faecally contaminated drinking

 Several other large epidemics have occurred since in the Indian
subcontinent and the USSR, China, Africa and Mexico.
 In the United States and other nonendemic areas, where
outbreaks of hepatitis E have not been documented to occur, a
low prevalence of anti-HEV (<2%) has been found in healthy
populations. The source of infection for these persons is
 Minimal person-to-person transmission.
Prevention and Control Measures
for Travelers to HEV-Endemic
 Avoid drinking water (and beverages with ice) of
unknown purity, uncooked shellfish, and uncooked
fruit/vegetables not peeled or prepared by traveler.
 IG prepared from donors in Western countries
does not prevent infection.
 Unknown efficacy of IG prepared from donors in
endemic areas.
 Vaccine?

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