Enabling Others Presentation Final2

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Strangthen Others

Manzar Raza
Ahsun Sattar
Teachers Doing Their Best Work

“The essential task of a school leader

comes down to helping people get into
and stay in an optimal state in which they
can work to their best ability. This
typically means creating an atmosphere
of warmth and trust – of global
How Do School Leaders Foster Global Rapport
and Enable Others?
• Develop a cohesive and collaborative team,
beginning with trust as a framework.
• Ensure that people are given ownership of their
• Acknowledge people’s areas of expertise because
“people feel empowered when they feel
• Accept that “leadership is not a solo act, it’s a
team effort.”
What Leadership Abilities Are Necessary
for Enabling Others

• Leaders must have the ability to foster

collaboration within their organization.

• Leaders must have the ability to

strengthen others.
How Do Leaders Foster Collaboration
Within Their Organization?

• Creating a climate of trust

• Facilitating relationships
How Do Leaders Strengthen Others?

• Enhancing self-determination

• Developing competence and confidence

Four Leadership Abilities
that Enable Others

Creating a Climate of Trust

Facilitating Relationships

Fostering Collaboration

Strengthening Others
Creating a Climate of Trust

• “Trust is not just what’s in your mind; it’s also what’s in

your heart.”

• “The glue that holds all relationships together —

including the relationship between the leader and the
led — is trust, and trust is based on integrity.”
Why Foster TRUST ?
Without trust you cannot effectively lead.
Psychologist have found people who are
trusting are more likely to be happy and
psychologically adjusted.
People gravitate towards those who are
trusting and desire them as friends.
“Trusting is the most fundamental element of
a winning team.”
Qualities a Trustful Leader Possesses
One who listens and learns
Does not force trust
Open with others
Involved in the action
Sensitive to people’s needs and interests
Consults with others and allows them to share
Shares information and resources
Why have Trust in the Workplace?
Increases communication of ideas
Clarifies basic problems and goals
Creates/Searches for more alternative courses of
Mutual influence on decisions
Motivation to implement
Creates team/teamwork
Commitment to excellence
How to Create a Climate of TRUST?
Leaders must be:
• First to trust – Self-disclosure – letting others
know what you stand for, what you value,
what you want, what you hope for, and what
you are willing (or not willing) to do.
• First to show vulnerability
• First to let go of control
“Leaders go first, as the word leader implies.”
Facilitate Relationships

• Major ingredient
• Sense of interdependence
• Everyone knows they can not succeed unless everyone
else succeeds
• Attitude of “we are all in this together”

• People must rely on each other

• A community of people that can count on each other
Leader’s Responsibility

• Develop cooperative goals

• Support norms of reciprocity

• Structure projects to promote joint efforts

• Support face-to-face interactions

Structure Projects to Promote
Joint Effort
• The leader’s responsibility is to make certain
all parties understand each other’s interests
and how they gain more from working
together than from working alone

• People are more likely to work

interdependently once they realize the
payoff in increased benefits
• Structured projects make each person’s
contribution visible to the end result.

• Workers understand that, by working

cooperatively, they can accomplish more
than one person could do alone.
Support Face-to-Face Interaction
• The need for face-to-face interaction
increases with the complexity of the issues
• Until you see someone’s face, he/she is not
a real person
• Important for the leader to provide frequent
and lasting opportunities for team members
to associate and intermingle across
disciplines and between departments
 Virtual trust is like virtual reality – it is
one step from the real deal

 We are social creatures, so it is our

nature to want to socialize.

 People expect durable relationships,

and having frequent face-to-face
encounters means you will remember
how you treated them and how they
treated you.
Woodrow Wilson stated,

“The ear of the leader must ring with the voice

of the people.”

What’s more, a good leader encourages

followers to tell him what he needs to know,
not what he wants to hear.
Get People to Interact
• Hold ten minute stand-up meetings every
• Move around the workplace so everyone becomes
familiar with all areas of the workplace

• Hold small celebrations in public places

• Make sure there is food in the middle of the

table during meetings
What Is Self-Determination?

