Culture Shock and Reverse Culture Shock: Dedy Sushandoyo, PH.D

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Culture Shock and Reverse

Culture Shock

Dedy Sushandoyo, Ph.D.

Contents of the Today Class
• The lecturer’s profile
• Lecture
• What is Culture Shock
• What is Reverse Culture Shock
• Videos on Culture Shock and Reverse Culture Shock

• Discussions
The Benefits of traveling?
(1) broaden their perspective
(2) promote personality growth
(3) provide insights into their own culture through contrast with the
other culture’s value systems and world view
(4) provide an escape from the tedium of everyday life
(5) provide experience of a second culture which is both educational
and entertaining
(6) promote culture contact leading to greater mutual understanding
between peoples of the world therefore promoting world peace.
Contact with an unfamiliar culture may, however,
1. be stressful and hence potentially harmful
2. instead of creating mutual understanding, may lead to culture
shock, hostility and poor interpersonal relations between people of
different nationalities
Videos on Culture Shock?
• https://www.youtub
83dDqoGU : British
living in Japan
• https://www.youtub
Sudanese living in
the US
• https://www.youtub
UBVH7YE: American
in Indonesia
Aussie in Indonesia
Culture Shock
What is Culture?
“the customary beliefs,
social forms, and
material traits of a racial,
religious, or social group;
also : the characteristic
features of everyday
existence (such as
diversions or a way of
life) shared by people in
a place or time”
What is Culture Shock and Why does it happen?
• "Culture shock is precipitated by the anxiety that results from losing
all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse“ (Oberg, 1960)

• “Culture shock is primarily a set of emotional reactions to the loss of

perceptual reinforcements from one's own culture, to new cultural
stimuli which have little or no meaning, and to the misunderstanding
of new and diverse experiences. It may encompass feelings of
helplessness; irritability; and fears of being cheated, contaminated,
injured or disregarded. (p. 13) N. Adler's (1981)”
Stages of Cultural Shock
• Incubation
• Crisis
• Recovery
• Full recovery
Six Key Aspects of Culture Shock
(1) strain due to the effort required to make the necessary adaptions to the
unfamiliar situation;
(2) a sense of loss and feelings of deprivation about friends, status,
profession and possessions;
(3) rejection by and/or rejecting members of the new culture;
(4) confusion in role, role expectations, values, feelings and self-identity;
(5) surprise, anxiety, and even disgust and indignation after becoming aware
of cultural differences; and
(6) feelings of impotence due to not being able to cope in the alien situation
(Oberg, 1960)
Some Possible Symptoms of Culture Shock
• Excessive washing of the hands
• Excessive concern over drinking water and/or food
• Excessive concern over the cleariliness of cooking and eating utensils
• Anxiety about beds and bedding
• Fear of physical contact with attendants or servants
• An absent-minded, faraway stare (tropical stare)
• Feelings of helplessness
• Desire for dependence on long-term residents of one's own nationality
• Fits of anger over delays and other minor frustrations
• Delay and outright refusal to learn the language of the host country
• Excessive fear of being cheated, robbed or injured
• Great concern over minor pains and skin eruptions
• Homesickness for familiar people and places
Source: Furnham and Bochner
Factors that Influence the Severity of Culture Shock
• Degree of
Factors that Influence the Severity of Culture Shock
• lntrapersonal
• age, previous
• experience,
language skills,
• tolerance and
Factors that Influence the Severity of Culture Shock
• Organismic-
Biological Factors
Factors that Influence the Severity of Culture Shock
• Spatial-
Factors that Influence the Severity of Culture Shock
• What Else?
What are the best strategies/ programmes to cope with
Culture Shock?
• Find literature
• Share your experience and thought
• Present and discuss your findings

• Send to:

Find a new home?
Reverse Culture Shock
• “In travelers or workers who have
prolonged sojourns in foreign
countries, culture shock may occur
not only as they enter the new
culture, but also may occur on
their return to their original
culture” (Louise Stewavt and
PetevA. Leggat, 2006)
Ibn Battuta
What is Reverse Culture Shock?
• “Reverse culture shock is the process of readjusting, reacculturating,
and reassimilating into one's own home culture after living in a
different culture for a significant period of time” (Kevin F. Gaw, 1995)

• “This readjustment back to their own culture after a period of time

abroad has been termed “reverse culture shock,”
Videos on Reverse Culture Shock
• https://www.youtub
Examples of Reverse Shock Culture Experience
What Factors Modulates/Moderates of Reverse Shock
• The period of the time?
• Types of involvement/ activities during the stay?
• Personal traits?
• Psychological assistants from the expert?
• Family background?
• Gender?
• Age?
• Religion?
Which one gets worse impact?
“Although the children who had
lived abroad had a better
academic score than their peers,
they were more likely to be
lonely, unhappy and even

“The adolescents in particular

presented more behavioral problems
on returning “home,” where people
were not interested in their overseas
experiences and they were not
accepted by existing peer groups at
What are the best strategies/ programme to cope with
Reverse Culture Shock?
• Find literature
• Share your experience and thought
• Present and discuss your findings
• Does culture shock/ reverse culture shock only happen when people
experiencing cultures of different countries?
• How about experiencing cultures of different families, ethnics, etc.?
Thank You

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