ISO 29993 - Briefing Note PDF

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ISO 29993 Briefing notes

Learning services outside formal

education – Service requirements

What is ISO 29993 ?

ISO 29993 is a service standard that specifies a set of minimum requirements for learning
services outside formal education. It has been developed to promote the understanding and
awareness of learners and/or sponsors as to the quality, sequence and outputs of learning
services outside formal education, and their informed decision on the purchase of such
services. ISO 29993 is also aimed at helping learning service providers deliver the services
that fulfil the needs of learners and/or sponsors.

Learning services outside formal education means learning services provided by private
organizations or individuals other than established recognized formal systems of education
such as elementary, secondary or higher education. They include all types of lifelong learning
such as vocational training, in-company training (either outsourced or in-house). They also
include learning services addressed to learners themselves, as well as their sponsors who
purchase the services on behalf of the learners. The learning can be face-to-face, mediated
by technology, or a blend of both.

In cases where the learning service provider is part of an organization that delivers prod-
ucts (i.e. goods and services) in addition to learning services, ISO 29993 applies only to the
learning services.
Why is ISO 29993 important ?

A globalized and fast-changing knowledge-based economy requires people to continue

acquiring new skills and knowledge for their entire professional and private lives. The formal
education system plays an important role in a country’s human resources development.
However, it is not always effective and sufficient in terms of meeting the rapidly evolving
needs of individuals and societies. Private providers of learning services have more flexibility
to respond quickly to such needs. In addition, as the cross-border mobility of employment
increases in the global economy, more and more private providers are expanding their inter-
national presence and providing learning services to learners beyond their national borders.
ISO 29993 is intended to provide such private providers with a generic frame of reference for
quality learning services.

What are the key benefits of adopting ISO 29993 ?

The primary beneficiaries of ISO 29993 are learning service providers. The International
Standard is intended to :
• Align various elements of learning services, including advertising, information
provided to learners, needs analysis, design, assessment and evaluation, for the
purpose of improving the effectiveness, efficiency and transparency of learning services
• Enhance the credibility of learning services
• Provide a model for improving learning services that can be shared within an organization
• Provide an internationally recognized instrument that demonstrates the reliability
and quality of learning services

ISO 29993 is also beneficial to learners (and/or their sponsors). It is particularly worth noting
that the standard acknowledges the importance of the learner’s informed decision on the
acquisition of learning services by specifying requirements on the information to be provided
to learners (and/or their sponsors). Compliance with ISO 29993 can help learners select
learning services that are appropriate to their goals and purposes.

Who developed ISO 29993 ?

ISO 29993 was developed by the ISO technical committee for learning services outside formal
education (ISO/TC 232). The committee consists of cross-sectoral experts and delegations
from 16 national standardization bodies, who bring a wealth of international experience
and expertise to the standards being developed.

More information at : International Organization for Standardization

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