The “ability to identify and achieve goals

based on a foundation of
knowing and valuing oneself.”
The Self-Determination Continuum Showing Types of Motivation with Their
Regulatory Styles, Loci of Causality, and Corresponding Processes

Behavior Nonself-Determined Self-Determined

Motivation Amotivation Extrinsic Motivation Intrinsic Motivation

Regulatory Non-Regulation External Introjected Identified Integrated Intrinsic Regulation

Styles Regulation Regulation Regulation Regulation

Perceived Impersonal External Somewhat Somewhat Internal Internal

Locus of External Internal

Relevant Nonintentional, Compliance, Self-control, Personal Congruence, Interest,

Regulatory Nonvaluing, External Ego-Involvement, Importance, Awareness, Enjoyment,
Processes Incompetence, Rewards and Internal Rewards Conscious Synthesis Inherent
Lack of Control Punishments and Punishments Valuing With Self Satisfaction

Ryan & Deci, 2000, p. 72

What Skills Are Involved in
• Identification of strengths & weaknesses
• Recognition of needs & preferences
• Decision-making skills
• Understanding of rights & responsibilities
• Setting goals & anticipating consequences
• Creativity & flexibility
• Communication skills
• Responsiveness

Know Yourself Value Yourself

*Dream *Know the options *Accept and value *Recognize & respect
*Know your strengths, *Decide what is yourself rights & responsibilities
weaknesses, needs, important to you *Admire strengths that *Take care of yourself
and preferences come from uniqueness

*Set goals *Anticipate results
*Plan actions to *Be creative
meet goals *Visually rehearse

*Take risks *Negotiate
*Communicate *Deal with conflict
*Access resources and criticism
and support *Be persistent

Experience Outcomes & Learn

*Compare outcome to expected outcome
*Compare performance to expected performance
*Realize success
(Field & Hoffman, 1994) *Make adjustments
How Do I Enhance Self-Determination in My

1) Provide more choices.

2) Design jobs that offer latitude.

3) Foster personal accountability.

Why Provide Choices?
• Builds commitment

• Encourages self-esteem & self-confidence

• Promotes ownership of responsibilities &


• Enables constituents to respond to the needs of

those they serve
Why Foster Accountability?
• Responsibility must accompany freedom.
• Promotes a sense of ownership & motivation
• Fosters feelings of empowerment &
• Encourages reflection & focus
• Enables recognition of success
Developing Competence and
“Developing competence and building
confidence are essential to delivering
on the organization’s promises and
maintaining the credibility of leaders
and team members alike.”
How Do Leaders Develop Competence
In Others?
Education-training and development (teacher in
services, release time, conferences, peer
training, mentoring)
“In today’s world, if you’re not growing and
learning in a job, you’d better find a new one.”
 Time investment
 Personal and hands -on
“Character and competency are developed over
time. There is no way to microwave it.”

Fan people’s gifts into flames!!!

• Watch them.
• Call character and competency issues into
• Encourage and promise to develop them.
• If you can’t develop them, find someone who
• If their gift is fanned, it becomes strong and
vibrant to serve others.
 Have clear expectations.
 Provide sufficient training and tech
 Enrich responsibility for variety in tasks.
 Create networking opportunities.
 Make them active participants.
 Pay close attention to areas of need.
How Do Leaders Develop Confidence In Others?

 Communicate the message that others

are successful.
“ ‘I am committed to your
success.’ Those are some of the most
powerful words a leader can say.”
Recognize achievements.

“Make heroes of your people

who do things well. Put
them up in front of people
and tell their stories.”
Stay humble.
“The smallest leaders I know
need the attention for
“Let nothing be done through
selfish ambition or conceit, but in
lowliness of mind let each esteem
others better than himself.”

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